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这可以帮助您增加至少 10 万美元的退休储蓄

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-07-11 14:32 已读 1008 次  


Vanguard 表示这可以帮助您增加至少 10 万美元的退休储蓄



太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 7 月 11 日星期二上午 6:47



60 岁及以上的美国人中约有 80% 拥有房产,住房财富约占该群体财富中位数的 48%。 随着大城市和强劲的房地产市场附近的退休人员开始退休,他们意识到可以通过出售房屋并搬到更便宜的地区来释放这些财富。 这种退休和搬迁策略使房主在 2019 年从自己的房屋中获得的中位数为 99,019 美元,对于搬迁到较便宜的住房市场的前 10% 的房主来说,这一数额高达 347,000 美元。 以下是它的运作方式以及依靠这种退休策略的利弊。



当退休人员完成工作后,他们不再需要留在纽约、波士顿或洛杉矶等大城市附近。 相反,他们正在考虑搬到负担得起的、更注重退休的州,如佛罗里达州或怀俄明州。 这不仅为他们提供了一个可供社交的退休人员社区,而且还通过出售房屋释放了他们的很大一部分财富。

先锋集团最近对这一群体进行了一项分析,以确定退休人员通过出售和搬迁可以释放多少钱。 截至 2019 年,年满 60 岁并使用此技术的房主中位数获得了约 99,000 美元的房屋净值。 前 10 个百分点解锁的中位数为 337,000 美元。

60 岁以上的房主平均在其财务账户中拥有约 223,000 美元的退休储蓄。 仅凭这一点还不足以退休,因为许多人开始计划使用房屋净值作为退休计划的一部分。

Vanguard 提供的示例涉及一位女士,她在 20 世纪 90 年代以 17 万美元在波士顿附近购买了一套房屋。 该房屋现在的价值约为 500,000 美元。 出售房屋、搬迁并在新地点购买较小的房屋后,她可以通过出售房屋获得约 20 万美元的资本收益。

释放这些资金的关键是她必须搬到一个住房市场更便宜的地方,这样她就不必支付租金。 对于一些因家庭义务而必须留在当前所在地的人来说,这可能不是一个选择。 然而,对于许多人来说,这很快就成为将退休金增加近一倍的一种方式。


有两种类型的退休安置者可以通过此策略取得成功。 第一类是那些从繁荣的房地产市场搬来的人(彩票中奖者)和那些搬到低增长的房地产市场的人(抄底者)。 每种策略都为房主创造了不同的价值,但也带来了不同的机会。

1. 彩票中奖者

“彩票中奖者”是那些在合适的时间离开繁荣的房地产市场的人。 当他们拥有自己的房屋时,他们能够在很长一段时间内看到其所在地区房屋价值的强劲增长。 他们恰到好处地进入市场,仅仅因为在正确的时间出现在正确的地点,就能够创造大量的房屋净值。

一些房主可能已经预测到了这样的房地产爆发,但实际上,大多数人只是碰巧在他们所在地区的房地产繁荣中幸运,因此得名与彩票相关的名字。 由于房屋净值大幅增长,这一群体通常可以转移到几乎任何没有类似增长模式的市场,并最终为退休释放大量资金。

2. 讨价还价者

许多人属于第二类,称为“便宜货猎人”,这意味着他们必须做更多的工作来释放自己的资产。 该群体通常会在拥有房屋时看到其房屋价值的稳定增长,而不是在几年内看到大幅增长模式。 这意味着他们必须更具创造力,才能从家里释放一些财富。

这里的策略是在该国某个地方的房地产市场上找到便宜货,使他们能够以远低于出售现有房屋的价格购买新房。 这可能无法解锁相同的理想退休地点,但它仍然是大大增加他们为退休储蓄的金额的可行方法。




通过出售房屋和搬迁来释放资金对大多数人来说都是有益的,但实际上依靠这笔钱来退休也有利有弊。 当您尽早计划退休时,了解双方的情况非常重要,这样您就可以在为时已晚之前做出正确的选择。








市场可能会发生意外的变化:您当前所在地区的房地产市场可能会随着时间的推移而发生变化。 这可能会导致潜在回报和退休金低于您预计的水平。 随着时间的推移,房地产市场可能比股票市场更难以预测。

流动性较差:如果您的退休生活的很大一部分都与实物资产挂钩,那么您就无法随时提取这笔钱。 它还会让您受到市场的支配,直到您真正完成房屋销售。

需要搬迁:为了使此策略发挥作用,您在出售房屋时必须搬迁。 对于许多家庭或健康状况无法控制的人来说,这可能不是他们的愿望,甚至不是他们的选择。


越来越多的房主依靠退休和搬迁策略来大大增强他们的退休财务状况。 通过在强劲的房地产市场出售房屋并搬到较弱的房地产市场,退休的房主可以净赚差价并将其添加到他们的退休基金中。

不过,这并非没有风险,因为市场可能会发生变化。 对于许多人来说,它可以帮助增加他们退休后的总收入,但最好将其视为额外收入,而不是将其视为您想要的退休所需的钱。


在考虑您的退休选择时,最好咨询专业人士。 财务顾问可以帮助您制定退休计划,并帮助您为您的黄金岁月创造收入来源。 寻找财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三名经过审查的为您所在地区提供服务的财务顾问,并且您可以免费采访您的顾问匹配对象,以决定哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。

当您考虑退休时,最好知道您需要多少钱才能过上自己想要的生活。 尝试使用 SmartAsset 的免费退休计算器来做到这一点。


Vanguard Says This Can Help You Add at Least $100k to Retirement Savings


Jeff White

Tue, July 11, 2023 at 6:47 AM PDT

retire and relocate

Approximately 80% of all Americans aged 60 and older are homeowners, and housing wealth accounts for about 48% of the median wealth of that group. As retirees near large cities, and strong housing markets, start retiring, they realize they can unlock this wealth by selling their home and relocating to a more affordable area. This retire-and-relocate strategy allowed homeowners to unlock a median figure of $99,019 from their homes in 2019 and the amount went up to $347,000 for the top 10% of homeowners who relocated to less expensive housing markets. Here's how it works and the pros of cons of relying on this strategy for your retirement.

Consider working with a financial advisor to help you with your retirement needs.

How Retirees Are Tapping Into Housing Wealth By Relocating

As retirees finish working, they no longer need to remain within a close proximity to large cities like New York, Boston or Los Angeles. Instead, they are considering moves to more affordable states that are more retirement focused like Florida or Wyoming. This not only gives them a community of retirees to socialize with but it also is opening up a large chunk of their wealth through the sale of their home.

Vanguard recently conducted an analysis of this group to determine how much money retirees are unlocking by selling and relocating. As of 2019, the median homeowner who had reached the age of 60 and used this technique accessed approximately $99,000 in home equity. The top 10th percentile unlocked a median of $337,000.

The average homeowner who is at least 60 years old has about $223,000 of retirement savings in their financial accounts. That, alone, isn't considered to be enough to retire on so many are starting to plan for the use of their home equity as part of their retirement plan.

The example provided by Vanguard looks at a woman who purchased a home near Boston in the 1990s for $170,000. That home would now have an approximate value of $500,000. After selling the home, relocating and buying a smaller home in her new location, she's able to unlock about $200,000 on the capital gains from selling her house.

The key to unlocking these funds is that she must move to a location with a much more affordable housing market so that she doesn't have to pay rent. This may not be an option for some who have family obligations tying them to their current location. However, for many this is quickly becoming a way to nearly double their retirement funds.

Two Types of Retirement Relocators

There are two types of retirement relocators that can find success with this strategy. The first is those who move from a booming housing market (lottery winners) and those who move to a low-growth housing market (bargain hunters). Each strategy creates different values for the homeowner but it also opens up different opportunities.

1. Lottery Winners

The "lottery winners" are those who moved from a housing market that boomed at the right time for them. They were able to see strong growth in home values within their area for a long period of time while they owned their home. Hitting the market just right, they were able to create a large amount of home equity just for being in the right place at the right time.

Some homeowners may have predicted housing bursts like this, but in reality, most just happen to get lucky with the housing boom in their area, thus the lottery-related name. Due to their large home equity growth, this group can typically move to pretty much any market that hasn't seen similar growth patterns and end up unlocking a substantial amount of money for retirement.

2. Bargain Hunters

Many people fall into the second category, called "bargain hunters" which means they must do a bit more work to unlock their equity. This group typically sees steady growth in the value of their home while they own it instead of seeing large growth patterns over a few years. This means they must be more creative to unlock some wealth from their home.

The strategy here is to find a bargain in the housing market somewhere in the country that allows them to buy a new home for substantially less than they sell their current house for. This may not unlock the same desired retirement locations, but it can still be a viable way to greatly increase the amount of money they have saved for retirement.

Pros and Cons of Counting on Relocation for Retirement Income

retire and relocate

Unlocking money from selling your home and relocating can be beneficial for most people, but there are pros and cons to actually counting on this money in order to retire. It's important to understand both sides as you're planning for retirement early on so that you can make the right choices for you before it's too late.


More Money: You can add a substantial percentage to your retirement funds by counting on and executing this strategy.

You Can Retire In Paradise: An option to this strategy is retiring either in a sunnier location state-side or even moving overseas to a tropical paradise with a lower cost of living.

More Accurate Planning: Relying on this strategy provides a more accurate picture of your retirement funds so you can better plan for the income you'll have in retirement.


The Market Can Change Unexpectedly: The housing market in your current area can change over time. This could lead to a lower potential return and less money than you project to have when retirement comes. Housing markets can be less predictable, over time, than the stock market. 

Less Liquid: If you have a substantial part of your retirement tied up into a physical asset then you aren't able to access that money whenever you want. It also leaves you at the mercy of the market until you actually close on the sale of your home.

Relocation Is Required: In order for this strategy to work, you must relocate when you sell your home. This might not be the desire or even an option for many people with family or health situations out of their control.

The Bottom Line

A growing number of homeowners are relying on a retire-and-relocate strategy to greatly strengthen their retirement finances. By selling their home in a strong housing market and relocating to a weaker one, homeowners that retire can net the difference and add it to their retirement funds.

This doesn't come without risk, though, as the market can change. For many it can help increase their total income in retirement but it might be best to consider it additional income instead of relying on it as money that is needed for the retirement you want.

Tips for Retirement

When considering your retirement options, it might be best to consult with a professional. Financial advisors can help you make a retirement plan and help you create income streams for your golden years. Finding a financial advisor doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you're ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

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