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15.3.5-3 磨牙的觉悟 Enlightenment of Tanngrisnir

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-11 22:34 已读 480 次  



回答: 15.3.5 众神的黄昏 Twilight of the Gods 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-11 18:54

Figure 15.3.5-3 is the opening part of the nude wedding of Tanngnjóstr (Alvis) and Tanngrisnir (Mana) designed by Thor. The three children on the right side of the picture are Mana’s three illegitimate children. At this time, Mana's Valentine Cowboy (right in the picture) arrived and wanted to duel with Tanngnjóstr.

睚眦的伴郎(如图左)对牛郎的到访很气愤,向末娜抗议道:“这是奥林运动会(Ollin Game)的胜利日,冠军代表上帝出来照耀!不是奥林匹克,那种用后脚跟思想的人(运动思维型人)的运动会,牛郎(如图右)没有资格参加这个盛会!”
Tanngnjóstr's best man (left in the picture) was very angry about the Cowboy's visit and protested to Tanngrisnir: " This is the Victorious Day of the Ollin Games. The champions represent God to come forth to shine! It's not the Olympic Games, for the kind of people who think with their heels (i.e. Kinetic Thinking people). Cowboy (pictured on the right) is not qualified to participate in this glorious affair!”

Who is this best man? The author of this article, I believe that Thor made a group of golden boys and finally chose Alvis as Tanngnjóstr. Those golden boys who were not selected became the best men, but they were also Thor's godsons and are the legal brothers of Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir. And among those groomsmen there may be ex-boyfriends of Tanngrisnir. It is said that from then on, Nordic people began to love yellow hair, believing that yellow hair was evidence that they were "not born from God's heels”.


As soon as Tanngrisnir arrived at the wedding venue, he felt thrilling and found that the distinguished guests all brought many entourages. Freya brought thousands of people, occupying one third of the venue. The number of people in Freya's honor guard far exceeded her own. Tanngrisnir realized that this was not just a wedding, it was a Juristic Field designed by his father Thor.

Readers may have questions, if it is a Juristic Field, a solemn and sacred religious ceremony, why does Freya's honor guard have more people than Tanngrisnir, the mother of all living beings? After this religious ceremony, Tanngrisnir became the mother of all living beings. But Freya has become the "Guardian of Godly Cycle”, famously the highest, above all gods and goddesses, even higher than God Thor.


磨牙看见睚眦穿的山羊皮服,意识到了这婚礼也是为爸爸雷音成为上帝的加冕礼,“我在干什么呢!”;给睚眦做出了手势(如图15.3.5-3),“我爸爸的预言是正确的,我确实是他设计的那个山羊磨牙!给我个面子,别杀我三个儿子的父亲!” 磨牙回头指着牛郎说:“这里没你的事,你回你自己的房间,或者喂你的牛去!”
Tanngrisnir saw the goatskin suit that Tanngnjóstr was wearing, realized that this wedding was also the coronation ceremony for his father Thor to become God, "What am I doing!" She gestured to Tanngnjóstr (see fig. 15.3.5-3), "My father's prediction is correct, I am indeed the goat Tanngrisnir who designed by him! Give me a face, don't kill the father of my three sons!" Tanngrisnir turned back, pointed at the Cowboy, and said, "It's none of your business here. You go back to your own room or feed your cows, go! Leave!"

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_12 11:15:01编辑

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