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北約2023 年年度報告·前言·目录(双语)

送交者: jefferson23[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2024-03-15 3:15 已读 4872 次 3赞  



NATO·The Secretary General’s Annual Report 2023

14 Mar. 2024


NATO·北約秘書長斯托爾滕貝格2023 年年度報告

北大西洋公约组织 2024 3 14


On 14 March 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg released his Annual Report for 2023.


It details NATO’s work and achievements throughout the year, including the Alliance’s welcoming of Finland as its 31st Ally, the Vilnius Summit, where the Alliance strengthened its collective defence and brought Ukraine closer to NATO, and the deepening cooperation with NATO’s partners in the Indo-Pacific.

The Report contains the results of NATO’s annual public perception polls.  

Below you will find short descriptions of – as well as direct links to – the elements of the Annual Report.

1. Foreword

2. NATO at a Glance

3. For Those Who Serve

4. NATO in 2023: Adapting at a Critical Time

5. Deterrence and Defence: Protecting our Citizens

6. Investing in Defence: Resourced for the Future

7. NATO's Comprehensive Approach to Resilience

8. Engaging with NATO Citizens, Building Awareness

9. Adapting the Alliance to a World of Strategic Competition

10. Crisis Prevention and Management

11. Partnerships: Shared Security through Cooperation and Dialogue

12. Human Security and Women, Peace and Security

13. Organisation

14. Annexes

15. Kosovo Force (KFOR)

16. Defence Expenditure of NATO Countries (2014 – 2023)

You can also download the full Annual Report (PDF)


Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine rages on, there is a new war in the Middle East, and Allies face greater competition from authoritarian states, including China. In addition, we still face a range of other threats to our security, including terrorism, cyber attacks and climate change. The world has become more dangerous, but NATO is stronger.

In 2023, NATO grew bigger and more capable. Finland became a NATO Ally, and we have just welcomed Sweden as well. We continued to strengthen our defences. At our Summit in Vilnius, we agreed robust new plans to defend every inch of Alliance territory. These plans are backed by hundreds of thousands of troops and highly capable air and naval forces at a high state of readiness – and with eight battlegroups on our eastern flank, stretching from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea, scalable to brigade size.

In 2023, defence spending increased by an unprecedented 11% across Europe and Canada. Since we agreed the Defence Investment Pledge in 2014, European Allies and Canada will have spent more than USD 600 billion extra on defence.

In 2024, we expect two-thirds of Allies to meet or exceed the target of investing 2% of Gross Domestic Product in defence. At the Vilnius Summit, we agreed the Defence Production Action Plan, to ramp up production and replenish our stocks of weapons and ammunition. Billions of dollars of contracts have already been signed with defence industry. This will mean more security for Allies, more supplies for Ukraine, and more highly skilled jobs across Europe and North America.

In addition to strengthening our own collective defence, NATO continues to support Ukraine. Ukraine must prevail as an independent, sovereign nation. If Putin wins, this would send a dangerous message to authoritarian leaders around the world that they can achieve their objectives through war and violence. Supporting Ukraine is not charity, it is in our own security interest.

At the Vilnius Summit, we brought Ukraine closer to NATO than ever before. We established the NATO-Ukraine Council where we meet to discuss and take decisions on our common security interests, as equals. We are helping to transition Ukraine from Soviet-era to NATO equipment and standards.

We have also removed the requirement for a Membership Action Plan, significantly shortening Ukraine’s path to membership. All Allies agree that Ukraine will become a member of NATO.

China is watching our actions closely. China does not share our values, it challenges our interests, and Beijing is increasingly aligned with Moscow. We will continue to trade and engage with China, but we must manage the risks and prepare for enduring competition.

NATO is a regional alliance that faces global challenges, so our partnerships around the world are essential for our security. We continue to work closely with the European Union on a wide range of security issues. We are also deepening our cooperation with our partners in the Indo-Pacific – Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea – and I have appointed a group of experts to review NATO’s approach to our southern neighbourhood.

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the NATO Alliance. In all those years, the bond between Europe and North America has kept our nations secure and our people safe. At the Washington Summit in July, we will send a powerful message of unity, solidarity and resolve – to prevent war and preserve peace.

Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General

北約秘書長 2023 年年度報告

2024 3 14






















俄羅斯對烏克蘭的侵略戰爭愈演愈烈,中東爆發了新的戰爭,盟國面臨著來自包括中國在內的獨裁國家的更激烈的競爭。 此外,我們仍然面臨一系列其他安全威脅,包括恐怖主義、網路攻擊和氣候變遷。 世界變得更加危險,但北約卻更強大。

2023年,北約變得更大、更有能力。 芬蘭成為北約盟國,我們剛剛也歡迎瑞典。 我們繼續加強防禦。 在維爾紐斯峰會上,我們商定了強而有力的新計劃,以保衛聯盟的每一寸領土。 這些計劃得到了數十萬軍隊和處於高度戰備狀態的高素質空軍和海軍部隊的支持,並在我們的東翼部署了八個戰鬥群,從波羅的海延伸到地中海,可擴展到旅級規模。

2023 年,歐洲和加拿大的國防開支史無前例地增加了 11%。 自2014年我們同意國防投資承諾以來,歐洲盟國和加拿大將在國防上額外支出超過6,000億美元。

2024年,我們預期三分之二的盟國將達到或超過將國內生產毛額的2%投資於國防的目標。 在維爾紐斯峰會上,我們商定了《國防生產行動計畫》,以提高生產並補充我們的武器彈藥庫存。 已經與國防工業簽署了數十億美元的合約。 這將意味著盟國獲得更多安全,烏克蘭獲得更多供應,以及歐洲和北美更多高技能就業機會。

除了加強我們自己的集體防禦外,北約還繼續支持烏克蘭。 烏克蘭必須作為一個獨立的主權國家獲勝。 如果普丁獲勝,這將向世界各地的獨裁領導人發出一個危險的訊息,即他們可以透過戰爭和暴力來實現其目標。 支持烏克蘭不是施捨,而是符合我們自身的安全利益。

在維爾紐斯峰會上,我們使烏克蘭比以往任何時候都更接近北約。 我們成立了北約-烏克蘭理事會,我們在其中平等地討論我們的共同安全利益並做出決定。 我們正在幫助烏克蘭從蘇聯時代的裝備和標準過渡到北約時代的裝備和標準。

我們也取消了會員行動計畫的要求,大大縮短了烏克蘭的會員資格之路。 所有盟國都同意烏克蘭將成為北約成員。

中國正在密切關注我們的行動。 中國不認同我們的價值觀,它挑戰我們的利益,而且北京與莫斯科越來越結盟。 我們將繼續與中國進行貿易和接觸,但我們必須管理風險並為持久競爭做好準備。

北約是一個面臨全球挑戰的區域聯盟,因此我們在世界各地的夥伴關係對我們的安全至關重要。 我們繼續在廣泛的安全問題上與歐盟密切合作。 我們也正在深化與印度-太平洋地區夥伴——澳大利亞、日本、紐西蘭和韓國——的合作,我已經任命了一個專家小組來審查北約對我們南部鄰國的做法。

2024年是北約聯盟成立75週年。 多年來,歐洲和北美之間的聯繫保證了我們國家的安全和人民的安全。 在七月的華盛頓峰會上,我們將發出團結、團結和決心的強烈訊息——防止戰爭、維護和平。




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