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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-23 9:28 已读 1115 次  



回答: 君子固穷。。。我先把人做好。其他都在其次。。。。。 由 尘凡无忧 于 2024-04-23 9:06

I) Gain, based on the juristic differential position in sentient body and mind, three types of attainment are established: seed achievement, self-sufficiency achievement, and performance achievement. Seed achievements are the functions of some laws that are not current but have potential powers. Self-sufficiency achievement means becoming an independent autonomous individual who is self-sufficient in his or her needs. Performance achievement is that seeds are arising presently as bodily orally and intentionally behaviors.

The Gain attained all involve the concept of seeds, what are seeds? The Tree of Life in this chapter talks about the five faculties of one hundred laws, which are one hundred seeds, also known as the Hundred Light Doors. But in Mahayana Buddhism there is a seed of Buddha, the first characteristic of Mahayana Buddhism, that is, the seed that can turn a mortal into a real human, as shown in the second small illustration from left to right in Fig., namely, Bodhi-Heart, also known as Will Ark (see Section 16.1). Illustrations 1 through 22 were drawn by Mexico (i.e., Tlaloc), therefore the author I believe that Mexican Shamanism is equivalent to our Buddhist Oneness Vehicle, also known as Philosopher-Stone Vehicle.

得的圣经用词是凯恩(Cain),也是得义。插图23和24是圣经里的寓言故事,亚当和夏娃的长子凯恩因为妒忌弟弟亚伯(Abel)深受上帝宠爱而杀了他。上帝为此惩罚了凯恩,把他从 “心地法” 流放到了本小节的 “不相应行法” ,还在他的身上做了记号。
The Biblical word for "gain" is Cain, which also means gain. Illustrations 23 and 24 are a Biblical fable in which Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel because he was jealous of his brother's great favor with God. God punished Cain for this by banishing him from the front “Heartland Laws" to the " Noncorresponding Migration Laws" in this subsection and marked his body.

What is Abel? The literal meaning of Abel is conceit, able, is the internal along-thoughts ego of a person; in Chinese culture it is Fortune, also known as Great Strength God, Great God Sky (Fig. in Buddhism, Brahman in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity, Islam, and Ancient Egyptian cultures, Magni in Germanic cultures, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican cultures.

So, what does the fable of Abel being killed by Cain indicate? It shows that Abel can be killed, i.e., that man is not born with this law of internal along-thoughts ego (Abel); this is a fundamental philosophical issue. For example, the eighteenth-century German philosophers Hegel and Karl Marx once debated the existence or non-existence of the internal along-thoughts ego (i.e., Abel) in the mind mechanism! What was the result? Hegel was wrong and Karl Marx was right: Abel does not exist! How is this question viewed in Buddhism? Chinese Buddhism believe this internal along-thoughts ego can be killed, but it is not so harmful that there is no need for the practitioner to kill it. And it is a crime to kill Quetzalcoatl in Mexican Shamanism.

Why does God not like Cain? Because the unconscious (i.e., God-sense) corresponds only to the renunciative acceptance, which is contrary to the nature of gain, fetch, and aggregate, etc.

What mark did God put on Cain? Both Cain and Abel are laws, not men, so the author I think that mark was made on Adam, Flesh Eye Through (cf. chapter 3).
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