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9.8 刹车失灵 Brake Failure

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 8:51 已读 117 次  



回答: 📖9 青中年 Middle Age 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:24

One day in April 2010, I was driving on the road, suddenly noticed that the brakes were not working, and it only had a little effect when I stepped to the end. I carefully drove the car to the auto repair shop I used to go to change the oil. When I handed them the car key, I forgot about the brake failure.

车维修完了,我去取钥匙时,本来那个结账的服务员是个欧洲的白人小姑娘,她突然被召唤进去了,换了个说汉语的华裔人来为我结账。他拿着我的钥匙,四处看了看,伸头到我脸的附近,用汉语小声说: “卢先生,你的车闸我们已经替你紧过了,你的车现在安全了。” 我答应着,没在意,但当我走到门口时,全身出汗了。人人都知道:车闸出事有两种可能的原因,一是来自事故,二是人为的。我的车近几个月都没事故,是有人在故意害我!
When I went to get the keys after the car was repaired, the waiter who was originally checking out was a little white girl from Europe, but she was suddenly summoned in and replaced with a Chinese-speaking Chinese to check out for me. He took my key, looked around, reached near my face, and whispered in Chinese: “Mr. Lu, we have tightened your brakes for you, and your car is safe now.” I answered without attention, but when I walked to the door, I was sweating all over. Everyone knows that there are two possible reasons for a brake accident, one is from an accident and the other is man-made. My car hasn't had an accident in recent months, someone is deliberately harming me!

On the way home, I kept thinking who was harming me? Sweating several times in one or two hours. Then strange things happened in my life and work (Annotation 1).

Annotation 9.8-1, I was severely frightened, physically, and mentally in a high state of fear and doubt; adrenal hormones etc. secretions maintained this bodily and mentally drowsy state, could not be lowered for weeks, resulting in a smaller space for my mental behaviors, thinks were rampaging extremely.

贴主:Adam_Luyan于2023_09_23 7:21:49编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_09_23 7:23:12编辑

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