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4.7 灵魂转世的故事 Story of Soul Reincarnation

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-05 22:42 已读 631 次  



回答: 📖4 少青年 Youth 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 14:23

During my teenage years, Uncle Dragon told me this story several times.

古时候,有个守城的将军。一天,他听说,城里的集市上,一个年青人跟人打架,被打死了。他火急火燎地去到集市上,疯了似地抱着尸体,放声大哭:“孩子!是我害死了你呀!”。将军的随从们都不明白,就问:“你和这个乡下来的穷小子非亲非故,您怎么为他这么伤心?” 后来,那个将军被问得没办法了,就说:“这个年青人是我的下辈子。”
In ancient times, there was a general who guarded a city. One day, he heard that a young man had a fight with someone in the city market and was beaten to death. He hurriedly went to the market, hugged the body like crazy, and cried loudly: "My child! It is me who killed you!". The general's attendants didn't understand and asked, "You are not related to this poor boy from the countryside, why are you so sad for him?" Later, the general was so overwhelmed by the questions that he said, "This young man is my next life."

注4.7-1,过去,我曾几次在市场无缘无故地被人打。例如,一次,我正从农贸市场走出来,一个人跑过来把我推倒了,然后跑了。我站起来,气得不得了,四周看,什么人都没有。2014年我写完回忆录后才逐渐地理解了原因,是我的肉眼通(如图4.7-1,参见第3章 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3464023)让贼群感觉它们的计划暴露了,感觉我在观察研究他们,被激怒了。

Annotation 4.7-1, in the past, I have been beaten several times in the market for no reason. For example, one time, I was walking out of the farmers market, a guy suddenly ran up to me and pushed me down, then ran away. I stood up, furious, looked around, but there was nobody around. It was only after I wrote my memoirs in 2014, that I gradually understood the reason, it was that my Flesh Eye Through (as in Figure 4.7-1, see Chapter 3) had made the group of thieves felt that their plans had been exposed, and that I had been observing and studying them, provoked them.

In this way, I understood the reason why the young man in the story was beaten to death. The general was doing soul reincarnation and chose the young man from the countryside as his next life. The general had made Flesh Eye Through for him when he was still a child. On that day, the young man, the general's next life, came to the city to play, and his Flesh Eye Through enraged the thieves and was killed, so the general said that he had killed the young man.


I was interested in this story but didn't understand it and felt strange!

Uncle Dragon said: “Storytellers say that there were in the past, often rich and powerful people, in which poor ravine, choose a child from a poor family as the next life. The ‘previous life’, since when the ‘next life’ was still a child, under circumstances that he and his families did not know, began to teach him, until he grew up; but the ‘previous life’ never allowed the ‘next life’ to see him in person. In the future, when the ‘previous life’ dies, he will pass on all his wealth and business to the poor child whom he sees as his ‘next life’.”

I asked, "How to teach? that child if he doesn't know?"
My mother said: "The Previous Life can send messengers to teach the Next Life. Suddenly a stranger comes and plays with the children. The Previous Life can teach whatever he wants to the child!”
I asked: "Why didn't he adopt a child? Why did he work so hard to raise a ‘Next Life’?"

崔凤龙说:“听人说,这是一种喜好,就有那种人爱养个 ‘下辈子’;但不是因为自己没有子女。我听人说,这种关系不亚于亲生子女、养子女、和义子女;而且只有这种关系的 “下辈子”才能真正地实现 “上辈子”留下来的事业和愿望。建立这种关系的目的,往往是那个 “上辈子”有自己一辈子做不完的事业,要委托他的 “下辈子”来完成。”
Uncle Dragon said: “I heard people say that it is a preference. There are people who like to raise a 'next life'; but it is not because they have no children. I have heard people say that this kind of relationship is no less than that of biological children, adopted children, and righteous children, and that only the "next life" of this relationship can truly realize the career and aspirations left behind by the ‘previous life’. The purpose of establishing this relationship is often that the ‘previous life’ has a career that he can not finish in his lifetime, and he wants to entrust his ‘next life’ to complete it.”

I said: "I think people in the past were superstitious." Uncle Dragon said: "I heard from storytellers that the people who did this are really not superstitious. They also don't believe that people have a material soul, the physical body is just a boarding house. I’ve heard people say that it’s all about personal interests; some people like to raise birds, some people like to grow grass, and some people are interested in soul reincarnation.”


崔凤龙姨父问:“你说 ‘不是有关系也不是没有关系’,是什么人际关系?”
Uncle Dragon asked: "You say, What kind of interpersonal relationship is neither relevant nor irrelevant?"
Neither my mother nor I could guess.

Uncle Dragon said: "That is the relationship between the ‘previous life’ and the ‘next life’ that arises from the reincarnation of the soul. It's a relationship comparable to that between a parent and a biological child, or an adopted child, or a righteous child, but it's very different from those kinds of relationships, and it's in a category of its own. I've heard it said that it's also considered a father-son relationship; it's there, recognized in the ancient list of interpersonal relationships."

At that time, my mother said: "The ‘previous life’ and the ‘next life’ do not exist at the same time, it is not an interpersonal relationship!"
Uncle Dragon said: "They can exist at the same time! We talked a moment ago, the story of the general who defended the city. That general thought that the poor boy from the countryside was his next life!"

注4.7-3,1995年冬,刘团长背地里帮助我脱离黑社会的纠缠。那些贼老大问他和我是什么关系?他回答:我和卢岩不是有关系,也不是没有关系(参见6.10节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3586263)。就这样,2014年我写回忆录时发现了这个一直都藏在我背后的人,分析出了刘团长是在做灵魂转世实验,而我就是他在1996年秋(参见8.2节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3586330)最终选定的 “下辈子”。
Annotation 4.7-3, in the winter of 1995, Troupe Leader Liu secretly helped me to unfetter from the entanglements of the black society. Those thief bosses asked him what his relationship was with me? He replied: Luyan and I are neither relevant nor irrelevant (see Section 6.10). In this way, when I was writing my memoirs in 2014, I discovered this person who had been hiding behind me. I analyzed out that Troupe Leader Liu was conducting soul reincarnation experiments, and I was the one he finally chosen as his “next life” in the autumn of 1996 (see Section 8.3).

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_05 22:42:24编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_05 22:42:56编辑

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