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4-9 治心 To Manage Heart

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2023-06-07 1:18 已读 883 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2023-06-05 18:22

佛遗教经目录 Content of Buddha’s Will
1-3 戒渡 Covenant Ark,https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3634039
4-8 治心 To Manage Heart,即本文。
10-17 忍渡 Countenance Ark,未完,待续;18 辞行 Farewell,未完,待续。

4 节制五根 To Restrain Five Roots

汝等比丘!已能住戒,当制五根(注4),勿令放逸,入於五欲。譬如牧羊之人,执杖视之,不令纵逸,犯人苗稼。若纵五根,非唯五欲,将无涯畔,不可制也。亦如恶马,不以辔制,将当牵人墬於阬埳。如被劫贼,苦止一世,五根贼祸,殃及累世,为害甚重,不可不慎,是故智者制而不随,持之如贼,不令纵逸,假令纵之,皆亦不久见其磨灭。此五根者,心为其主,是故汝等,当好制心。心之可畏,甚於毒蛇、恶兽、怨贼、大火越逸,未足喻也。譬如有人,手执蜜器,动转轻躁,但观其蜜,不见深阬。譬如狂象无钩,猿猴得树腾跃踔踯,难可禁制,当急挫之,无令放逸。纵此心者,丧人善事,制之一处,无事不办, 是故比丘,当勤精进,折伏汝心。 You kinds of monks and nuns! Once are capable of dwelling on precepts, should manage the five roots (annotation 4); do not indulge them, like the shepherd Moses, who holds the rod and looks at the flock, does not allow indulgence, transgression to seedling crops. If indulging five roots, not only five desires will lose limits, but also like ferocious horses without bridles, will lead people to fall into mud pit. If robbed by thieves, bitterness ceases in one age, five roots thief disaster, misfortune transmits ages, harmfulness are very serious, one should not be careless; therefore, wiser restrains, does not follow, holds them like thieves, not has them roamed at large, fake commands to indulge them, all of them, very soon, visibly worn out. The five roots, heart is their lord, thus, you kinds of should be good at manage heart. Heart’s fearsomeness is severer than poisonous snakes, ferocious beasts, resentful thieves, even conflagrations at large are not enough to metaphor. Such as, a person holds a honey vessel with hands, moves, and turns impetuously, only sees the honey, can not see the deep pit. People who indulge heart, grieve over the dead, can do nothing but to finishing the benevolent customary; therefore you kinds of work out the one place, nothing is left undone, should diligently advance, tame your own hearts.

注4, 五根是眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、和身根;五根所对应的五尘,即五欲,为色欲、声欲、香欲、味欲、和触欲。 Annotation 4, the Five Roots are eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, and body root; five dusts corresponding to the five roots, that is the Five Desires, are color desire, sound desire, perfume desire, taste desire, and touch desire.

5 饮食贪欲 To Restrain Greed and Eat Properly

汝等僧尼!受诸饮食,当如服药,於好於恶,勿生增减,趣得支身,以除饥渴,如蜂采华,但取其味,不损色香。比丘如是,比丘尼亦尔,受人供养,趣自除恼,无得多求,坏其善心。譬如智者,筹量牛力所堪多少,不令过分,以竭其力。 You kind of monks and nuns! To accept drinks and foods, should take it as medicines, to the good and to the ferocious, should not bear the increasing or decreasing, interestingly take it to sustain the body, getting rid of thirstiness and hunger, like bees picking flowers, but take the taste, does not damage the colors and scents. Monks should take this way, nuns should do the same, accept others commonly feedings, interest to remove own annoyances, should not fetch much, damage their benevolent hearts. Such as wiser, contrive strength of the cow, estimate how much it can bear, do not exhaust it.

6 整治睡眠 To Treat Sleep

汝等僧尼!昼则勤心修习善法,无令失时,初夜後夜,亦勿有废。中夜诵经,以自消息,无以睡眠因缘,令一生空过,无所得也。当念无常之火,烧诸世间,早求自度,勿睡眠也。诸烦恼贼,常伺杀人,甚於怨家,安可睡眠,不自警寤。烦恼毒蛇,睡在汝心,譬如黑蚖,在汝室睡,当以持戒之钩,早摒除之。 You kinds of monks and nuns! Daytime, should diligently study and practice benevolent laws, do not lose on time; evening and after middle night, also should not negate it away. Middle night reciting sutra, so you extinguish sleepiness by your self, not to cause of sleep, have life passed in vain, gain nothing. Should spell that fires of impermanence are burning down the mundane world, pursue self-ferry early, do not sleep. Those annoyance thieves always await to kill people, fiercer than the resentful foes, how can sleep! No self-esteem! Poisonous annoyance snake is sleeping in your heart, like a black lizard sleep in your room, should use hook of holding precepts to get rid of it early.

7 常当惭愧 To Be Shameful and Sinful Often

睡蛇既出,乃可安眠。不出而眠,是无惭人也。惭耻之服(注7),于诸庄严,最为第一。惭如铁钩,能制人非法,是故常当惭愧,无得暂替。若离惭耻,则失诸功德。有愧之人,则有善法;若无愧者,与诸禽兽无相异也。 After ousting sleep snake, you can easefully sleep, not ousting and sleep, shameless! Cloth of shame (annotation 7) is the most No.1 among majesties, like an iron hook, can restrain people from illegal, therefore should be shameful often, do not have it replaced momentarily. Leaving shame, then you lose achievements and virtues. With sin, then have benevolent laws; without sin, has no differences to beasts and fowls.

注7, 插图7-3是埃及《死亡之书》中,判官在称量人心的重量,(或业重),一根羽毛的业重最好,轻了重了都会被旁边的鳄鱼吃掉。心无色,但有名,那心的重量是哪里来的?答:他们称量的是“心衣”,参见14.2节《 烦恼的名https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3469783》。 Annotation 7, Illustration 7-3 is in the Egyptian "Book of Death", the judge is weighing the weight of the human heart, (or karma weight), the karma weight of a feather is the best, if it is too light or too heavy, it will be eaten by the crocodile next to it. The heart is colorless, but a name, so where does the heart weight come from? Answer: What they weigh is "heart’s clothes", see Section 14.2 " Names of Annoyances". 8 不宜嗔愤 Not to Irritate

汝等僧尼!若有人来,节节支解,当自摄心,无令瞋恨,亦当护口,勿出恶言。若纵恚心,即自妨道,失功德利。忍之为德,持戒苦行,所不能及,能行忍者,乃可名为有力大人。若其不能欢喜忍受恶骂之毒,如饮甘露者,不名入智慧人(注8)也,所以者何?瞋恚之害,则破诸善法,坏好名闻,今世後世,人不喜见。当知瞋心,甚於猛火,常当防护,无令得入。劫功德贼,无过瞋恚。白衣受欲,非行道人,无法自制,瞋犹可恕。出家行道,无欲之人,而怀瞋恚,甚不可也。譬如清冷云中,霹雳起火,非所应也。 You kind of monks and nuns, if somebody come and chop you down part by part, should self dictate your own heart, not have it irritated, also guard your own mouth, not to spit ferocious words. if indulge heart of indignity, that is making hindrance on your own path, lose achievements, virtues, and benefits. Virtue of countenance, holding precepts and ascetic migrations can not catch up; capable of behaving in countenance, only then can be called great human with strength. If can not joyfully endure the poison of ferocious curses, like drinking nectar, can not be named as Wonderful Gnosis Entrant (annotation 8), wherein? Harm of irritated indignity, is destroying benevolent laws, ruining good fames, people of this generation and future generations are not glad to see. You kinds should know that irritated heart is fierce than raging fire, should always be guarded against, have it not entered. Thieves who rob achievements and virtues are no more than irritation. White collar people (i.e., nobles) are not path walkers (Path means Path Crux), no laws to self restrain, irritation are passable. Out household, walking on path, desire-less people bosom with irritation and indignity, are very unacceptable, such like lightening causes fire in cold thin clouds, that should not be.

注8, 入智慧人, 即妙觉之人,即佛。 Annotation 8, Wonderful Gnosis Entrant, is a Buddha, is a man or woman with Wonderful Gnostic Enlightenment.

9 治疗憍慢 To Treat Arrogance

汝等僧尼!当自摩头,已舍饰好,著坏色衣,执持应器,以乞自活,自见如是。若起憍慢,当疾灭之。增长憍慢,尚非世俗白衣所宜,何况出家入道之人,为解脱故,自降其身而行乞耶。 You kinds of monks and nuns, should stroke your own head to bless yourselves. Having given up good decorations to wear damaged colors cloths, holding juristic staff to live by begging, you had chosen the type of life. If arrogance rises, should terminate it immediately. Fostering arrogance is not even suitable for mundane white collars, not to mention out-household path walkers, for the sake of liberation, surrender themselves to beg.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_06_08 22:48:24编辑

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