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second是第二,wind是风,但“second wind”不是第二风!别理解错啦!

送交者: 老孙子[♂☆★★★蛋神--老人家★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-22 20:53 已读 3154 次 4赞  


second是第二,wind是风,但“second wind”不是第二风!别理解错啦!

我们都知道“second”是“第二”的意思,“wind”多指“风;气流”,但是“second wind”说的其实是“恢复的力量(或精力)”。

We started to feel we couldn't walk any further but when we saw the town in the distance we got our second wind.


I do not intend to speculate or prophesy in any way what the results may be, now that the delegations have their second wind.


有些美剧中我们还会看到“I second that”,这是什么意思呢?总不能翻译成“我第二那个”吧?


"I could use a drink." "I'll second that (= I agree with you)!"


从上面的例句中我们可以看出“I second that”的意思是“我同意;我赞成”。它是一种外国人经常使用的表达,相当于我们中文常说的“+1”或者“臣附议”又或者“俺也一样”,有一点点抖机灵的意思在。


During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service.


Richard and Liz have a second home in the mountains.理查德和莉兹在山区还有一个家。
We've decided to hold the conference every second year.我们已经决定每两年举行一次会议。
These computers process millions of instructions per second.这些电脑每秒钟处理几百万个指令。
It won't take a second (= it will be very quick).花不了多少时间。
the second (that) = as soon as 立刻
The second I saw him, I knew he was going to be a star.我见他的第一面,就知道他会成为一个明星。

get wind of sth 听到…的风声;得知…秘密消息
I don't want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving.我不想让我的同事们知道我要离开的消息。
have the wind at your back 处于有利地位
The president has the wind at his back on this issue.在这个问题上,总统处于有利地位。
in the wind (某事)在酝酿中,在热论中
Rumours of a takeover are in the wind.有关接管的传言甚嚣尘上。
in the wind (某人)逃跑后失踪,消失
The suspects are in the wind.疑犯在逃失踪。
wind down (劳累或担心之后)放松下来
When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to wind down.他去度假时,开始的几天只是放松放松。
wind up (使自己)陷入,卷入,落得
You don't want to wind up homeless, do you?你不想最后落得无家可归,对不对?


second ①附议,赞成②临时调任,调派③每隔一个④片刻,瞬间

second wind 恢复的力量(或精力)

I second that 我同意;我赞成

the second (that) = as soon as 立刻

get wind of sth 听到…的风声;得知…秘密消息

have the wind at your back 处于有利地位

in the wind (某事)在酝酿中,在热论中/(某人)逃跑后失踪,消失

wind down (劳累或担心之后)放松下来

wind up (使自己)陷入,卷入,落得

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