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📖4 少青年 Youth

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-04 14:23 已读 701 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:34

《卢岩的回忆录》1974-1991年(4-21岁)Memoirs of Luyan 1974-1991 (ages 4-21)

第4章 Chapter 4: 少青年 Youth; 4.1. 生命之树的故事 Story of Life Tree; 4.2 禅的故事 Story of Meditation; 4.3 说我有桃花劫 Saying that I Have a Peach Flower Catastrophe; 4.4 猪爷爷驴奶奶 Pig Grandpa and Donkey Grandma; 4.5 医学实验的新闻 News of Medical Experiments; 4.6 一个公案 A Public Case; 4.7 灵魂转世的故事 Story of Reincarnation; 4.8 心病入门病例 Introductory Case of Mental Disorder; 4.9 花花绿绿的报刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand; 4.10 遗嘱 The Will

4.1. 生命之树的故事 Story of Life Tree

One day in September 1974, Uncle Dragon came home on vacation and told me a story. He said, “I heard people say that the tree of life grows very slowly, and only grows two nodes more in thousands of years.” At this time, I was four years old, very excited to hear this, dreaming that I could have a tree of life. In the years that followed, he told me this one-sentence story so many times that I got bored of hearing it.

By the time I was a teenager, I went looking for articles about the Tree of Life on my own and didn't like them once I read them. Some years later, I went looking for it again and still didn't like it when I read it. Perhaps because I became attached to the Tree of Life as a child, I was always thinking about it and visiting it every few years, and it wasn't until I was in my forties that I could understand it.

本来生命之树只有色蕴、行蕴和识蕴三个节。后来,古人发现受和想对人的影响很大,就把这两法从行蕴抽了出来,另做了两蕴:受蕴和想蕴,所以人们说,“生命之树几千年才长多了两个节”(如插图4.1.1-1下)。我在2014年,写完回忆录后,依据《佛学次第统编》重新组装了生命之树,参见本书的第11章《生命之树 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3408355》。
Originally, the Tree of Life had only three nodes: color node, migration node, and sense node. Later, when the ancients realized that acceptance and think have great influence on people, they took the two laws out of the migration node and made them two new nodes: acceptance node and think node, which is why it is said that "the tree of life only grew two more nodes over thousands of years (e.g., Illustration 4.1.1-1)." I reassembled the Tree of Life in 2014, after writing my memoirs, based on the Unified Compilation of Buddhist Substantiations; see Chapter 11 of this book, The Tree of Life.

插图4.1-1源自古墨西哥(约公元1325年)。图1表明儿童时期的墨西哥听 “生命之树几千年才长多了两个节” 故事,很入迷。图2是古墨西哥传说中的另一种生命之树。图3、 4、5是墨西哥长大后,根据传说重新创作了生命之树。
Illustration 4.1-1 is from ancient Mexico (ca. 1325 AD). Figure 1 shows that as a child, Mexico was mesmerized by the story that "the tree of life grows two knots longer over thousands of years." Figure 2 shows another tree of life from ancient Mexican legend. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show Mexico growing up and re-creating the Tree of Life based on the legend.

Illustrations 4.1-2-1 and -2 show the Tree of Life founded by Thor in ancient Germanic legend. In Fig. 3, Thor discovers that Tanngnjóstr (Adam), the male goat of the flying goat-vehicle (aka. Human Sky Vehicle: cf. section 15.3) in which he rides, is lame. The figures in Figures 4, 5, and 6 are Tanngnjóstr (Adam) and Tanngrisnir (Eve). Figure 4 indicates that the juristic door for learning the Goat Vehicle is to chew the five fruits of the Tree of Life (cf. section 11.6). On several occasions in Canada, the author me found that Europeans hang grapes outside the doors of their houses at Christmas time, believing that grapes can attract fortune. What is that fortune? Looking at Figure 6 I realized that Eve is fortune, and she loves to eat grapes. Why are Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir a pair of goats? That was the ancient Germanic people reminding their future descendants that they two were to blame for the death of their father, Thor!

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4.2 禅的故事 Stories of Meditation - Adam_Luyan (8118 bytes) 04/05/24
4.4 猪爷爷驴奶奶 Grandpa Pig and Grandma Donkey - Adam_Luyan (12001 bytes) 04/05/24
4.6 一个公案 A Public Case - Adam_Luyan (4464 bytes) 04/05/24
4.7 灵魂转世的故事 Story of Soul Reincarnation - Adam_Luyan (11262 bytes) 04/05/24
4.9 花花绿绿的报刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand - Adam_Luyan (6167 bytes) 04/05/24
4.10 遗嘱 Wills - Adam_Luyan (19241 bytes) 04/05/24

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