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《中共的土改》 内容提要 作者 蔡行来

送交者: 加拿大国际出版社[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2023-06-05 13:41 已读 1366 次 1赞  




This bookdescribes fates of land owners during the Land Reform during 1947-1952 in China under the ruling of the Chinese Communist Party. The author wrote fates of his mom, himself, his classmates families who also a land owner, other  land owners in his village, in his county and famous big land owners in China nationwide at that time. It describes the hard works of land owners to get their property accumulated, the cruelty and absurdity of violence during the land reform conducted by Chinese Communist Party, dozens of years innocence under dictatorship, and the serious social consequences caused by the Land Reform. Also this book tries to discuss the original reasons of violent land reform and its pros and cons. This book has rich content, informative and complete. It comprehensively and deeply reveals the terrible land reform movement that occurred in China of 20th century is a violent political movement that the Chinese Communist Party used to acquire properties by violence and consolidate its regime, tells the reader true history the subsequent results: series of continuous political movements, resulting tens of millions of abnormal deaths of people.

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