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📖18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-25 11:11 已读 279 次  



回答: 📘18 墨西哥法典 Mexican Codex 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-17 12:10

风劫的目录 Content of Wind Catastrophe:18.2.0 序言 Preface; 18.2.1翠玉女 Chalchiuhtlicue;18.2.2 小白猪 Little White Peccary;18.2.3 世界第一 Worldly Number One;18.2.4 恩怨情仇 Favor Complain Love and Hate;18.2.5 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open.

18.2.0 序言 Preface

The wind catastrophe says that the golden boy and the jade girl grew up in the wind and rain. The word wind is one of the Four Big Seeds of theism (see section 11.2, “Four Big Seeds”, of the Tree of Life), which means a continuously changing environment. Wind has lightness and movement as its physical nature, the ability to grow as its function, and it also has five causal qualities: birth, dependence, establishment, holding, and nourishment.

18.2.0-1 生命之树几千年才长多两节 The Tree of Life Grows Two New Nodes more after Thousands of Years

Since Uncle Maize unveiled Gold Boy’s eyes, he has become his good friend, often playing with him and telling him stories. One day, Uncle Maize was chatting with his parents. When he saw Gold Boy, he changed the subject, took out some paintings, and said to Gold Boy's father: "I heard that the tree of life used to have only three nodes and grew very slowly; it took thousands of years to grow two new nodes (as shown in Figure"

Gold Boy's mother noticed that Uncle Maize was teasing her child, so she pointed to the upper part of Picture 2 and said to Gold Boy, "Look, really, each tree has only three branches!" Then she asked Uncle Maize, "What does it mean that those two people are hiding in the cave?"

谷伯回答:“传说,我们的祖先本来居住在七个洞穴(如图3),那里是个白色弥漫的地方。据说图2上部和图3中的土代表我们的身体,称作身土。生命之树是个抽象的概念。” 他指着图2下部给金童的母亲和金童,说:“你们看,这两个节是新的!而且开花了!据说生命之树能结五种果实(参见11.6节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4485753);其中的离系果是禁果。这两位天使是在保护着那种离系果。
Uncle Maize replied: "Legend has it that our ancestors originally lived in seven caves (as shown in Figure 3), which was a place filled with white. It is said that the soil in the upper part of Figure 2 and Figure 3 represents our body, which is called Body Soil. The Tree of Life is an abstract concept." He pointed to the mother and the boy in the lower part of Figure 2 and said, "Look, these two nodes are new! And they are blooming! It is said that the Tree of Life can bear five kinds of fruits (cf. section 11.6); among them, the fruit of Off-is is the forbidden fruit. These two angels are protecting that kind of fruit of Off-is.

Note 18.2.1, originally the tree of life had only three nodes, namely, color node, migration node, and sense node; later, people discovered that acceptance and think have a great influence on people, so they picked out acceptance and think from migration node and established two new nodes.

After Uncle Maize left, Gold Boy's mom said to Gold Boy's dad, "Uncle Maize likes our child very much. He always wants to tell him stories and make him laugh. Uncle Maize is an educated man. I heard that he is sent to the capital for training every year. He has even met the Turquoise Prince! What I mean is, when he comes to tell our child stories again, we will listen and remember, and then tell the stories to the child several times more. In that way, Uncle Maize will think that our child is smarter! When the child grows up in the future, with Uncle Maize's help, he may be able to find a job in the county or the capital!" Gold Boy's dad appreciated Gold Boy's mom's idea very much.

18.2.0-2 祖窍(人中)- 大千世界之门 Ancestral Cave- Door to Great-Grand Worlds

一些天后,谷伯带着几幅画,来金童家,在院子里和金童的母亲说:“前些天,我去县长家做客,他家有很多字画,我借了几幅在学校(注,中美洲自古就有全民义务教育制度)里展示,今天顺便带来给小白猪(即金童)看看。上次,咱们谈论 “生命之树几千年才长出两个新节” 的时候,我看他听得可认真了,还不停地想!”
A few days later, Uncle Maize brought a few paintings to Gold Boy's home and said to his mother in the yard: "A few days ago, I visited the county magistrate's home. He had a lot of calligraphy and paintings. I borrowed a few paintings to display in the school (Note: Central America has had a compulsory education system for all people since ancient times). Today, I brought them to Little Peccary (i.e., Gold Boy) to see. Last time, when we talked about "The Tree of Life only grows two new nodes after thousands of years", I saw that he listened very seriously and kept thinking about it!"

After hearing this, Gold Boy's mother said ashamedly: "Brother, you are so careful. I, as a mother, didn't notice it! Then let him see it! I want to see it too!"
Gold Boy and the people in the room looked at the calligraphy and paintings together. Gold Boy's mother pointed to Figure and said: "What is this? Is it also the Tree of Life?"

Uncle Maize said: "It is also a tree of life! Haven't you heard that 'our ancestors came from seven caves in a white place'!?" Gold Boy's mother replied: "I have heard of it, and that place is like this! There are people standing guard at the entrance of the cave!? What are these two people doing below? There are many symbols between them!"

Uncle Maize replied: "That symbol represents breathing (see Figure 5)!"
Gold Boy's father asked: "I don't understand! Is it alive? What kind of monster is it?"

Uncle Maize replied: "I heard that the cave entrance is the monster's mouth (see Figure 3). I also heard that the monster is Tlaloc (see Figure 4, the first Mexican stone statue, unearthed in 1858).
Gold Boy's mother said: "How scary! Our ancestors lived in a monster!? Then they had to ask the monster for permission to go in and out!? "

谷伯看着金童说:“也有人说不是从嘴进出的!而是 ‘人中’(如图6,亦作山根、祖窍;参见13.1.6-0 《中土之门 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336168》)” !说着,谷伯指着自己的人中穴说, “在这儿!” 又对金童妈说:“我可不是那个怪物;我是说,人人都有的 ‘人中穴’。”
Uncle Maize looked at Gold Boy and said, "Some people say that it doesn't come in and out from the mouth! But from the 'Human Middle’ (see Figure 6, also called Mountain Root, Ancestral Cave; see 13.1.6-0 Juristic Door to Middle Earth)!" Then Uncle Maize pointed to his own Human Middle and said, "It's here!" Then he said to Gold Boy's mother, "I'm not that monster. I mean, everyone has the ‘Human Middle'."

18.2.0-3 阿兹特兰 Aztlan

Once upon a time, there was a sun tribe in the east. One day, the king of the tribe, the sun god Ollin Tonatiuh, announced to the world that he would hold an Ollin Movement to recruit a son-in-law. All people and animals could participate; whoever arrived first would be married by the princess Chalchiuhtlicue.

There was a little boy from a place that was all white. His name was Aztlan. He ran very fast. He also wanted to participate in the Ollin Movement, but he didn't know where the Sun Tribe was. One day, he went deep into the mountains to look for the Sun Tribe. He searched many places, but there was no Sun God. He was tired and hungry. Suddenly, he found some psilocybin mushrooms (commonly known as psychedelic mushrooms). He was so hungry that he ate them. After that, he felt like he was dreaming. He was born from a Mayahuel (see figs., 4, 6) vase (see illustration 2) and became the 500th rabbit son of the Maya goddess. After he woke up, he ran very fast. He could run on the grasses, on the water, and jump from one hill to another. Later, he searched the whole world for the Sun God. He really found the Sun Tribe, married the princess Chalchiuhtlicue, and became the king of the Sun Tribe.

谷伯说:“我听说,几年前,青松石王子就发表了与这个故事相同的诏书(参见18.1.4节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4611937)。现在他正在等着那个新的阿兹特兰去娶他的女儿翠玉女呢!”
Uncle Maize said: "I heard that a few years ago, Prince Turquoise issued an edict similar to this story (see section 18.1.4). Now he is waiting for the new Aztlan to marry his daughter Chalchiuhtlicue!"

The boy loved this story so much that people started calling him Aztlan, which means "he who comes from a white place" in Nahuatl.

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贴主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_19 21:14:50编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_20 10:40:04编辑

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