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13.1.2 畜生趣 Livestock interest

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-07 14:30 已读 591 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-07 10:46

Livestock, reckless dull in nature, unable to stand on their own, can only be raised by humans (as shown in Illustration 13.1.2-21), hence the name, such as fowl, beast, fish, insect, etc. Sentient beings who have done ferocious karma and have many fools are inductively born on this path. Among the three evil paths, Livestock interest is path of blood, that is, livestock and the like bite and devour each other. The middle grade of ten ferocities give birth to this interest, here, associating with environment, with heart, and with affair to distinguish the livestock interest.

以要言之,杂从见爱烦恼所发恶业,名为中品十恶,故是畜生因。爱的第一分(参见11.1 法的四分 Juristic Quadrants)是贪,爱烦恼泛指一切思惑(参见14.3《烦恼的数》中的81品思惑)。
1. The middle grade of ferocious environments, are such as killing ghost and livestock, stealing ghosts’ and livestock’s properties, etc.
2. Middle grade of ferocious heart, has annoyances not light, nor is extremely fierce and sharp, etc.
3. Middle grade of ferocious affair, or do it again, repeatedly, etc.
In brief, the evil karma randomly arising from the love vexation is called the ten ferocities of the middle grade and is therefore the cause of the livestock. The first juristic quadrant (see section 11.1) of love is greed, and the love annoyance generalizes to all the mean muddles (see section 14.3 for the significances of mean muddle).

Livestock interests are everywhere, with two legs, four legs, multi legs and legless, moving on land in water and in air, devouring each other. Sentients in this path are foolish, ignorant, and greedy. The variety is extremely numerous, immeasurable, and innumerable, and the approximate categories are summarized here:

First, in terms of form, there are differences among wearing hairs, horns, and scale armor.
Second, in terms of reliant place, there are differences such as moving in water, on land, and in air, etc.
Third, in terms of land, the heavy one is in the soil, the middle one is in the mountains and forests, and the light one is raised by people.

Fourth, as far as day and night are concerned, they are called day walkers, night walkers, and day and night walkers.
Fifth, as far as the strong and the weak are concerned, the strong conquers the weak, drinks blood and eats flesh, devours each other, horribly fearsome in many ways.
Sixth, as far as the lifespans are concerned, their lifespans are uncertain, and those who are extremely long have a catastrophe.

九、就趣报言, 此道遍于六道(即六趣)。
Seventh, as far as superiority and inferiority are concerned, although they belong to side born creatures, due to fortunate virtuous power, they may be dragon kings, lion kings (annotation 1), golden eagle kings, etc.
Eighth, as far as birth is concerned, there are womb birth, egg birth, wet birth, conversion birth, etc.
Ninth, as far as interest compensations are concerned, this path is pervasive in the six paths, which are hell path, livestock path, hungry ghost path, asura path, human path, and sky path.

Annotation 1, these three kinds of beasts are God (alias Godfather, as shown in Figure 13.1.2-2, see section 10.9 Godly Trinity), gold boy (alias Adam), and jade girl (alias Eve). They all had experienced through the Livestock Path catastrophe.

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