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AI 翻译一部红楼梦要多少钱

送交者: steambasss[品衔R2☆] 于 2023-03-16 21:11 已读 1340 次  


翻译一部圣经只要不到100刀,这首临江仙,刚刚用GPT4 翻译的,我看还可以。不行就多翻译几次,挑好的。

On mighty Yangtze's waves, eastward they roll,
Effacing heroes in their frothy crest.
In shifting tides, both triumphs, losses stole,
Yet verdant hills endure, sunsets impressed.

Upon the river's edge, white-haired men bide,
As anglers, woodsmen, watchful of the clime.
In autumn's moon and vernal winds reside,
Their souls attuned to Nature's ageless rhyme.

A flagon filled with rich, unfiltered wine,
Brings joyous meetings 'neath the moon's soft glow.
Through laughter, ancient chronicles entwine,
As stories of the past, unveiled, bestow.

This sonnet captures the poetic scene,
Of lives and tales, forevermore serene.


A blossom born in paradise's embrace,
And flawless jade, a gem so pure and rare.
If fate disclaims their bond, then why this chase,
In life, once more, their paths entwined, they share?

And if their bond indeed was shaped by fate,
Why should their hearts be marred by fruitless dreams?
One sighs in vain, while the other's thoughts berate,
Their love, like lunar shimmer, mirror's gleam.

How many teardrops can their eyes contain,
To bear the streams that autumn turns to winter,
And spring's embrace, in summer's warmth, sustain,
As seasons shift, and tears, unending, linger?

In verse, the love that's lost and found, we see,
Two souls, entwined in life's sweet mystery.

贴主:steambasss于2023_03_16 21:14:52编辑

贴主:steambasss于2023_03_16 21:16:05编辑
贴主:steambasss于2023_03_16 21:26:05编辑
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