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送交者: 绿野飞鹤[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2022-10-20 0:14 已读 4105 次 1赞  



回答: 阿甘正传Jenny在酒吧衤果体弹唱的歌 由 薏苡 于 2022-10-19 12:12

卡特总统在1981年特赦了Peter Yallow,他是blowing in the wind的演唱者之一,被指控性侵15岁的Barbara Winter.
The most commercially successful version is by folk music trio Peter, Paul and Mary, who released the song in June 1963, three weeks after The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan was issued. Albert Grossman, then managing both Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary, brought the trio the song which they promptly recorded (on a single take) and released.[27] The trio's version, which was the title track of their third album, peaked at number 2 on the Billboard charts behind "Fingertips" by Stevie Wonder.[28] The group's version also went to number one on the Middle-Road charts for five weeks.[29] Cash Box described it as "a medium-paced sailor’s lament sung with feeling and authority by the folk trio."[30]
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