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长路漫漫陪你走(作词:雨柔 路华;汉英翻译: 万湖小舟)

送交者: 万湖小舟[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2021-11-12 11:16 已读 15640 次  


两年前听王成荣唱这首"长路漫漫陪你走"这首歌曲,觉得很好听。就尝试着把这首歌词翻译成了英语。自己也学着唱了一遍。乘reading week把带有英语歌词的宽频视频做好了,发出来和朋友们分享和自己存档。

过去有朋友讲"红尘"翻译成" red dust"直译了,用意译估计比较好。这次重新阅读翻译稿件时,试着把红尘翻译成" secular world"( 世俗世界) 或"mortal world"(凡人的世界),感到都有些文学化了,失去了"红尘"这个汉语词本来的比喻含义。所以仍旧保持了原来的翻译。


Accompanying you on a long long road

作词/作曲: 雨柔 路华/雨柔
Lyricist/Composer:  Yu Rou, Lu Hua/Yu Rou

翻译/翻唱 : 万湖小舟 ,     
Translator/Cover:  Xiaozhou Wanhu

茫茫人海难得一聚首 Rare to get together in a sea of people
花开花谢能有几春秋 Through how many springs and autumns can flowers bloom and wither
心若相知莫要相负   If you know my heart, never turn your back on me
山高水长与你共携手 Hand in hand with you for as long as mountains stand and rivers flow 

滚滚红尘难得一回眸 Difficult to get a glimpse in the surge of red dust
潮起潮落能有几回收 Through how many rises and falls can tides repeat
情若相依莫要离分   If you love me, never leave me
天涯海角与你常相守  Will always be with you wherever you will go

长路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road
明月清风共醉这杯酒 Drunk of this glass of wine together under the bright moon and light breeze
不管人生多少烦和忧 No matter how much trouble and worry in life
地老天荒爱无尽头   Love is endless until the end of the world

长路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road
风风雨雨也不回头   Regardless of strong winds and heavy rain, don't turn back
不问世间多少苦与愁 Don't question how much pain and worry exist in this world
相依相伴直到永久   Depend on each other forever
相依相伴直到永久   Depend on each other forever

滚滚红尘难得一回眸 Difficult to get a glimpse in the surge of red dust
潮起潮落能有几回收 Through how many rises and falls can tides repeat
情若相依莫要离分   If you love me,never leave me
天涯海角与你常相守  Will always be with you wherever you will go

长路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road

明月清风共醉这杯酒 Drunk of this glass of wine together under the bright moon and light breeze
不管人生多少烦和忧 No matter how much trouble and worry in life
地老天荒爱无尽头   Love is endless until the end of the world

长路漫漫陪你一起走 Will accompany you on this long long road
风风雨雨也不回头   Regardless of strong winds and heavy rain, don't turn back
不问世间多少苦与愁 Don't question how much pain and worry exist in this world
相依相伴直到永久   Depend on each other forever
相依相伴直到永久   Depend on each other forever
贴主:万湖小舟于2021_11_12 16:55:13编辑
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(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 熊猫眼 端来一杯咖啡! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 lsunz 送上一包开心果! - 万湖小舟 (87 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 lsunz 沏上一壶绿茶! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 wate03 端来一杯咖啡! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 jmzjmz 端来一杯咖啡! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21
翻的有水平,翻译不容易 (无内容) - jmzjmz (0 bytes) 11/12/21
多谢鼓励,周末愉快! (无内容) - 万湖小舟 (0 bytes) 11/12/21
red dust 可以 (无内容) - jmzjmz (0 bytes) 11/12/21
第2个will 可以不要? - jmzjmz (44 bytes) 11/12/21
Thanks for the original post (无内容) - yuanyuan88 (0 bytes) 11/12/21
Thanks Yuanyuan. Have a good weekend. (无内容) - 万湖小舟 (0 bytes) 11/12/21
Thanks for the original post (无内容) - yuanyuan88 (0 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 yuanyuan88 端来一杯咖啡! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21
(^-^) 万湖小舟 给 yuanyuan88 沏上一壶绿茶! - 万湖小舟 (88 bytes) 11/12/21

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