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送交者: maddogs[♂☆★★认真的青铜★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-01 23:08 已读 976 次  



Why can't the world remove China's UN security council membership as China doesn’t follow the international court order on the South China Sea?

Let this question be a demonstration that whenever A and B fight, C benefits.

The question accuses China. The answers sh*t on the US with “what about you”. The OP is Indian.

This is the most common way the world works. The one who’s most eager for the US and China to have a fight in North Korea is Japan. The one who most want the US and Russia to fight in Syria is Saudi Arabia. So on and so forth.

So please, stop shooting at the US so much. The ‘politically correct’ American attitude towards the UN is that they are a bunch of petty assh*les infringing on our sovereignty, and if they ever try to impose their judgment on us, we shall promptly invade Hague with our Marines and teach them a lesson. "Hague Invasion Act": Bush Signs a New Law Designed to Intimidate Countries That Ratify the Treaty for the International Criminal Court So why the heck would we care when China is doing like 1% of what we are doing, really? When President Trump is so much into “we break bad deals” himself? ‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

The US will NEVER threaten to kick somebody out of the UN, because the UN is simply not that significant for us. Who cares about UN? The UN is mostly for the benefit of smaller countries - they get some degree of protection from invasion by the more powerful countries in their neighborhood if they follow all UN rules. Stop and think for a minute - who has the most to lose if there’s no UN? Those little defenseless countries with a lot of resources. They can be easily overrun by 20 other countries in a heartbeat. Pax Americana makes it possible for everybody to pet the little cat, but nobody is allowed to take the cat home. The US has little to fear even if there’s no UN, with the biggest military, protected by two oceans. The big guys in UNSC all know that they can’t afford to get into a fight with each other anymore. That’s what UNSC is for - for the big military powers to negotiate with each other. If there’s a proxy war, the proxy country is supposed to spill their blood for our political objectives, OK?

The US and China are joined in the hips economically with annual trade volume of almost $600 billion annually. We are openly for sale. China gave our President a whole bunch of valuable trademarks, and more than half of our Congressmen have business ties with China. If India wants some benefit, show us some real money, instead of doing this kind of useless online venting. American people need to be paid too. How about open your highly protected market for our Agro, stop abusing our H1-B Visa program like a temp agency, pay legitimate royalties to our Pharma, and do $650 billion trade with the US, plus pay our politicians a couple $billion or something. In case you haven’t noticed - Mr. Trump even want more money out of our longest-term allies like Canada! Sorry if Realpolitik is a b*tch.

Joseph Holleman

CEO of Magister Technologies Inc., Author of "The Prosperity Clock" book series.

Updated August 10, 2017 · Upvoted by 

Taylor Wu

lives in China (1997-present)

Originally Answered: Why can't the world remove China's UN security council membership as China doesn’t follow the international court order on the South China Sea? China has never contributed to world peace, on the contrary China is a big threat to world peace.

Compared to the US, its allies, and even Russia…how is China a threat to world peace??

Last I checked China has had two relatively minor border skirmishes with India and Vietnam in the 1960s but has not bombed or gone to war with, well, anyone since that time. They were brutally invaded by Japan during World War II, but they have not invaded or made war on anyone since the 1960s.

After Deng, China’s focus has been growing its economy and becoming a power in international trade, not making war on other countries.

If the rest of the world did likewise I daresay the world would be a MUCH safer and peaceful place.

贴主:maddogs于2020_10_01 23:27:54编辑
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