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送交者: 远山999[♂★★★声望勋衔13★★★♂] 于 2023-12-31 5:43 已读 642 次 2赞  



回答: 十年江湖文学城(一)武林档案三榜首 由 远山999 于 2023-12-31 3:45


In conclusion, Hu Shi’s vibrant aura presented an antithetical aspect to the sentiment of lost hope. He believed that feeling was the soul of literature, moaning without an illness will lead to an early grave and reflect the “tragic voices of a fallen country”. He understood the perils China faced but believed in concerted efforts in changing the culture instead of wallowing in self-pity. In return, Hu laid the foundation for succinct and effervescent simplified Chinese language and literature. On the other hand, hopelessness and strife over traditional Chinese thoughts and practices prevailed throughout Lu Xun’s works, he was “widely considered the finest Chinese writer of his generation.” However, in my opinion, Lu’s cynical and somewhat jaded energy led to his outlook and quest for hope through external sources, yet, hope is something that must be found within.

总而言之,胡适充满活力的气场与(当时中国文学界的)绝望情绪形成了鲜明对比。胡适认为情绪是文学灵魂的体现,(所以)无病呻吟(的文学)只是在自掘坟墓,只是在自弹“亡国悲声”。胡适深知中国面临的危险,但他同时坚信(中国文人)可以齐心协力去改变(当时的中国)文化,而不是顾影自怜。从而胡适为简洁明快的简体中文语言文学奠定了基础。另一方面,鲁迅的作品中充满了对中国传统思想及实践的绝望和抨击,他“被广泛认为是他那一代最优秀的中国作家。” 但是,在我看来,鲁迅愤世嫉俗和略带晦暗的情绪影响了他的世界观,导致了他向外界寻求希望的心态,然而,希望是一种只能在内心深处被发掘的东西。
喜欢远山999朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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Chat GPT吧 (无内容) - yy888 (0 bytes) 12/31/23
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这是考研的题目吧? (无内容) - Vivian32817 (0 bytes) 12/31/23
不好意思! - Vivian32817 (36 bytes) 12/31/23
一大早眼神不好 - 不只拾拾影 (33 bytes) 12/31/23
有那么大的枣啊? - Vivian32817 (102 bytes) 12/31/23
大枣,大枣 - 不只拾拾影 (292 bytes) 12/31/23
神君真是英明! - Vivian32817 (36 bytes) 12/31/23
自个人打自个人 - 不只拾拾影 (36 bytes) 12/31/23
这种状况, - Vivian32817 (36 bytes) 12/31/23
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那我们就谢过神君吧~~~ (无内容) - Vivian32817 (0 bytes) 12/31/23
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你我可能都想错了 - 不只拾拾影 (33 bytes) 12/31/23
(^-^) 不只拾拾影 给 Vivian32817 端上一碟大枣! - 不只拾拾影 (89 bytes) 12/31/23
神君不要生气~~~ - Vivian32817 (63 bytes) 12/31/23
神君何等气量 - 不只拾拾影 (24 bytes) 12/31/23
身份:大学生 - 不只拾拾影 (81 bytes) 12/31/23
除了国籍, - Vivian32817 (105 bytes) 12/31/23
半睡半醒,没看清 - 不只拾拾影 (54 bytes) 12/31/23
你看哈, - Vivian32817 (80 bytes) 12/31/23
财迷 - 不只拾拾影 (30 bytes) 12/31/23
唉,我也没办法啊…… - Vivian32817 (27 bytes) 12/31/23
能理解,不用自咎 - 不只拾拾影 (36 bytes) 12/31/23
这就奇了! - Vivian32817 (48 bytes) 12/31/23
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求引进~~~ (无内容) - Vivian32817 (0 bytes) 12/31/23
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真是惭愧! - Vivian32817 (81 bytes) 12/31/23
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