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刘封比孟达好,没叛变。 刘备看人的眼光,早看出诸葛

送交者: 丁一一[☆★★R99989★★☆] 于 2023-02-08 21:29 已读 3579 次  



回答: 自取应该是取另一个刘家子孙,不是诸葛亮自己称帝。 由 walkalong 于 2023-02-08 15:29


下面这段话,CHATGPT 说的,惊到没?

In words, the emptiness appears to be full
On paper, the heavy seems light as a feather
Two or three lads in blue garments,
sleeves aglow

Their speeches bold,
like Zhuge Liang's commanding show
With calm demeanor, Lu Yu tells his tale
In conversation, scholars laugh,
free from frail Lonely anger finds an ear, someone to hear As the words flow, weightless, yet carrying a sincere.
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