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📘18 太阳石 The Sun Stone

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-17 12:10 已读 533 次  



回答: 📓卢岩回忆录 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:24

本章目录 Catalog of the Chapter:  18.0 前言 Preface

18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe: 18.1.1 貌合神也合 Goddess Appearance; 18.1.2 舍利王求婚 Huitzilopochtli Proposes; 18.1.3 裸体婚礼 Naked Wedding ; 18.1.4 昭告天下 Declaration to the World; 18.1.5 第一颗太阳 The First Sun; 18.1.6 金童 Gold Boy.

18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe: 18.2.1 翠玉女 Chalchiuhtlicue; 18.2.2 小白猪 Little White Peccary; 18.2.3 世界第一 Worldly Number One; 18.2.4 恩怨情仇 Favor Complain Love and Hate; 18.2.5 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open.

18.3 雨劫 Rain Catastrophe: 18.3.1 落难五行山 The Fall of Five Migrations Mountain; 18.3.2 复活石 Resurrection Stone; 18.3.3 王者归来 Return of the King; 18.3.4 地表女神 Earth Surface Goddess; 18.3.5 蛇山 Coatepec; 18.3.6 唤醒墨西哥 Arousing Mexico; 18.3.7 苦尤姬之乱 Coyolxauhqui's Chaos; 18.3.8 邪恶的诱惑 Evil Temptation; 18.3.9 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha.

18.4 水劫 Water Catastrophe: 18.4.1 无字墓碑 Wordless Tombstone; 18.4.2 法云地 Juristic Cloud Heartland; 18.4.3 流通 Circulation.

18.0 前言 Preface

This chapter combines the Sun Stone (Figure 18.0) and takes the creation of Mexico by Huitzilopochtli (around 1245-1320 CE) as an example to discuss God's standard process of creating humans. Figure 18.0 is an iconic cultural relic from the Mexican Museum, showing that the entire process of God's creation of man includes four medium-catastrophes, namely 18.1 Tiger Catastrophe, 18.2 Wind Catastrophe, 18.3 Rain Catastrophe, and 18.4 Water Catastrophe. Each medium catastrophe consists of twenty small catastrophes. One increase and one decrease make it a small catastrophe.

Before the story begins, let’s talk about the cultural background of ancient Mexico. At the beginning of the world, Ometeotl came into the world as a pair, famously known as the Self-Sufficient Man and Self-Sufficient Woman (Tonacateuctli and Tonacacihuatl). The couple gave birth to four sons, Red Tezcatlipoca, Black Tezcatlipoca, White Tezcatlipoca, and Blue Tezcatlipoca, who ruled the east, north, west, and south respectively. Tezcatlipoca in Nahuatl means "smoking obsidian mirror", as shown in Figure 18.0.2-1, 2.

为什么古墨西哥文化中的神都从镜子来命名?因为他们的上帝、金童、和玉女是从神识(即无意识的纯净部分),亚当识(即无意识的污染部分),和夏娃识(即前意识)转化而来的(如图18.0.3-3所示;参见10.9节《上帝的三位一体 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3585244》)。每一位主要的男神和女神代表自己的一部分;研究观看他们,可以理解懂得自己。

Why are the gods in ancient Mexican culture named after mirrors? Because their God, Gold Boy, and Jade Girl are converted from God-sense (i.e., immaculate part of unconsciousness), Adam-sense (i.e., maculate part of unconsciousness), and Eve-sense (i.e., preconsciousness) (as shown in fig. 18.0.2-3; cf. section 10.9 "The Trinity of God"). Each of the major gods and goddesses represents a part of oneself; by studying and viewing them, one can understand him or herself.

According to the legend of ancient Mexico, the Blue Tezcatlipoca that dominates the south is made entirely of bones. It will take 600 years (note, 500 years of which are converted from the catastrophe calendar, that is, the Sun Stone calendar) before it begins to turn yellow, that is, it begins to have Metabolism. 600 years later, Ometeotl sons began to create all things in the world and other gods.

古代墨西哥人认为太阳(神)每天东升西落,经历春夏秋冬、风霜雨雪,损耗很大,需要定期予以补给,需要神和人为之牺牲。如果太阳(神)消失了,从虮子出生的秽血皇族人,和从湿气出生的泥血歌利王等会盛行;人类社会会被腐败、战争、和自然灾害等所毁灭。在墨西哥的传说中,天道轮回往复,太阳(神)奥林·托纳修已经被多次再造。奥林·托纳修即上面插图18.0中央的那张圆脸所示,其纳瓦特尔语的本义为“上前来照耀” 。
Ancient Mexicans believed that the sun (God) rose in the east and set in the west every day. It experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind, frost, rain, and snow, and suffered great losses. It needed to be replenished regularly and required sacrifices by Gods and humans. If the sun (God) disappeared, the filthy-blooded royal people born from nits, and the mud-blooded Song-Profit kings born from moisture, etc., would flourish; and human society would be destroyed by corruption, wars, and natural disasters. In Mexican lore, the godly cycles have been repeated and the sun (God) Ollin Tonatiuh has been reincarnated many times. Ollin Tonatiuh is the round face shown in the center of fig.18.0 above, whose Nahuatl word means "to come forth to shine".


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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

📖18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe - Adam_Luyan (29256 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.1 蔻特鹠鸺 Coatlicue - Adam_Luyan (4730 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.2 王子求婚记 Prince’s Proposal - Adam_Luyan (12635 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.3 裸体婚礼 Naked Wedding - Adam_Luyan (11443 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.4 昭告天下 Declaration to the World - Adam_Luyan (7232 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.5 第一颗太阳 The First Sun - Adam_Luyan (6154 bytes) 04/25/24
18.1.6 金童 Gold Boy - Adam_Luyan (9815 bytes) 04/25/24
📖18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe - Adam_Luyan (29256 bytes) 04/25/24
18.2.1 翠玉女 Chalchiuhtlicue - Adam_Luyan (14806 bytes) 04/25/24
18.2.2 小白猪 Little White Peccary - Adam_Luyan (6409 bytes) 04/25/24
18.2.3 世界第一 Worldly Number One - Adam_Luyan (6084 bytes) 04/25/24
18.2.4 恩怨情仇 Favor Complain Love and Hate - Adam_Luyan (5274 bytes) 04/25/24
18.2.5 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open - Adam_Luyan (7303 bytes) 04/25/24
📖18.3 雨劫 Rain Catastrophe - Adam_Luyan (29256 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.2 复活石 Resurrection Stone - Adam_Luyan (18988 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.3 王者归来 Return of the King - Adam_Luyan (9601 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.4 地表女神 Earth Surface Goddess - Adam_Luyan (8919 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.5 蛇山 Coatepec - Adam_Luyan (7008 bytes) 04/25/24
❌18.3.6 唤醒墨西哥 Arousing Mexico - Adam_Luyan (7101 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.7 苦尤姬之乱 Coyolxauhqui's Chaos - Adam_Luyan (8541 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.8 邪恶的诱惑 Evil Temptation - Adam_Luyan (5156 bytes) 04/25/24
18.3.9 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha - Adam_Luyan (22913 bytes) 04/25/24
📖18.4 水劫 Water Catastrophe - Adam_Luyan (29256 bytes) 04/25/24
18.4.1 无字墓碑 Wordless Tombstone - Adam_Luyan (5756 bytes) 04/25/24
18.4.2 法云地 Juristic Cloud Heartland - Adam_Luyan (7369 bytes) 04/25/24
18.4.3 流通 Circulation - Adam_Luyan (5653 bytes) 04/25/24

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