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送交者: ywhan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2021-10-29 20:02 已读 605 次  



中國成功試射超高音速飞弹給美國的震撼接近蘇聯人類第一顆人造衛星的效果                                                                                                                     WSJOct 28,2021 A10, by By Michael R. Gordon

WASHINGTON -- The top U.S. military official describedChina's recent test of a hypersonic missile as a near "Sputnikmoment" and said that the Pentagon was focused on the development.

"What we saw was a very significant event of a test ofa hypersonic weapon system, and it is very concerning," Gen. Mark Milley,the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Bloomberg Television on Wednesday."I don't know if it's quite a Sputnik moment, but I think it's very closeto that. It has all of our attention."

"Sputnik moment" refers to the Soviet Union's 1957launch of the first artificial satellite, named Sputnik, which shook the U.S.'sview of its own technological superiority and national security.

Gen. Milley didn't provide new details of the August test,in which a Chinese hypersonic missile orbited the globe before heading towardits target. But his comments were a rare instance in which a senior U.S.official discussed the test on the record.

Last month, U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall appearedto allude to China's new hypersonic missile, saying in a speech that China wasdeveloping the capability to launch "global strikes from space."

"There is a potential for weapons to be launched intospace, then go through this old concept from the Cold War called the FractionalOrbital Bombardment System. . .which is a system that basically goes into orbitand then de-orbits to a target," Mr. Kendall said.

The test was first reported earlier this month by theFinancial Times, which noted that the missile had missed its target by morethan 20 miles. U.S. officials confirmed that the target had been missed.

U.S. officials and weapons experts outside the governmenthave speculated that the missile program is intended by the Chinese tocircumvent U.S. missile defenses with a nuclear-armed system.

Though U.S. missile defenses aren't currently capable ofstopping a substantial Chinese nuclear attack, Beijing might be concerned thatthe U.S.'s antimissile capabilities might be expanded, the officials andexperts said.

Some U.S. officials say, however, that the new missile mightbe intended to deliver nonnuclear attacks on U.S. ports or installations in thePacific.

Robert Soofer, who served as the senior Defense Departmentofficial for nuclear and missile-defense policy during the Trumpadministration, said the hypersonic missile isn't the most threatening Chinesesystem.

"The expansion of the Chinese ICBM silos pose more of athreat," he said in an interview. "This is part of an effort toachieve military parity across the board."

China has about 350 nuclear warheads, one-third of which areon long-range missiles, according to the Arms Control Association, a privategroup that supports arms control accords. U.S. officials have projected thatBeijing's small arsenal could at least double over the next decade.

The current number of Chinese warheads is a fraction of the1,373 long-range nuclear weapons the U.S. has deployed. The U.S. has 3,750warheads of all types.

Russia has 1,362 deployed long-range nuclear warheads. Ithas as many as 4,500 nuclear weapons of all types, the Arms Control Associationsaid.

During the Trump administration, the State Departmentproposed nuclear talks with the Chinese on ways to avert an arms race andmaintain stability. They were intended to encourage Beijing to participate innegotiations limiting long-range nuclear arms, which China has refused to do.




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