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📖9 青中年 Middle Age

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 9:24 已读 282 次  



回答: 📓卢岩回忆录 Layan Memoir 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:24

卢岩的回忆录,28-40岁,1998-2010年;Luyan’s Memoirs, 28-40 years old, 1998-2010

第9章 青中年 Middle Age: 9.1 拓疆房地产公司 TJ Real Estate Ltd; 9.2 岩土工程师公司 Soil Engineers Ltd; 9.3 黑社会帮我打架 Black Society Helps Me Fight; 9.4 我抑郁了 I'm Depressed; 9.5 梭罗给我改性格 Sal Changes my Personality; 9.6 迷惑 Muddles; 9.7 社会环境 Social Environment; 9.8 把工程作坏 Job Rip; 9.9 觉思失调 Schizophrenia

In April 1998, I graduated with a master's degree from Northeastern University and became unemployed. I was worried that Liu was doing something bad to me behind my back and that I would not be able to find a girlfriend at my new workplace. So, I was unwilling to work in state-owned enterprises and institutions such as government agencies and schools, thinking that it would be difficult for him to do something bad in private enterprises. I like real estate, but I am color blind and unwilling to practice computer graphics, which made it difficult for me to find a job. At home, I usually took an English-speaking class and also participated in a GRE class, but I found that GRE was too difficult for me and I could not learn it.

9.1 拓疆房地产公司 TJ Real Estate Ltd

In the spring of 1999, Mr. Liu, the chairman of Liaoning Tuojiang Real Estate Company, found me and said that they found my resume in the Shenyang Human Resource Market and asked me to be the manager of the company. At work, Mr. Liu asked me to find projects and make plans by myself, to report to him when the plans were mature. Mr. Liu grew up in the compound of the Shenyang Military Region in the 1960s and 1970s; most of the people I met were children of high-ranking officials in the Shenyang Military Region. My colleagues began to introduce girlfriends to me; I forgot all the unhappy affairs in the past.

Mr. Liu was an accountant by profession and had no complicated experience, but he wrote a memoir and was preparing to publish it (Note 1).
I was often troubled by the fraud in my work, and I was often afraid because of the bad things I did at work. I applied to immigrate to Canada and decided that if I couldn't work well here, I would go abroad to open a new world.
Note 9.1, Mr. Liu's act of writing a memoir had a great influence on me. I wrote my memoir because of his influence.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_10_11 20:06:13编辑

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

9.2 岩土工程师公司 Soil Engineers Ltd - Adam_Luyan (8050 bytes) 10/11/24
9.3 黑手党帮我打架 Mafia Fight for Me - Adam_Luyan (14892 bytes) 04/28/24
9.4 我抑郁了 I am Depressed. - Adam_Luyan (7743 bytes) 04/28/24
9.5 梭罗给我改性格 Sal Changes my Personality. - Adam_Luyan (16477 bytes) 04/28/24
9.6 迷惑 Muddles - Adam_Luyan (13322 bytes) 04/28/24
9.7 社会环境 Social Environment - Adam_Luyan (9626 bytes) 04/28/24
9.8 把工程作坏 Job Rip - Adam_Luyan (10867 bytes) 04/28/24
9.9 觉思失调 Schizophrenia - Adam_Luyan (10011 bytes) 04/28/24

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