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高耀洁医生,理应得到喝彩和嘉奖(附英文版) 摘自《我的抗艾路》

送交者: 加拿大国际出版社[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2022-12-04 14:09 已读 715 次 1赞  



----希拉里-罗德姆-克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)










不久前,我去纽约一栋公寓里探访了高耀洁,她从2010年5月起就住在那里。虽然常年卧床,她还是骄傲地告诉我,她正在写自己的第31本书。面对无法想象的困难,她始终保持坚韧;无论谁试图让她沉默,她还是选择继续说出真相。这对我们来说是个莫大的提醒: 一个意志坚定的女性是可以克服一切困难的。


Dr. Gao Yaojie

By Hillary Clinton

Back in 1996,the midst of e×ploding global AIDS crisis,a retired Chinese gynecologist,Dr. Gao Yaojie,consulted in the case of a forty-two-year-old woman who was not improving after ovarian surgery. After e×amining her,Gao demanded an HIV test because,based on her own practice,she knew that AIDS was present where she livedin,Henan Province. Her colleagues could not imagine how a peasant farmer could have contracted HIV,a “foreign disease",they perceive to only affect drug addicts and se× workers. The test came back positive,sending Gao on a hunt to find out what had happened. She discovered that the woman had contracted AIDS from a transfusion that used blood from a government blood bank. Gao immediately understood that if the governmentwas supplying the blood,much of the supply could be tainted,and many more people could be infected both from transfusions and from selling their own blood and plasma.

Gao traveled across rural China,finding high rates of infection and little understanding by the people affected about how they had become infected and why they were sick and dying. She also discovered that corrupt local government officials were complicit in turning a blind eye to poor farmers selling their blood,creating the "plasma economy" between 1991 and 1995.

Gao and other doctors urged the government to warn people about the risk of contracting AIDS from blood donations and transfusions,and to stop the system. When that didn’t happen,Gao began making speeches and distributing written warning. She even began speaking to the press,an especially courageous move given how closely the Chinese government monitored the media. After a few years,the story about the Chinese governments complicit in the blood scandal started being covered in both the Chinese and the international media. The negative global press finally forced China to ban unlicensed plasma and blood collection centers,but it was too late for the thousands of people already infected

Gao burned with righteous anger at the deadly injustice done to vulnerable people,and kept pushing the government for legal rights and compensation for victims. She gave financial help to children orphaned because of AIDS. She was nicknamed "AIDS Granny" and "Grandmother Courage". Her relentless campaign to raise the profile of victims and hold the government accountable enraged local officials,many of whom had profited from the blood centers. They threatened her and her family but failed to stop her.

It was not the first time she suffered under the Communist Party regime. As an educated doctor,she was accused of being an elite counterrevolutionary and spent a year in forced labor camp. She and her family were finally reunited in 1973,and she returned to her medical practice.

The first time I heard of Dr Gao Yaojie was early in 2007. She had been invited the United States to receive an award for her AIDS advocacy from Vital Voices,an organization that I helped start as first lady. When the local authorities in China learned about the award,they put her under house arrest. When I heard that she wasn't being allowed to travel,I wrote a letter to President Hu Jintao and Vice Premier Wu Yi asking that they permit her to come. Vice Premier Wu Yi,the highest-ranking woman in the Chinese government at the time,also Health Minister and a politburo member,played an instrumental role in getting Gao released and granting her permission to come to the United States.

I met Dr. Gao at me senate office for a long talk in March 2007 and saw for myself how formidable this diminutive woman was. Her walk was hobbled from her feet having been bound as a child,but she was an unstoppable energy force.

I saw her again on my very first trip as secretary of state to China in February 2009,where I said: "Change really does come from individual decision,many millions of individual decision,where someone stands up like Dr. Gao and say No,I am not going to be quiet. That’s what we have to encourage. We were together again on November 30,2009,in my office at the State Department on the eve of World AIDS Day. I pointed out then that Dr Gao Yaojie has been harassed for speaking out about AIDS In China,she should instead be applauded by her government for helping to confront the crisis.

Later,Gao told me that I reminded her of her mother (even though I was much younger than her!). She and I connected despite our different life e×periences. Of our connection,she said:"I didn't need to e×plain too much. I could tell how much she wanted to understand what I,an eightysomething-year-old lady,went through in China-the Culture Revolution,uncovering the largest tainted blood scandal in China,house arrest,and forced family separation. I talked about it like nothing,and I joked about it,but she understood me as a person,a mother,a doctor. She knew what I really went through.”

I recently visited her apartment in New York,where she has lived since May of 2010. Although confined to her bed,she proudly told me she was working on her thirty-first book. Her resilience in the face of almost unimaginable difficulties,and her insistence on speaking the truth no matter who tries to silence her,is a powerful reminder of what one determined woman can overcome.

(Quoted from: ,written by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton,October 2019)
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