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送交者: greatfool[☆专骂汉奸1450☆] 于 2022-04-05 8:06 已读 330 次  



回答: 我觉得……你可能是对一些基础知识有较大的误解 由 dunefox 于 2022-04-05 4:43


至于老鼠,我突然想起鼠疫。 难道说动物传人人类就给灭亡?还是闹鼠疫的时候我们不消灭老鼠而是与鼠疫共存??

另外我觉得你可能对于选择压力有误解,就以现在科技我们还做不到确保出现的结果是我们想要的。 具体你可以看看下面

Nature is analogue. It is not a binary system. In the living world there are no explicit switches that discreetly turn systems on or off. Rather, nature adjusts systems through analogue dials, like an old radio — gradually changing variables to achieve balance and equilibrium to ensure that life is sustainable and carries on.

Evolution proceeds in this way, with new life forms appearing and some disappearing over millennia — or, in the case of microbial pathogens (viruses, bacteria and parasites) over days or weeks.

Evolutionary change results from two opposing forces: Positive selection reproduces beneficial genetic variations that enable the virus to survive, while negative selection pressure hinders the virus’s survival and ability to reproduce.

Evolution can be studied at the molecular level. For many years, my research was focused on the African trypanosome, the parasite responsible for African sleeping sickness.

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

我觉得你发的这段和我说的没有关系啊 - dunefox (1264 bytes) 04/05/22
等下。。咱们先确认一下。 - greatfool (1868 bytes) 04/05/22
那咱们就说说车祸vs新冠变种吧。。。。 - greatfool (2545 bytes) 04/05/22
我觉得你的样本区间太小了 - dunefox (2397 bytes) 04/05/22
你在德国?否则你看德国数据干啥? - greatfool (812 bytes) 04/06/22
我一直在跟踪德国的数据 - dunefox (746 bytes) 04/06/22
你和我的积极面对看法不同 - greatfool (311 bytes) 04/06/22

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