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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-15 16:04 已读 1970 次  



到底有多少美国人真正退休时拥有一百万美元?958丽贝卡莱克太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 6 月 15 日星期四上午 6:11有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元为退休储蓄 100 万美元(或更多)是一个伟大的目标。 把这些钱放在一边可以让你退休后更容易过上你喜欢的生活方式,而不必担心钱不够用。 然而,并没有很大比例的退休人员最终拥有那么多钱。 事实上,据统计,大约 10% 的退休人员有 100 万美元或更多的储蓄。 然而,大多数退休人员的储蓄要少得多。 如果您希望成为少数人,但不确定如何开始实现该储蓄目标,请考虑与财务顾问合作。
美联储的消费者财务调查跟踪了美国不同年龄组的退休储蓄数据。根据 2019 年完成的最新调查,按年龄划分的平均退休储蓄如下:
65 至 74 岁的人为 426,000 美元
75 岁及以上的人 357,000 美元
如您所见,这些数字远低于 100 万美元大关。 它们代表 65 岁及以上的普通人在退休账户中储蓄了多少,包括 401(k) 计划和个人退休账户 (IRA)。
如果您查看中位数,数字变化更大。 中位数表示一组数字中位于中间的数。 美联储数据显示,65 至 74 岁的人退休账户中的中位数为 164,000 美元,而 75 岁及以上的人为退休储蓄了 83,000 美元。
这些数字来自 2019 年,可能不反映退休人员在过去几年中经历的任何退休收益(或损失)。 下一次消费者财务调查定于 2023 年某个时候发布,考虑到 COVID-19 大流行和高通胀的影响,它可能描绘出一幅截然不同的退休储蓄图景。
净资产是衡量您的资产与负债的比值。 较高的净资产表明您的资产多于债务,这对退休来说是一件好事。
就退休人员的平均净资产而言,美联储的数据显示,65 至 74 岁的退休人员的平均净资产约为 120 万美元。75 岁及以上的人的平均净资产降至 958,000 美元。 该数据衡量各种资产和债务,包括:
如果您想计算自己的净资产,只需将所有资产相加并减去债务即可。 您可以使用该数字作为衡量您自己的净资产以及您所在年龄段的其他美国人的指南。
有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元长期以来,金融专家一直主张为退休储蓄至少 100 万美元。 100 万美元是否足够取决于:
对于一些退休人员来说,100 万美元可能足以享受舒适的生活方式。 例如,计划搬迁到另一个国家的退休人员可能会发现,在支付住房、水电费、食品或医疗保健费用方面,100 万美元的用处要大得多。 相反,他们或许可以靠 500,000 美元退休。
另一方面,如果您想过一种包括大量旅行、昂贵的爱好或为子女或孙辈提供经济支持的退休生活方式,100 万美元可能会给您带来储蓄缺口。 如果您患有慢性病或在某个时候需要长期护理,医疗保健也会消耗您的大量积蓄。
Medicare 一般不承保长期护理。 虽然您可以申请 Medicaid 来支付长期护理费用,但资格取决于您的资产。 如果您的净资产过高,您可能必须先花掉部分资产才能获得资格。 购买长期护理保险或混合人寿保险和长期护理保险可以帮助您为这种情况做好财务准备。
如何为退休储蓄 100 万美元
如果您想为退休储蓄 100 万美元或更多,您需要一个明确的计划来实现您的目标。 计划从做一些数学运算开始,以确定您需要每月或每年节省多少才能达到您的目标,具体取决于 w
如何为退休储蓄 100 万美元
如果您想为退休储蓄 100 万美元或更多,您需要一个明确的计划来实现您的目标。 计划从做一些数学计算开始,根据您计划退休的时间来确定您每月或每年需要储蓄多少才能达到您的目标。
比如说,你今年 30 岁。 您想在 65 岁退休时存入 100 万美元。 您每年税前收入 70,000 美元,开始储蓄为 0 美元。 假设您进行投资并获得平均每年 7% 的回报率,那么您每年需要留出 10% 的收入。 这还假设您计划活到 95 岁,退休后每月花费 2,900 美元。
如果您每年将税前收入的 10% 存起来,则每月为 583 美元。 现在,如果你从 35 岁开始呢? 在这种情况下,您需要将储蓄率提高到收入的 15% 或每月 850 美元。
使用在线退休储蓄计算器可以帮助您计算出拥有 100 万美元的退休金需要存多少钱。 您还可以尝试其中的一些技巧来增加您的储蓄总额:
如果您还没有加入您的 401(k) 计划,您的目标是至少做出足够的贡献以与您的雇主完全匹配。
将您的 401(k) 年度供款率提高与您收到的任何年度加薪相同的金额。
如果可能,每年最大限度地利用您的工作场所退休计划,如果您是个体经营者,请考虑单独开设 401(k) 或 SEP IRA。
如果您的高免赔额健康计划中有可用账户,请使用传统或罗斯 IRA 和健康储蓄账户 (HSA) 补充储蓄。
如果您符合条件,可以利用 Retirement Saver's Credit,这可以节省更多的钱。
选择低费用投资以最大化您的回报并定期查看您在 401(k) 或 IRA 中支付的费用。
如果您想带着 100 万美元退休,这些只是您可以做的几件事来增加您的储蓄努力。 您决定做什么应该取决于您的个人财务目标是什么以及您认为实现目标需要多少钱。 您可能会受益于与专业人士合作,他们可以概述实现您的个人目标的计划。
有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元有多少百分比的退休人员拥有一百万美元大多数退休人员都不是百万富翁,但如果您的方法具有战略意义,则有可能节省 100 万美元。 尽早开始可能是实现目标的最佳方式之一,因为您将有更多时间从复利中获益。 如果您想在退休时成为百万富翁,比较不同的投资选择并了解您的风险承受能力也很重要。
考虑与财务顾问讨论以 100 万美元退休是否现实,或者您是否应该瞄准不同的储蓄数字。 如果您还没有财务顾问,找到一个并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三位为您所在地区服务的财务顾问,您可以免费与您的顾问进行面谈,以决定哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。
如果您希望社会保障福利成为您退休计划的一部分,那么了解您可能能够领取多少是很重要的。 当您在正常退休年龄退休时,您可以领取全部福利金额,但最早可以在 62 岁领取福利。但是,这样做可能会减少您能够领取的金额。 另一方面,您可以等到 70 岁再申请,以增加您的福利金额。 决定何时领取社会保障福利是您可能想与您的财务顾问讨论的另一个话题。


Just How Many Americans Actually Retire With a Million Bucks?







Rebecca Lake

Thu, June 15, 2023 at 6:11 AM PDT

what percentage of retirees have a million dolllars

Saving $1 million (or more) for retirement is a great goal to have. Putting that much aside could make it easier to live your preferred lifestyle when you retire, without having to worry about running short of money. However, not a huge percentage of retirees end up having that much money. In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved. If you’re looking to be in the minority but aren’t sure how to get started on that savings goal, consider working with a financial advisor.

What Does the Average Retiree Have Saved?

The Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances tracks retirement savings data for different age groups in the U.S. According to the most recent survey that was completed in 2019, the average retirement savings by age breaks down like this:

$426,000 for those aged 65 to 74

$357,000 for those aged 75 and older

As you can see, those numbers are well below the $1 million mark. They represent how much the average person 65 and up have saved in retirement accounts, including 401(k) plans and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).

If you look at median figures, the numbers change even more. The median represents the middle number in a group of numbers. The Federal Reserve data shows that 65 to 74-year-olds have a median of $164,000 in their retirement accounts while those 75 and older have $83,000 saved for retirement.

These numbers are from 2019 and may not reflect any retirement gains (or losses) retirees have experienced in the last few years. The next Survey of Consumer Finances is set to be released sometime in 2023 and it may paint a very different picture of retiree savings with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and higher inflation factored in.

What Is the Average Retiree’s Net Worth?

Net worth is a measurement of your assets against your liabilities. A higher net worth indicates that you have more assets than debts and that’s a good thing when it comes to retirement.

In terms of the average retiree’s net worth, the Federal Reserve data puts it at approximately $1.2 million for those aged 65 to 74. The average net worth drops to $958,000 for those aged 75 and older. The data measures a variety of assets and debts, including:

Retirement accounts

Bank account balances

Certificate of deposit accounts

Savings bonds

Stock holdings

Cash value life insurance

Managed assets

Business equity

Unrealized capital gains

Primary mortgage debt

Home equity loans and lines of credit

Student loans

Vehicle loans

Credit cards

Other installment debt

If you’d like to calculate your own net worth, you’d simply add up all of your assets and subtract your debts. You can use that number as a guide for measuring your own net worth alongside other Americans in your age group.

Is $1 Million Enough for Retirement?

what percentage of retirees have a million dolllars

Financial experts have long advocated saving at least $1 million for retirement. Whether $1 million is enough can depend on:

Your desired retirement age

How long do you expect to live in retirement

Your preferred retirement lifestyle

What you expect to spend on basic living expenses and healthcare

When you plan to take Social Security benefits

For some retirees, $1 million may be more than enough to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Retirees who plan to relocate to another country, for example, may find that $1 million goes much further when it comes to paying for housing, utilities, food or health care. They might be able to retire on $500,000 instead.

On the other hand, $1 million may leave you with a savings gap if you would like to live a retirement lifestyle that includes plenty of travel, expensive hobbies or providing financial support to a child or grandchild. Health care can also take a big bite out of your savings if you have a chronic illness or you require long-term care at some point.

Long-term nursing care is generally not covered by Medicare. While you can apply for Medicaid to pay for long-term care, eligibility is determined by your assets. If your net worth is too high, you may have to spend down some of your assets before you can qualify. Purchasing long-term care insurance or a hybrid life insurance and long-term care policy can help you to prepare financially for that scenario.

If you’re ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

How to Save $1 Million for Retirement

If you’d like to save $1 million or more for retirement, you’ll need a clear plan to reach your goal. Planning starts with doing some math to determine how much you need to save monthly or yearly to reach your goal, based on when you plan to retire.

Say, for example, that you’re 30 years old. You’d like to retire at 65 with $1 million saved. You make $70,000 a year, pre-tax and are starting with $0 in savings. Assuming you’re investing and earning a 7% annual rate of return on average, you’d need to set aside 10% of your income each year. That also assumes you plan to live until age 95 and spend $2,900 a month in retirement.

If you’re saving 10% of your pretax income each year, that works out to $583 per month. Now, what if you’re starting at age 35 instead? In that case, you’d need to bump your savings rate to 15% of your income or $850 a month instead.

Using an online retirement savings calculator can help you work out how much you need to save to retire with $1 million. You can also try some of these tips to boost your savings total:

Enroll in your 401(k) if you haven’t already and aim to contribute at least enough to get your full employer match.

Increase your 401(k) annual contribution rate by the same amount as any annual raises you receive.

Max out your workplace retirement plan each year if possible and consider opening a solo 401(k) or SEP IRA if you’re self-employed.

Supplement savings with a traditional or Roth IRA and a Health Savings Account (HSA), if you have one available through your high-deductible health plan.

Take advantage of the Retirement Saver’s Credit if you’re eligible, which can free up more money that you can save.

Choose low-fee investments to maximize your returns and review the fees you’re paying in your 401(k) or IRA regularly.

Use found money, such as tax refunds or rebates, to add to your retirement savings.

Fine-tune your budget as much as possible and pay down debt so you have more money to save.

Those are just a few things you can do to increase your savings efforts if you’d like to retire with $1 million. What you decide to do should be unique to what your individual financial goals are and how much money you think you need for your goals. You may benefit from working with a professional who can outline what a plan looks like to hit your individual goals.

The Bottom Line

what percentage of retirees have a million dolllars

The majority of retirees are not millionaires but it’s possible to reach $1 million in savings if you’re strategic in your approach. Getting an early start can be one of the best ways to reach your goal, as you’ll have more time to benefit from compounding interest. Comparing different investment options and understanding your risk tolerance is also essential if you’d like to achieve millionaire status by the time you retire.

Retirement Planning Tips

Consider talking to a financial advisor about whether retiring with $1 million is realistic or if you should be aiming for a different savings number. If you don’t have a financial advisor yet, finding one doesn’t have to be difficult. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

If you expect Social Security benefits to be part of your retirement picture, it’s important to understand how much you might be able to collect. You can receive your full benefit amount when you retire at your normal retirement age, but it’s possible to take benefits as early as 62. Doing so, however, can shrink the amount you’re able to receive. On the other hand, you can increase your benefit amount by waiting until age 70 to apply. Deciding when to take Social Security benefits is another topic you may want to discuss with your financial advisor.

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