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送交者: maddogs[♂☆★★认真的青铜★★☆♂] 于 2021-06-12 1:32 已读 6093 次  




造神?!老外不光造。。。就算被法西斯玷污过了,一样用~~别再说岳飞影响团结了,金国那个年代根本不是中国的一部分(别搞得和第一天知道造神一样,至少已经不是纯真年代了,成熟一点。。。中国根本不造神,中国的都是历史。哪怕孔子也只是一个人,不是神。。。。。古希腊,古罗马眼里今天的这些台面上体面无比的西方人,都只是野蛮人,蛮族。。。你以为他们继承的是罗马?。。。他们抢了古罗马的尸体,把自己标榜成神而已。。。。日耳曼,凯尔特,高卢那一个不是古罗马驱逐的蛮族。西罗还死在日耳曼手里。。。。他们换个马甲都是文明人了(任何带鹰标志的,不都是以新罗自居么。。。)。。。富了几年,强了几年,就是永恒了?连文化底蕴和标志都是捡来的。。。底蕴在那摆着呢。。。。少和我在那以实力来基础定义“秩序”,用秩序观和我论来论去的:那你难怪同情汪精卫了,他不是人精得把实力看得透彻清楚了,中日当年的一切洞若观火<喜欢秩序,喜欢强大,并投身进去,那他背负骂名,我觉得他该有这觉悟,也不用太过替他悲伤。这就是因果,就是代价,他自己的选择,如你一样。>。。。也难怪你要灭了岳飞这个文化标志了,那是不屈的精神么(我不喜欢宋,就是经常从上至下的打断这种不屈,为了后来的各种屈埋下了根源。。。所以我说过,不是岳飞多了,而是少了,他为代表的一代不屈的魂,少了)。。。你早就屈了,精神就屈了,膝盖更屈了,还要把周围人也和你一样搞得屈的。。。。我就是烦你自己屈了,还觉得大家都该屈,屈才是真理,屈才是正义~~我就不乐意,你爱屈不屈。。。也少打着上帝的名号,~ 我眼里你不配~多少恶以神之名)




Gunter Schoech

Debrouillage Ltd. 执行董事

I am a German, and I learned about Arminius in Junior High school. I often drive by a gigantic monument and statue at the place where the battle against the Romans probably took place. His legacy does fine in Germany!




I don't agree with what Wikipedia says about modern Germans.

Sure, Arminius was a historic German hero which the Nazis were all too happy to adopt. But that does not mean that the Nazi stain is now stuck on Arminius.

It is similar as with Hitler's foible for the composer Richard Wagner. Today, people know that Hitler loved Wagner. But Wagner was there before Hitler, and we have very naturally every year the "Wagner Festspiele" in Bayreuth, Wagners home town. One week of many works of Wagner, and every year, many of the most notorious people in the country come, e.g. our Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In the case of Arminius, I learned about him before I even learned about Hitler and the 3rd Reich. Already in Elementary school, our teacher told us about the battle against the Roman invaders.

One of my best friends first name is Arminius, and that is no coincidence.

Today, there is a big statue on a hilltop near Porta Wesphalica, which is near the Teutoburg Forest, where the battle against 3 roman legions (~20 .000 men) is supposed to have taken place.

The monument can easily be seen from the Autobahn near by (A2 interstate highway)

In fact, with almost certainty, the location is known today, in Kalkriese.

They created a museum there which the artifacts which were dug up .

My parents visited that museum just weeks ago with one of my cousins. It's an archaeological marvel, putting you 2000 years back.

In summary, I think Germans now fairly well who Arminius was (to the extend that any modern people know / - don't know heroes from ~2000 years past).

The temporary Nazi usurpation of some historic figures did not do them real harm.

What has changed maybe through the 3rd Reich is that people might think twice if it was an unanimously good deed to slaughter 20.000 enemy troops, even if they were invaders.

But overall, Germans are proud of their freedom fighter, and he can not be enlisted into the services of any political party.

There are only very few symbols which the Nazis adopted so profoundly that today, they are inextricably associated with the 3rd Reich, even if they had a longer history before that. the swastika is such an example.

It is way older of Indian origin, and can still be found there. but in Germany, it is forever associated with the NDSAP party and Hitler, and can not publicly be shown anywhere.

Arminius is totally different.

Another reason why Wikipedia might have written this: in German history class, very much attention is paid today on understanding what led to the 3rd Reich, and what happened in it. This must necessarily reduce time for other studies, e.g. Arminius.

德国民族英雄  阿米尼乌斯







当奥古斯都得知瓦鲁斯及三个罗马军团全军覆没,便痛叫"Quintili Vare, legiones redde!" ('Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!')“瓦鲁斯,把军团还给我!”三个罗马军团的旗号也被当作不幸运而曾停用。


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