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送交者: 薏苡[♀★★声望品衔10★★♀] 于 2022-10-20 1:27 已读 2940 次  



回答: 关于卡特总统赦免著名民歌艺人的查证 由 绿野飞鹤 于 2022-10-20 0:14

从华盛顿邮报的这篇报道来看,Yarrow 是一个惯犯!

Patrick Apodaca, the deputy White House counsel who was then responsible for pardon applications, said that while he doesn’t specifically recall handling Yarrow’s pardon, there were a number of applications that were “accelerated” at the end of Carter’s term.
“Generally,” he said, it was “‘Let’s clean the decks’” before Reagan came to White House.

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