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15.3.5-2 芙蕾雅的愤怒 Freya

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 1:17 已读 162 次  



回答: 15.3.5 众神的黄昏 Twilight of the Gods 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 23:13

插图15.3.5.2-1是芙蕾雅,是雷音创造羊乘教的组织成员之一(如图2),是末娜(即磨牙)的教母。当雷音和弗雷过世后,芙蕾雅就继承了弗雷的工作,继续监护阿尔维斯(即睚眦;如图3)。芙蕾雅发现阿尔维斯在被雷音的 “三个不可饶恕的诅咒” 击中后,存活了下来,而且情绪也恢复正常了,回来找末娜报仇了!来打末娜的屁股!
Illustration is Freya, one of the members of the organization that created the Sheep Vehicle Religion by Thor (Figure 2), and the godmother of Mana (i.e. Tanngrisnir). After Thor and Freyr passed away, Freya inherited Freyr's work and continued to monitor hobbyhorse Alvis (i.e. Tanngnjóstr; Figure 3). Freya discovered that Alvis survived after being hit by Thor's "Three Unforgivable Curses", his emotions returned to normal, and he came back to seek revenge from Mana! To spank Mana!


Freya reported to her goddaughter, Acting King Mana: "Sage Alvis is back from hell! I think we should continue your father Thor's plan of “Sheep Vehicle Religion Creation”, hold the wedding ceremony between you and Alvis!"

Mana (i.e. Tanngrisnir) replied in surprise: "Great that you found him! I heard that the True Dragon Godson is more powerful than any army. Give him an army, so that our one army becomes two!"

Freya immediately became furious and said: "I don't agree with you sending Alvis to the war front at any time in your life! He is your grandfather Odin, your father Thor, Freyr, and I, Freya, it took 600 years (Note 1) for many gods, including you, Mana, to create the Germanic Ancestral Temple. As long as Alvis is here, Thor will exist; Thor exists, the Germanic empire will stand! Odin, Thor, and Freyr all successfully completed their missions and sacrificed their lives for it. If I cannot complete my mission, then I am guilty of my sons, nephews, and many relatives and friends I lost because of this, guilty to the Germanic Empire can not be established, guilty to countless Germanic descendants cannot be born, guilty to the human civilization, which is equivalent to me killing Thor. Mana, you should make a sacrifice to your father Thor, to continuously execute his plan, otherwise I committed the crimes what I deserve.”

Note, among these 600 years, 500 years are converted from the catastrophe of Alvis falling into hell.

Mana was shocked by Freya's fierce reaction and replied: "I think if the throne is handed over to that dumb Alvis, even if the German Empire is established, it will not last long!"

Freya shouted: "I mean you should make sacrifices for your father! Your grandfather Odin is rolling in his grave! One of your father's Thor's feet broke the coffin board and stuck out! I am too old to bear their anger!"

Mana agreed with Freya's statement that she was too old to stand up to quarrels and anger, and replied: "Where is Alves now? I want to visit him."

芙蕾雅心想,“省省你的善心吧!当你听说阿尔维斯回来了,第一件事你想要做的就是如何谋杀他,”回答说:“新郎和新娘在结婚前几天不能见面,老规矩不能变!再说,你以前见过他很多次了;不过阿尔维斯经过地狱的洗礼后,成熟了,更具有魅力了!” 读者当知,阿尔维斯是小矮人的说法,那是文学艺术处理之后的说法;他本人也是金黄的头发,高大英俊。雷音和芙蕾雅在为末娜选丈夫的时候,当然要考虑男方要末娜看着顺眼才行。
Freya thought to herself, "Save your kindness! When you hear that Alvis is back, the first thing you want to do is how to murder him," answering, "The old rule that the bride and groom can't see each other for a few days before the wedding. Besides, you've seen him many times before; but Alvis has matured and become more handsome after his baptism in hell!" Readers should know that the term Alves is a dwarf is a term that has been processed in literature and art; he himself also has golden hairs, is tall and handsome. When Thor and Freya choose a husband for Mana, of course they must consider whether the man will be pleasing to Mana.


芙蕾雅从末娜(磨牙)那里回来后,向阿尔维斯(即睚眦)述说了她自己和末娜的谈话,又对阿尔维斯说:“实际上,雷音用那 ‘三个不可饶恕的诅咒’诅咒了你、末娜、和我,我们三个人。你能和圣鬼搏斗,但当圣鬼袭击末娜的时候,会很快。她只是感觉一股冷流刺进了心脏,就死了。那样,我们就全完了!我求求你,雷音是个好人,别让他杀死他自己的女儿!”
After Freya came back from Mana, she told Alvis about her conversation with Mana, and then said to Alves: "Actually, Thor cursed you with those 'three unforgivable curses’, Mana, and me, the three of us. You can fight the holy ghost, but when the holy ghost attacks Mana, it will be very fast. She just felt a cold current piercing to her heart and died. That way, we are all doomed! I beg you, Thor is a good man, don’t let him kill his own daughter!”

阿尔维斯意识到了芙蕾雅的说法是正确的,放声大哭:“你(雷音)怎么能这么干!”书中交代,阿尔维斯后半生都没能从雷音惨死的悲伤中恢复过来,从而得名 “大悲世尊”。
Alvis realized that Freya's statement is correct and cried loudly: "What have you (i.e. Thor) done!" The book explains that Alvis could not recover from the grief of Thor's tragic death for the rest of his life, hence he gets the fame of “Great Sorrowful Social Honor”.

After careful consideration, Alvis said to Freya: "I think you are right. Thor not only sacrificed for you and me, but he also sacrificed to save the world. Our first priority now the task is to make Thor successfully become God, and my inheritance of the throne is not the first priority. I am willing to use the throne as a gift to propose to Mana."

芙蕾雅回答:“既然你这么说了,我认为可以做些更改。末娜是个很狂傲的女人,如果说 ,‘谁能拔出石中剑,谁就是真正的王者’,可能会让她感觉舒服些!?”
Freya replied: "Since you said so, I think some changes can be made. Mana is a very arrogant woman. If to say, "Whoever can pull out the sword from the stone, who is the real king," it might make her feel better!?”

Alvis agreed.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_05_01 22:07:12编辑

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