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送交者: kudoof[☆★★不详★★☆] 于 2021-05-05 10:25 已读 83 次  



回答: ??【春天乐坛文艺复兴】大浪淘沙。谁能走到最后,如何做最好的自己 由 chuntianle 于 2021-05-05 9:02


。。。He argues that Jesus criticised hypocrites – those who wear a mask, who say one thing and do something different. Hypocrisy is not falling short of a standard. Hypocrisy is covering up that you say one thing and do another. The opposite of hypocrisy is not perfection, but authenticity. The authentic Christian is one who is open to God's transformation. But all Christians are works in progress.

。。。 argues that just as we would not expect someone to judge what we consider to be a brilliant song by listening to a cover by very poor musicians, we should not judge Jesus by the fact that Christians often fail to live up to the standard he set. Jesus had harsh words to say to hypocrites and so there is no place for hypocrisy in the lives of those who claim to follow him. But we are all sinners and fail at times. Christians will disappoint, but Jesus won't.
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