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送交者: MKE[★★★声望勋衔13★★★] 于 2019-12-27 16:54 已读 450 次  



         Rabbits New Friend

Once upon a time, there was a mean rabbit he would spread rumors all the time everyone knew not to mess with him, no one ever wanted to talk to rabbit because they’re all scared that rabbit was going to bully or spread a rumor about them.One day, Rabbit said,”I wish I had a friend no one ever wants to play with me I’m always so lonely.” then he sighed. He just doesn’t know how to change and make new friends.
Then a idea popped into his head he said,”Oh I know, I can prank someone by spreading a rumor that they have a crush on Froggy so they laugh and wants to be my friend! That is such a great idea !” Then,all of a sudden there was a knock on Rabbit’s door. It was Ms. kitty who lived next door, she said,” Can I come in to speak to you? Please?” SO rabbit said yes then Ms kitty said,” please don’t spread a rumor people won’t want to be your friend even more. People want a kind and caring friend not a mean friend. Rabbit that will help you a lot I know it could be hard for you but try.” Rabbit said,” but how did you know ms kitty?” She said,” You said that out quite loud.”
The ms kitty left and Rabbit knew just the Doggy went to Rabbit right thing to do, he made cookies and wrote a card that says can you be my friend I promise I will be kind and caring and not mean to you. Rabbit was going to give the card and cookies to Doggy he hoped the whole night that doggy will say yes.
The next morning Rabbit saw Doggy at math class and when Doggy went to go sharpen his pencil Rabbit put the stuff on Doggy’s desk. At the next period Doggy went to Rabbit and said,” Of course I will I would love a kind and caring friend I hope you will keep you promise! See you at break!” Rabbit was so happy he listened to Ms kitty and not spread a rumor. He was so happy he had so much fun with Doggy and he did not break the promise. He knew not to or he will have to restart the whole process and make Doggy trust him again which would probably be a long, hard process. He didn’t want that he just wanted a nice and caring friend that is hopefully permanent.
After school, he baked cookies for Ms kitty for his appreciation he also wrote a thank you card for her. Rabbit knocked on the door and Ms kitty answers,” well, hello Rabbit what’s up?” Rabbit said,” not much... except I got a new friend! Can I come in?” “Yeah” Ms kitty said “ here’s a little gift I am so happy I used you advice and I got a new friend! Well that’s all thank you so much Ms kitty got to go I’m going out with Doggy tonight! Thank you again” said Rabbit then he went out of Ms kitty’s house and headed to Doggy’s house. Ms kitty yelled across,” Your welcome!”
Now Rabbit knows what friendship is about, it is about caring for someone giving kindness to them and most importantly you have to have faith and trust in yourself. Now Rabbit had a very nice friend and they both promise to each other to be kind and caring to each other forever and ever. He was so happy he had a friend for the first time ever he is also starting to be a really good person now. Rabbit and Doggy lives happily ever after now.
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