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17.2.20-17.2.25 离色离相 Leaving Colors Leaving Phenomena

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 11:12 已读 157 次  



回答: 17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 8:56

17.2.20 离色离相 Leaving Colors Leaving Phenomena

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: According to your intent, what say you? Can people by “3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments”, the perfectly factual color (1) body to view Thus-Come?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: No! Social-Honor! People shouldn’t with “3,000 majesties 84,000 enchantments”, the perfectly factual color body to view Thus-Come, wherein? Social-Honor! Perfectly factual color Body, Thus-Come said, is not perfect factual color body, therefore, Thus-Come said the names of “perfectly factual color body”, “perfectly factual color body”.

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: According to your intent, what say you? Can people by 500 majesties 108,000 charms, the fully possessing all phenomena to view View-Sound Bodhisattva?
View-Sound Bodhisattva answered: No! Social-Honor! People shouldn’t with “500 majesties 108,000 charms”, the fully possessing all phenomena to view View-Sound Bodhisattva, wherein? Social-Honor! Fully possessing all phenomena, Thus-Come said, is not fully possessing all phenomena, therefore, Thus-Come said the names of fully possessing all phenomena, fully possessing all phenomena.

Annotation17.20-1, Buddhism defines matter or substance from visual objectives, so word color in Buddhism means transformation and hindrance (cf. section 11.4.1).

17.2.21 非说所说 The Sayings Aren’t Those Factuality

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva again: According to your intent, what say you? Does Thus-Come often make the spell, “I should have what laws I said”? Benevolence Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make thus view, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! If saying that Thus-Come has what laws he said, that is slandering me, is non-benevolent fetch, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! Saying laws saying laws, no laws to say, hence the name of Saying Laws.

At that time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva reported to Veda again: Social Honor! On coming future, later hours, later minutes, later 500 years, correct laws extinctive time turning on, are there many sentient beings upon hearing the color like laws to deeply believe in?

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Those are neither sentients nor non-sentients, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! All sentients, Thus-Come says, are not sentients, therefore the name of all sentients.

17.2.22 无法可得 No Laws to Gain

Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Are there few laws, by which Thus-Come can presently prove Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment (i.e., anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)?

View-Sound answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Veda just said, no few laws, by which Thus-Come can presently prove “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment”.

Veda said: Benevolence Manifestation! Thus! Thus! There aren’t few laws and those to be gained (1), hence the name of “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment”.

注17.2.22-1,此 “无上正等菩提”是插图17.2.22-2所示的无所有天,又名“常寂光天”,毕竟空。
Annotation 17.2.22-1, the “Non-Upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment (i.e., anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)” is the shown in Illustration 17.2.22-2, also known as "Constant Silent Light Sky”, and Empty After All.

17.2.23 空性平等 Empty Nature is Equality

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! The laws are equal, among which there aren’t inequality, hence name of “Non-Upper Correct-Equality Correct-Enlightenment (i.e., anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)”. Due to no “I” nature, no sentient nature, no living nature, no warrior nature, no hobbyhorse (Pudgala) nature, etc. nature, evenly equality, hence the name of “Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-Enlightenment”. All benevolent laws, none isn’t presently proved; all benevolent laws, none isn’t wonderfully perceived. Benevolence Manifestation! Benevolent laws benevolent laws, Thus-Come says, aren’t laws, therefore, Thus-Come says the names of benevolent laws, benevolent laws (1).

Annotation 17.23-1, two types of benevolent laws are spoken, the first is mundane victorious significance, the second is victorious significance of transcending mundane world.

17.2.24 无为福胜 Victorious Fortune of Non-as Law

Again next, Benevolence Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or faithful woman uses seven treasure aggregates which quantity equals to all wonderful mountains in Three-Grand Great-Grand worlds, to charitably donate. If a benevolent man or faithful woman on the Arrival Ark Sutra, even down to four sections, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefits, up to preach and exemplify to others broadly, makes intents accordingly, Benevolence Manifestation! The earlier said fortunate aggregates vs. these fortunate aggregates, not a thousandth, not a millionth, less than a billionth, less than a number division, can’t catch up even in metaphysical division.

17.2.25 化无所化分 To Convert Those Nothing to Be Converted

Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intent, what say you? Does Thus-Come often make the spell, “I should transcendently ferry all sentient beings”? Benevolence Manifestation! Now, you shouldn’t make such a view, wherein? Benevolence Manifestation! There aren’t few sentient beings ferried by Thus-Come. Benevolence Manifestation! If having sentient beings ferried by Thus-Come, Thus-Come should have I obsession, have sentient obsession, have living obsession, have warrior obsession, have hobbyhorse (Pudgala) etc. obsessions, Benevolence Manifestation! I etc. obsessions, Thus-Come says, are not obsessions, therefore the names of “I” etc. obsessions, but fools and mutants stubbornly have the obsessions. Benevolence Manifestation! Fools and Mutants, Thus-Come says, are not living beings, hence the names of Fools and Mutants.


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_22 14:54:46编辑

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