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📖11.3 Twelve Growth Places 十二生长处

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-11-25 23:55 已读 36 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2022-10-27 14:27

Six roots and six dusts are 12 growth places of life tree, are twelve growing points of the plant (refers to illustration). 

🔖 Six Inner Growth Places 六根

The root means “reason”, cause and the ability to produce when they meet suitable environments. The called six inner roots are: (1) eye root, is that who can see colors, because it meets colors, can give birth to eye-senses, so it is called the eye-root. (2) ear root, is that who can hear sounds, because it meets sounds, can produce ear-senses, so it is called ear-root. (3) nose root, is that who can smell fragrance, when nose-root meets fragrance, nose-senses appear, so it is called nose-root.

根是因、能生的意思;以能对境生识,故谓之根。言六根者: 一、眼,能见色者是,以能对色而生眼识,故谓眼根。 二、耳,能听声者是,以能对声而生耳识,故谓耳根。 三、鼻,能嗅香者是,以能对香而生鼻识,故谓鼻根。

(4) tongue root, is the one who can taste the taste, because when it meets suitable environment, is able to perceive the taste and produce tongue-senses, so it is called the root of the tongue. (5) body root, is the capable to perceive touches; when it is touched, can generate body-senses, so it is called as root of the body. (6) intent root, modern psychology calls it preconscious; when it meets laws, intent-senses (i.e., consciousness) appear, so it is called as intent root or “juristic place”. The six inner roots also have alias of “six receptionists”, “six entrants”, “six places”, etc.

四、舌,能尝味者是,以能对味而生舌识,故谓舌根。 五、身,能感触者是,以能对触而生身识,故谓身根。 六、意,能知法者是,以能对法而生意识,故谓意根。 此六根还有六受、六入、六处等名义。

🔖 Six Outer Growth Places 六尘

What contacting the six roots are the six kinds of dusts: color, sound, incense, taste, touch, and law. Dust means contamination, because they can pollute sentient feelings. The sayings of six dusts:

(1) color, refers to what the eye sees, such as bright, dark, etc. substantial hindrances; since it contaminates eye-senses, so it is called color dust. (2) sound, refers to what the ear hears, such as movement, stillness, beauty and evil, etc., because it can pollute the ears, so it is called sound dust. (3) fragrance, refers to what is smelled by the nose, such as a stuffy smell, etc., which can contaminate the root of the nose, so it is called incense dust.

六根所接之尘有六:色、声、香、味、触、法。尘即染污之义,以能染污情识故。言六尘者: 一、色,谓眼所见者,如明暗质碍等,以能染污眼根,故谓色尘。 二、声,谓耳所闻者,如动静美恶等,以能染污耳根,故谓声尘。 三、香,谓鼻所嗅者,如通塞香臭等,以能染污鼻根,故谓香尘。

(4) taste, refers to what the tongue tastes, such as salty, mild, sweet, and pungent, etc., because it can pollute the root of the tongue, so it is called taste dust. (5) touch, refers to the sensations of the body, such as separation, reunion, coldness and warmth, etc., which can pollute the roots of the body, so it is called touch dust. (6) law, refers to what is known by the mind, such as birth and death, good and evil, etc., which can pollute the root of intent (i.e., preconscious), so it is called juristic dust. The six dusts also have the names of six desires, six enterers, six places, six environments, and six thieves, etc.

四、味,谓舌所尝者,如咸淡甘辛等,以能染污舌根,故谓味尘。 五、触,谓身所感者,如离合冷暖等,以能染污身根,故谓触尘。 六、法,谓意所知者,如生灭善恶等,以能染污意根,故谓法尘。 此六尘还有六欲、六入、六处、六境、六贼等名义。


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2022_11_28 21:07:12编辑

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