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16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-12 21:54 已读 439 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-12 21:45

唐三藏说:“难胜地者,真俗两智行相互违,合令相应极难胜故。” 真智和俗智即无为法和有为法。无为法是无我法,是基于无所有天(即涅槃,如图16.5-2)的法,如佛教百法(参见第11章)中的最后六位是无为法。有为法是我法,是基于转移身见(亦作帝释天,如图14;参见11.节)的法,如佛教百法中的前94位都是有为法。
Tang Tripitaka said: “It is Onerous Heartland that true and mundane the two intelligences are in conflict with each other, merging of them makes them correspond to each other extremely difficult to win." The true intelligence and mundane intelligence are None-As Law and Have-As Law. None-As Law is no I law, which is based on the No Objectively Have Sky (i.e. Nirvana, as shown in Fig. 16.5-2). For example, the last six of the hundred laws in Buddhism (cf. Chapter 11) are the law of None-As. Have-As Law is I law, which is law based on Seth-view (see Fig. 14; cf. section, such as the first 94 of the Buddhist Hundred Laws, all are Have-as laws.

Have-As Law is based on haves, which has the nature of aggregate and fetch. Have is such as have memories, have habits. Causes and fruits not forgotten are haves, such as the 25 haves in Bitter Crux (cf. section 13.4.4). None-As Law is based on nirvana and is based on Empty After All, which has the nature of equality and renunciation, and it is not combinable with haves.

16.5.1 禅渡 Meditation Ark

Fifth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Meditation Ark. Meditation is also known as Pacification, commonly known as Breath Method (see chapter 12), Indian call Yoga, only by Equality-Hold as nature, has three types: Easily Dwell Pacification, Inspiration Pacification, and Working Pacification.

(1) Easily Dwell Pacification, is commonly known as “close eyes to nurture god”, cross-legged sitting, counting breath view, maculate view, four spells dwell, etc.
(2) Inspiration Pacification is to induce hallucinations in meditation, from which Meditator can gain actual experiences of Celestial Eye (Clairvoyance), Celestial Ear (Clairaudience), Celestial Leg (Teleportation), Reading Other Mind (Clairsentience), and “Intellectual Testament Through of Birth and Death”, to understand the principles of Mind Mechanism. Common practice methods of this kind of meditation include Ten Pervasively Places, Lotus Flower View and Thinking, etc.

(3) Working Pacification, this kind of meditation is to use meditation to solve practical problems in life. Such as Meditator uses True Air to heal his or her own body, such as getting rid of rheumatism. And such as confession to eliminate sin, cure mental illness, and practicing Arrival Ark to oust dusts.

16.5.2 于下乘般涅槃障 Hindrance of “Entering Salvation from Lower Lands”.

Fifth land Bodhisattvas break off Hindrances of “Entering Nirvana from Lower Lands”. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, the first quadrant aggregately born have them hate annoyances of births and deaths, and enjoy nirvana, which is like the second Bodhisattvas who are dislike bitter enjoy extinction. This hindrance hinders non-discrimination path of the fifth land. When they enter the fifth land, those hindrances are severed off. Thus, we say fifth land Bodhisattvas cut off the two fools and their roughs and heavies: (1) Fool of making intention against birth and death, which is the one disgusts with births and deaths among this; (2) Fool of making intention to nirvana, which is the one enjoys Nirvana among this.

16.5.3 类无别真如 Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness

Fifth land Bodhisattvas testify Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness. Tang Tripitaka said that the true suchness treats categories not differently, not like eye ear etc. have preferences, treat things differently. Categories, such as we say that there are 18 boundaries in unconsciousness: 6 Root Boundaries, namely eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, intent-root (i.e., preconsciousness); 6 Dust Boundaries, namely, color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law; and 6 Sense Boundaries, namely eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, body-sense, and intent-sense (i.e. consciousness). Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness shows that unconsciousness treats all 18 categories or boundaries equally, without favoring one over another.

To put it another way, Category-Indiscrimination True Suchness treats all sentient beings equally. This equality is absolute. All beings with two legs are equal, equal to those with four legs, equal to those with six legs, equal to those with many legs, equal to those without legs, equal to ghosts, Gods, and Buddhas, equal to birds, beasts, fishes, and insects, equal to flowers, grasses, trees, woods, and equal to mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas.

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