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250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-06-09 10:22 已读 1829 次  


250,000 美元能让我退休多久?



太平洋夏令时间 2023 年 6 月 9 日星期五早上 6:05

SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

如果 100 万美元能让你过上舒适的退休生活,那么四分之一的金额会花多远? 知道您可以赚取 250,000 美元以维持退休后的几十年,您可能会感到惊讶。 虽然您需要一个详细的计划和足够的社会保障收入,但有可能以这种适度的数额离开劳动力市场。 以下是需要考虑的因素。


寻找合格的财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可在 5 分钟内为您与您所在地区的最多 3 位受托财务顾问进行匹配。 每个顾问都经过 SmartAsset 的审查,并遵守受托标准,以您的最佳利益行事。


250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

您退休储蓄中 250,000 美元的寿命取决于几个因素:您的开支、投资回报率和提款策略。 以下是规划退休时如何评估这些方面:


您在退休时花费的金额决定了您依靠特定收入生活的能力。 了解您的生活方式意味着您可以确定每月的开支。 所以,你可以把你的支出加起来,然后根据你的收入来权衡。

例如,如果您在退休前还清了抵押贷款并且不打算旅行,那么您的预算就会减少。 这种情况将只剩下财产税、公用事业和住房维修费用。 平均而言,这些费用每年约为 9,000 美元。 但费用因地点而异。

此外,您的预期寿命是一个关键因素。 例如,如果您在 67 岁退休并期望活到 80 岁,那么您将有 13 年的退休生活。 因此,您可以将每年的生活成本乘以 13 来粗略估算您的退休总成本。

然而,这个数字不太准确,因为通货膨胀每年都会增加生活成本。 您可以通过每年增加 3% 的年度支出来模拟通货膨胀,从而获得更精确的结果。 例如,40,000 美元的预算会在下一年增加到 41,200 美元,依此类推。 在第 13 年,您开始时的同等生活费用为 58,741 美元。

其次,退休后医疗保健支出是不可避免的。 从 Medicare 保费到自付费用,您每年都会有医疗费用。 因此,专家建议计划将 15% 的钱花在健康费用上。 因此,250,000 美元的储备金将指定至少 37,500 美元用于这笔费用。


SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

您的回报率也会影响 250,000 美元储备金的使用期限。 例如,3% 的回报率提供每年 7,500 美元,而 7% 的回报率提供 17,500 美元。 百分比的这种小幅波动可以提供更多年的收入,因此最大化您的回报率至关重要。 您可以使用以下退休账户这样做:

通过个人退休账户 (IRA) 或 401(k) 进行投资可以提供更大的收益。 例如,投资于标准普尔 500 指数的投资组合自成立以来提供了 10% 的平均年回报率。 假设 3% 的通货膨胀率和 0.5% 的管理费,250,000 美元每年可以提供 16,250 美元的收入。 这意味着您提取的本金将减少,从而使您的资金持续时间更长。

年金可以为您退休后的生活提供有保障的支付。 换句话说,你可以花 250,000 美元购买一份合同,只要你活着,这项资产就会每月寄给你一张支票。 购买立即支付的年金会减少您的每月付款。 另一方面,延迟付款会增加它。 如果您在 45 岁时购买年金并在 65 岁退休,您将永久每月收到 2,475 美元。

利率上升使银行账户成为可行的退休储蓄工具。 具体来说,高收益储蓄账户的利率为 4%。 好处是您无需冒险投资股票、房地产和其他资产即可赚钱。


您的提款策略会影响您的资金能持续多久。 例如,等到 59.5 岁或更晚才从 IRA 或 401(k) 中取钱意味着可以避免提前取款的处罚。

最好避免在股市下跌时开始提款。 例如,您的退休账户损失 20% 可能会使您的储蓄缩水至 200,000 美元。 这种情况会使您的退休一开始就步履蹒跚,取款会进一步加剧您的损失。

此外,将您的提款与社会保障分配协调起来是有利的,这将补充您的收入。 例如,您可以在 65 岁而不是 62 岁退休,从而将您的社会保障支票提高 24%。

因此,62 岁时每月 2,500 美元的支票在 65 岁时会变成约 3,100 美元。也就是说,您将从社会保障福利中获得超过 7,200 美元的年收入,而不是从退休账户中提取。


SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?

SmartAsset:250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久?


没有人知道他们的退休生活会持续多久。 但假设您将退休至少 20 年通常是安全的。 医疗保健的进步延长了美国人的寿命,这意味着您有可能活得比退休还长。 因此,在您的黄金岁月中量入为出至关重要。


股市从来都不是没有风险的。 因此,您的储备金受经济起伏影响的时间越长,您失去退休金的风险就越大。 通常,建议您在退休时将投资转向保守的一面。 因此,分散您的投资组合是一个绝妙的主意,大量投资于债券、优先股和货币市场基金也是如此。



遵循 4% 规则

将自己限制在每年不超过 4% 的储备金中,通常可以让您的钱持续数十年。 4% 规则意味着指望您的退休基金获得 4% 的年回报率。 因此,您将以平均回报率为 4% 的方式投资 250,000 美元,即 10,000 美元。


另一方面,当您的投资收益下降时,4% 规则就无济于事了。 在市场波动期间,您的储备金将难以产生收益。 这种情况意味着提取 10,000 美元将意味着触及您的本金,这反过来又会降低未来的盈利能力。

所以,如果可以的话,最好不要管钱。 这样做将使您的退休帐户有机会恢复并在未来产生足够的收入。


一旦您了解了您的基本开支,例如食品、住房和交通,您就会知道通过有保障的收入来支付这些开支是多么容易。 例如,您退休后的永久收入来源可能是社会保障、年金和投资财产。 这些加在一起提供了 3,000 美元的月收入。


250,000 美元的退休金能维持多久取决于您的退休开支。 因此,您的住所、生活方式、健康状况和纳税情况将决定您可以将 250,000 美元存入多长时间。 在计划退休时评估您的个人情况至关重要。

退休后收入 250,000 美元的小贴士

管理一个几乎没有错误余地的储备金可能会让人望而生畏。 靠 250,000 美元生活可能意味着在股市下跌时勒紧腰带,但财务顾问可以提供在困难时期最大化收入的提示。 您将获得有关投资在任何经济体中表现良好的低风险资产的指导。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三位为您所在地区服务的经过审查的财务顾问,您可以免费与您的顾问进行面谈,以决定哪一位适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。

了解您的储备金如何影响您的纳税情况可能具有挑战性。 但是,您可以通过在退休后搬到税收友好的州来简化您的税收。


How Long Will $250,000 Last Me in Retirement?


Ashley Kilroy

Fri, June 9, 2023 at 6:05 AM PDT

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?

If $1 million will afford you a comfortable retirement, how far would a quarter of that amount go? It might surprise you to know you can make $250,000 last for decades in retirement. While you’ll need a detailed plan and sufficient Social Security income, it’s possible to leave the workforce with this modest amount. Here are the factors to consider.

A financial advisor can help you create a financial plan for your retirement needs and goals.

Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to 3 fiduciary financial advisors in your area in 5 minutes. Each advisor has been vetted by SmartAsset and is held to a fiduciary standard to act in your best interests.

If you’re ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

How Long Will $250,000 Last in Retirement?

The longevity of $250,000 in your retirement savings depends on several factors: your expenses, investment rate of return and withdrawal strategy. Here’s how to evaluate these aspects when planning for retirement:

Calculate Expenses

The amount of money you spend in retirement determines your ability to live on a specific income. Understanding your lifestyle means you can identify your monthly expenses. So, you can add up your expenditures and weigh them against your income.

For instance, if you paid off your mortgage before retirement and don’t plan on traveling, your budget will be lighter. This situation would leave just property taxes, utilities and repairs for housing costs. On average, these expenses are about $9,000 annually. But costs vary by location.

In addition, your life expectancy is a crucial factor. For instance, if you retire at 67 and expect to live until 80, you’ll have a 13-year retirement. So, you’ll multiply your annual cost of living by 13 to get a rough estimate of your total retirement cost.

However, this figure is less accurate because inflation increases the cost of living every year. You can get more precise by increasing your annual expenses by 3% each year to simulate inflation. For instance, a $40,000 budget would increase to $41,200 the following year and so on. In the 13th year, the equivalent living expenses you started with would cost $58,741.

Next, healthcare expenditures are inevitable in retirement. From Medicare premiums to out-of-pocket costs, you’ll have annual medical expenses. Therefore, experts advise planning to spend 15% of your money on health costs. So, a $250,000 nest egg would designate at least $37,500 for this expense.

Estimate Rate of Return

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?

Your rate of return also influences how long a $250,000 nest egg will last. For example, a 3% return provides $7,500 per year, while a 7% return provides $17,500. This small swing in percentage can provide several more years of income, so maximizing your rate of return is critical. You can do so with the following retirement accounts:

Investing through an individual retirement account (IRA) or 401(k) can provide larger gains. For instance, a portfolio invested in the S&P 500 index has provided an average annual return of 10% since its inception. Assuming 3% inflation and 0.5% management fees, $250,000 can provide $16,250 of income per year. This means you’ll withdraw less of the principal, making your funds last longer.

An annuity can provide guaranteed payments for life after you retire. In other words, you can purchase a contract for $250,000 and this asset will send you a monthly check as long as you live. Buying an annuity for immediate payout decreases your monthly payment. On the other hand, delaying payment will increase it. If you buy the annuity at 45 and retire at 65, you’ll receive $2,475 per month in perpetuity.

Rising interest rates have made bank accounts viable retirement savings vehicles. Specifically, high-yield savings accounts have interest rates of 4%. The benefit is you earn money without risking it in stocks, real estate and other assets.

Pinpoint Withdrawal Strategy

Your withdrawal strategy affects how long your money will last. For example, waiting until age 59.5 or later to withdraw money from an IRA or 401(k) means sidestepping early withdrawal penalties.

It’s best to avoid starting withdrawals when the stock market is down. For example, a 20% loss in your retirement account could shrink your nest egg to $200,000. This situation would start your retirement on the wrong foot and withdrawing money would further compound your losses.

Moreover, it’s advantageous to coordinate your withdrawals with Social Security distributions, which will supplement your income. For example, you can boost your Social Security check by 24% by retiring at 65 instead of 62.

So, a $2,500 monthly check at age 62 would become about $3,100 at 65. That’s over $7,200 of annual income you would receive in Social Security benefits instead of taking it from your retirement account.

Other Factors to Consider

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?

SmartAsset: How long will $250,000 last in retirement?


No one knows how long their retirement will last. But it’s generally safe to assume you’ll be retired for at least 20 years. Advances in medical care have extended Americans’ lifespans, meaning it’s possible to outlive your retirement. Therefore, it’s crucial to live within your means during your golden years.

Market Volatility

The stock market has never been risk-free. So, the longer your nest egg is exposed to the rise and fall of the economy, the more you risk losing retirement money. Generally, it’s recommended to shift your investments to the conservative side in retirement. Therefore, diversifying your portfolio is an excellent idea, as is investing heavily in bonds, preferred stocks and money market funds.

How to Maximize Your Retirement Savings

Stretching your retirement savings as long as possible will help you enjoy a long, comfortable retirement.

Follow the 4% Rule

Limiting yourself to withdrawing no more than 4% of your nest egg per year can often make your money last for decades. The 4% rule means counting on your retirement fund for a 4% annual return. So, you’ll invest $250,000 in a way that provides an average of a 4% return, which is $10,000.

Adjusting Withdrawals

On the other hand, the 4% rule doesn’t help when your investment income drops. During periods of market volatility, your nest egg will struggle to produce gains. This scenario means withdrawing $10,000 would mean touching your principal, which would in turn have less earning power in the future.

So, it’s best to leave the money alone if you can. Doing so will give your retirement account a chance to recover and produce adequate income down the road.

Guarantee the Basics

Once you know your essential expenses, such as food, housing and transportation, you’ll know how easy it is to cover them through a guaranteed income. For example, your permanent income streams in retirement might be Social Security, an annuity and investment property. Together, these provide $3,000 of monthly income.

The Bottom Line

How long $250,000 will last in retirement depends on your retirement expenses. As a result, your location, lifestyle, health status and tax circumstances will dictate how long you can stretch $250,000. It’s vital to evaluate your individual circumstances when planning for retirement.

Tips on Retiring on $250,000

Managing a nest egg with little margin for error can be daunting. Living off of $250,000 can mean tightening your belt when the stock market dips, but a financial advisor can provide tips on maximizing your income in the hard times. You’ll receive guidance on investing in low-risk assets that perform well in any economy. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

Understanding how your nest egg affects your tax situation can be challenging. H
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