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送交者: 雨地[♀★★*空谷幽兰*★★♀] 于 2023-03-20 14:19 已读 1309 次 1赞  




 Narasimhan was raised in Pune, India.[1] He earned a degree in mechanical engineering from the College of Engineering, Pune, an MA in German and International Studies from The Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Laxman Narasimhan gets $8.8M to take the Starbucks CEO job (restaurantbusinessonline.com)

His replacement, however, was given $8.8 million in incentives to take the position. Laxman Narasimhan, who became “CEO elect” in October and will take over the full-time job later this year, was given a $1.6 million sign-on bonus plus $7.2 million in stock awards.

拿下一个C EO也许是看花眼,拿下两个也许是撞大运,拿下好几个就值得思考一下了。
贴主:雨地于2023_03_20 14:20:29编辑
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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

狗哥好,今夜无眠啊, (无内容) - 木头强强强强 (0 bytes) 03/22/23
😂👍木木兄好 (无内容) - maddogs (0 bytes) 03/23/23
😂👍 (无内容) - maddogs (0 bytes) 03/21/23
能满嘴跑火车也挺不容易的。 - 雨地 (66 bytes) 03/21/23
你这个坚持指印度文化还是别的? - 雨地 (99 bytes) 03/20/23
那你聊聊老印的缺点吧。 - 雨地 (38 bytes) 03/20/23
『无题』 (无内容) - 雨地 (0 bytes) 03/20/23

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