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送交者: 爱真我[♀品衔R2☆♀] 于 2020-09-30 11:31 已读 310 次  



Lena Young Art

Our intuition is soft and quiet. It is a deep knowing that feels so right on a gut level. This subtle voice is often ignored in favor of our louder, more compelling mind which loves to reason and analyze, doubt and control. Our habitual patterns can easily take over and we often react before we have time to center and ground.


Freedom is experienced when we can surrender all thoughts and let go of the mind. Giving ourselves the space to pause, even just for a moment, we gain the opportunity to step back from our patterns that tug at us so strongly.


When we meet life without expectation of the process or the outcome and let our intuition guide us each step of the way, we can live moment by moment without any burden, without any limitation, without any fear. Life becomes fluid and alive, filled with endless possibilities!




我們的直覺是柔軟而安靜的。 這是一種深層的認識,從心底感到的無比正確。 我們常常忽略這種微妙的聲音,而偏好更響亮、更引人注目的頭腦—喜歡推理和分析,懷疑和控制。 我們很容易被自己的習慣模式接管,經常在有時間靜下來關注自己內心之前就做出了反應。


當我們能夠放下所有的想法並放下思考,就可以體驗到自由。 給我們自己一個可以暫停的空間,甚至只是一小會兒,我們就有機會從強烈拖拽著我們的行為模式中後退一步。


當我們在對過程或結果沒有預期的情況下生活,並且讓我們的直覺指引我們的邁進每一步時,我們就可以活在當下,沒有任何負擔,沒有任何限制,也沒有任何恐懼。 生命將會變得充滿生機,充滿無限可能性!

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