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🔗卢岩回忆录的目录 Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-05 13:03 已读 939 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:34

第1章 Chapter 1: 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage Contract

第2章 Chapter 2:启蒙 Revelation; 2.1 桃花劫(1)Peach Flower Catastrophe; 2.2 启蒙前的视力测试 Vision Test before Revelation; 2.3 桃花劫(2)Peach Flower Catastrophe; 2.4 讲解桃花劫 Explanation of Peach Flower Catastrophe; 2.5 桃花劫(3)Peach Flower Catastrophe; 2.6 刘团长其人 The Person of Troupe Leader Liu; 2.7 桃花劫(4)Peach Flower Catastrophe; 2.8 启蒙 Revelation; 2.9 爸爸和刘团长 Dad and Troupe Leader Liu

第3章 Chapter 3:肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through; 3.1 肉眼通的作法 Making Flesh Eye Through; 3.2 肉眼通的功能 Function of Flesh Eye Through; 3.3 培养宿命智 Cultivation of Fate Intelligence; 3.4 巴甫洛夫楼 Pavlov Building;3.5 肉眼通的鉴别 Identification of Flesh Eye Through;3.6 我幼时的特质 Trait of my Childhood; 3.7 作法后的纠纷 Disputes after The Makings; 3.8 医学实验的传闻 Rumor of a Medical Experiment; 3.9 关于前三章的注解 Annotations on the First Three Chapters

第4章 Chapter 4: 少青年 Youth; 4.1. 生命之树的故事 Story of Life Tree; 4.2 禅的故事 Story of Meditation; 4.3 说我有桃花劫 Saying that I Have a Peach Flower Catastrophe; 4.4 猪爷爷驴奶奶 Pig Grandpa and Donkey Grandma; 4.5 医学实验的新闻 News of Medical Experiments; 4.6 一个公案 A Public Case; 4.7 灵魂转世的故事 Story of Reincarnation; 4.8 心病入门病例 Introductory Case of Mental Disorder; 4.9 花花绿绿的报刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand; 4.10 遗嘱 The Will

第5章 辽宁分院 Chapter 5 Liaoning Branch: 5.0 序言 Preface; 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test; 5.2 在集市打架 Fighting at Market; 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road; 5.4 刘团长其人 Troupe Leader Liu; 5.5 多重性格 Multiple Personalities; 5.6 特殊的新政策 Special New Policy

第6章 沈阳和平房产局 Heping Housekeeping Bureau: 6.0 前言 Preface; 6.1 高德新喜欢擦皮鞋 Gao Likes to Polish His Shoes; 6.2 工作表现好 Good Work Performance; 6.3 考研究生 Going to Graduate School; 6.4 贼窝的会议 Meeting in the Den of Thieves; 6.5 电击的感觉 Feeling of Electric Shocks; 6.6 结界 Tie Boundary; 6.7 饿鬼趣 Hungry Ghost Interest; 6.7.2 强取豪夺 Robbery; 6.7.3 畜生趣 Livestock Interest; 6.8 殃 Misfortune; 6.9 活见鬼 Seeing Ghost Alive; 6.10 不是有关系也不是没有关系 Neither Related Nor Unrelated.

第7章 东北大学 Northeastern University: 7.0 序言; 7.1 调查核实 Verification; 7.2 刘健君其人 Eve Liu; 7.3 初次见面 Blind Date; 7.4 她给我的印象 The Impression of Her

7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry; 7.5.1 治疗恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Mental Illness; 7.5.2 无所得 No Objective Gain; 7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance; 7.5.4 觉悟的特质 Trait of Conscientiousness; 7.5.5 给舅舅送终 Sending My Uncle Away; 7.5.6 圆满 Perfect Fulfillment; 7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿To Think Where to Go is Arriving There; 7.5.8 神通正等明 Reunion with Correct Equality Light

7.6 她的影响力 Her Influencing Power is Strong; 7.7 无事生非 Making a Fuss out of Nothing; 7.8 你是谁 Who Are You?? 7.9 第三次核实 The Third Verification; 7.10 父母和她吵 Parents Quarrel with Her; 7.11 性格互补 Personality Complementation; 7.12 百变神通 Hundred Godly Transformations

第8章 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open: 8.1 说我是他儿子 Saying I'm His Son; 8.2 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open; 8.3 刘团长的计划 Troupe Leader Liu’s plan; 8.4 大惊失色 I was Shocked; 8.5 室友帮我分析 Roommate Helps Me Analyze; 8.6 郑重的告别 Solemn Farewell; 8.7 出故事的人 The Person Who Produces Stories; 8.8 闹鬼了 It’s Haunted; 8.9 给色狼戴上墨镜 To Put Sunglasses on the Pervert; 8.10 科学家的特质 Traits of a Scientist

第9章 青中年 Middle Age: 9.1 拓疆房地产公司 TJ Real Estate Ltd; 9.2 岩土顾问公司 Soil Engineers Ltd; 9.3 黑社会帮我打架 Black Society Helps Me Fight; 9.4 我抑郁了 I'm Depressed; 9.5 梭罗给我改性格 Sal Changes my Personality; 9.6 迷惑 Muddles; 9.7 社会环境 Social Environment; 9.8 刹车失灵 Brake Failure; 9.9 把工程作坏 Job Rip; 9.10 觉思失调 Schizophrenia

10 宿命通 Fate Through: 10.1 刘团长的死讯 News of Liu’s Death; 10.2 大爆炸 Big Bang; 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Marry Eve Liu; 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leader Liu’s Will; 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through; 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Principles of Curing Mental Illness; 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence; 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearances; 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity; 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of Reincarnation

第11章 生命之树 Tree of Life: 11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants; 11.2 四大种 Four Big Seeds; 11.3 十二生长处Twelve Growth Places; 11.4 五蕴 Five Nodes: 11.4.1 色蕴 Color Node; 11.4.2 受蕴 Acceptance Node; 11.4.3 想蕴 Think Node; 11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node; 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances;, 6 随烦恼 Following Annoyances; 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws; 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node; 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux; 11.6 五果 Five Fruits: 11.6.1 异熟果 Mutant Fruit; 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream Fruit; 11.6.3 士用果 Warrior Usage Fruit; 11.6.4 离系果 Off-Be Fruit; 11.6.5 增上果 Escalatory Fruit

第12章 禅 Meditation: 12.1 禅定基础知识 Basics of Meditation; 12.2 四禅八定 Four Meditation Eight Stillness

第13章 苦谛 Bitter Crux: 13.1 欲界 Desire Boundary; 13.1.1 地狱趣 Hell Interest; 13.1.2 畜生趣 Livestock Interest; 13.1.3 饿鬼趣 Hungry Ghost Interest; 13.1.4 修罗趣 Asura Interest; 13.1.5 人趣 Human Interest; 13.1.6 欲天趣 Desire Sky Interest; 13.2 色界 Color Boundary; 13.3 无色界 Non-color Boundary; 13.4 统观大千世界 General View of the Great Grand Worlds

第14章 集谛 Aggregate Crux; 14.1 集起 Aggregate Arousal; 14.2.0-6 烦恼的名 Names of Annoyances; 14.2.7-9 缚和盖 Bind and Cover; 14.2.10-26 瀑流 Waterfall; 14.3 烦恼的数 Numbers of Annoyances

第15章 Salvation Crux: 15.0 灭谛 Salvation Crux; 15.1 大乘果 Great Vehicle Fruit; 15.1.1 涅槃果 Nirvana Fruit; 15.1.2 智慧果 fruit of Intelligence and Gnosis;15.1.3 十八神佛不共法 Eighteen God Buddha Uncommon Laws.

15.2 小乘果 Small Vehicle Fruit; 15.2.1 相亲 Blind Date; 15.2.2 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy; 15.2.3 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha; 15.2.4 四离系果 Four Off-is Fruits.

15.3 人天果 Human Sky Fruit; 15.3.1 共产 Commonwealth; 15.3.2 王舍城 King House City; 15.3.3 雷音与西芙 Thor and Sif; 15.3.4 睚眦与磨牙 Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir; 15.3.5 众神的黄昏 Twilight of the Gods; 15.3.5-1 王者归来 Return of the King; 15.3.5-2 芙蕾雅的愤怒 Freya's Anger; 15.3.5-3 磨牙的觉悟 Enlightenment of Tanngrisnir; 15.4.5-4 清算日 Day of Reckoning; 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfilled Human Body.

第16章: 道谛 Path Crux; 16.1 极喜地 Bliss Heartland; 16.2 离垢地 Leave Filth Heartland; 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland; 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Heartland; 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland; 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Heartland; 16.7 远行地 Hike Heartland; 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heartland; 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis Heartland; 16.10 法云地 Juristic Cloud Heartland

17 佛经翻译 Buddhist Scripture Translation: 17.1 心经 Heart Sutra

17.2-17.2.5 金刚经 Diamond Sutra; 17.2.6-17.2.9 正信希有 Faith to Have; 17.2.10-17.2.13 庄严净土 To Make Immaculate Soil Majestic; 17.2.14 二问 Second Ask; 17.2.15-17.2.16 持经功德 Virtuous Merits of Holding the Sutra; 7.2.17-17.2.19 三问 Third Ask; 17.2.20-17.2.25 法界通分 One Same Juristic Boundary; 17.2.26-17.2.32 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena

17.3 佛遗教经 Buddha’s Will

18 太阳石 The Sun Stone: 18.0 前言 Preface.

18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe: 18.1.1 貌合神也合 Goddess Appearance; 18.1.2 舍利王求婚 Huitzilopochtli Proposes; 18.1.3 裸体婚礼 Naked Wedding ; 18.1.4 昭告天下 Declaration to the World; 18.1.5 第一颗太阳 The First Sun; 18.1.6 金童 Gold Boy.

18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe: 18.2.1 翠玉女 Chalchiuhtlicue; 18.2.2 小白猪 Little White Peccary; 18.2.3 世界第一 Worldly Number One; 18.2.4 恩怨情仇 Favor Complain Love and Hate; 18.2.5 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open.

18.3 雨劫 Rain Catastrophe: 18.3.1 落难五行山 The Fall of Five Migrations Mountain; 18.3.2 复活石 Resurrection Stone; 18.3.3 王者归来 Return of the King; 18.3.4 地表女神 Earth Surface Goddess; 18.3.5 蛇山 Coatepec; 18.3.6 唤醒墨西哥 Arousing Mexico; 18.3.7 苦尤姬之乱 Coyolxauhqui's Chaos; 18.3.8 邪恶的诱惑 Evil Temptation; 18.3.9 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha.

18.4 水劫 Water Catastrophe: 18.4.1 无字墓碑 Wordless Tombstone; 18.4.2 法云地 Juristic Cloud Heartland; 18.4.3 流通 Circulation.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_28 18:11:25编辑

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