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Wings Of Desire

送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-03-22 19:56 已读 2332 次  


So many things I wanna do
So many things (oh)
But time's a thief stealing our lives away
So time be good and time be slow
Give us the chance (oh)

Wings of Desire of Desire
Wings of Desire
To take this love and see how far it can go
And baby can't you see what could be
Has only just begun
And baby you and me we could be
Up with the lucky ones

And we'll never know until we try
Don't let another day pass by (oh)
I want to fly on the wings of desire

We lay our lives between the lines
Follow the rules (oh)
Our souls in cains, but this carefulness wears thin
So be good and time be slow
Give us the chance (oh)
To take this love and see how far it can go
And every day we wait-hesitate
My courage sinks again
And aren't we young enough, brave enough
To run against the wind


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