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In the sweet by and by

送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2021-09-07 21:29 已读 334 次  



In the sweet by and


在美國南北戰爭結束後,曾任志願兵團軍醫少尉的 S. Fillmore Bennett 返回家鄉開了間藥房並行醫濟世,一天他的好友,多愁善感且悲觀個性的音樂家
Joseph P. Webster 來訪。

Bennett 看見他憂鬱的樣子便問他:「有甚麼事嗎?」Webster 答道:「沒事!」接着他自言自語:「It
will be all right by and by (一切會好轉的)!」。

此語一出知他性情的 Bennett 隨口鼓勵他,回應了一句:「The sweet by and by (好事快來了)!」。

接著 Bennett 靈感來到就說:「就讓我們寫一首讚美詩吧!」,他執筆疾書一篇讚美詩就這樣完成。

Webster 看過拿起紙筆配上音符,並打開隨身携帶的小提琴演奏起來,加上和弦之後,两人同唱出這首讚美詩歌 -In the Sweet By and By」,這首傳唱不絕膾炙人口的基督讚美詩歌於是在
1868 年問世。



“In the Sweet By
and By“




In the Sweet By and

There's a land that
is fairer than day

And by faith you
can see it afar

For the father
waits over the way

To prepare us a
dwelling place there

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

We shall sing on
that beautiful shore

The melodious songs
of the blessed

And our spirits
shall sorrow no more

Not a sigh for the
blessing of rest

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

To our bountiful
father above

We will offer our
tribute of praise

For the glorious
gift of his love

And the blessings
that hallow our days

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and

We shall meet on
that beautiful shore




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