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📖7 东北大学 Northeastern University

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-04 13:47 已读 880 次  



回答: (已清空) 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:34

第7章 东北大学 Northeastern University: 7.0 序言; 7.1 调查核实 Verification; 7.2 刘健君其人 Eve Liu; 7.3 初次见面 Blind Date; 7.4 她给我的印象 The Impression of Her 

7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry; 7.5.1 治疗恩怨情仇病 Treatment of Mental Illness; 7.5.2 无所得 No Objective Gain; 7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance; 7.5.4 觉悟的特质 Trait of Conscientiousness; 7.5.5 给舅舅送终 Sending My Uncle Away; 7.5.6 圆满 Perfect Fulfillment; 7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿To Think Where to Go is Arriving There; 7.5.8 神通正等明 Reunion with Correct Equality Light

7.6 她的影响力 Her Influencing Power is Strong; 7.7 无事生非 Making a Fuss out of Nothing; 7.8 你是谁 Who Are You?? 7.9 第三次核实 The Third Verification; 7.10 父母和她吵 Parents Quarrel with Her; 7.11 性格互补 Personality Complementation; 7.12 百变神通 Hundred Godly Transformations

In July 1995, Wang Gang cousin borrowed a bed in the doctoral student dormitory for me. At first, I lived in a north-facing room on the first floor, and my roommate was a police officer from the State Council. Annotation, he is a staff member of the State Council, a police officer in a broad sense. I don’t remember his name, so I call him a State Council Police Officer. This dormitory building has two people per room. Not long after, Cousin Wang Gang told me that the person who occupied my bed was coming back and asked me to live in a south-facing room near the east end of the sixth floor.

Around September, a dormitory neighbor, Teacher Huang’s roommate, kicked in the door of the water room in the middle of the night, causing a partial comminuted fracture of my eyebrow bone. In this way, I met Teacher Huang. He was in his forties and was the vice president of the Shenyang Artillery Academy at the time. He was studying for a doctorate at Northeastern University.

一九九六年一月,王刚表姐对我说:“我听说你和你室友的关系不融洽,他还老是喝点儿小酒。你考研究生他也不帮助帮助你。他读博士改成读硕士了。我把他赶走了。” 我对表姐的作法,感觉奇怪(注解,她是从哪儿听来的?现在看起来,有人在背后蛊动她,操弄),但没说什么。随后,我在一楼时的室友,那个国务院的警察搬进了我的房间。他是材料系纳米材料研究方向的,和黄老师是博士班同学。我知道已经考上研究生了,就开始上课,做实验了。
In January 1996, Wang Gang cousin said to me: "I heard that the relationship between you and your roommate is not harmonious. He always drinks a little. He doesn't help you when you take the postgraduate entrance examination. He was studying for a Ph.D., then changed to study for a master's degree. I drove him away." I felt strange about my cousin's behavior (note, where did she hear this? Now it seems that someone was teasing and manipulating her behind her back), but I didn't say anything. Then my roommate on the first floor, the State Department Police Officer, moved into my room. He is in the field of nanomaterials research in the Department of Materials, and he is a doctoral classmate with Teacher Huang. I knew I had been admitted to graduate school, so I started taking classes and doing experiments.

One day, my roommate (i.e., State Council Police Officer) told me that Teacher Huang liked me and wanted to introduce me a girlfriend. Teacher Huang is a military general, his social status is relatively high. Of course, the class he introduced will also be higher, and he has a scholarly family background; I was very happy to hear that. But it took many days for Teacher Huang to tell me that she was the daughter of the old principal (Annotation, Troupe leader Liu) when their school was founded. At this time, she was a graduate student at China Medical University. He said that if I wanted to look, he would investigate my situation first. I agreed and gave him my personal information.

两周后,在食堂里,黄老师的同学们喊我过去,说:“你是因为打架,才跑到东北大学避难来了!” 我听不懂,感觉气愤,回答:“那也和你们没关系!” 黄老师等人解释。我不记得(前段)他要给我介绍对象,已经同意他调查我的事了。
Two weeks later, in the cafeteria, Teacher Huang's classmates called me over and said, "You came to Northeastern University to seek refuge because of a fight!" I didn't understand and felt angry, so I replied, "That's none of your business!” Teacher Huang and others explained. I didn’t remember (in the previous paragraph) that he wanted to introduce a girlfriend, and I had already agreed to his investigation into my matter.

几天后,黄老师来到我的房间,向我道歉,说介绍对象这事在那种场合说,不合适。他要再次和我核实他调查的情况。他说他委托他的市政府里的朋友打电话到和平房产局。人事股的XXX股长说: “卢岩,我知道,前年他来的时候,是我面试的他。基层对他的表现评价都很好,除了爱打架。有一次,那架打得,都闹到和平区政府里面去了。”
A few days later, Teacher Huang came to my room and apologized to me, saying that it was inappropriate to introduce someone to me in that situation. He wanted to check with me again about the status of his investigation. He said he asked his friend in the mayor’s office to call the Heping Housekeeping Bureau. Personnel Section Chief XXX said: “Luyan, I know! The year before last year, I interviewed him. The grassroots evaluation of his performance is very good, except for his love for fighting. Once, the fight was so intense that it went to the Heping District Government. "

I replied: "I don't know that I like to fight. Maybe because of my loud voice and intense emotions, people thought I was fighting. But I don't remember when I had a fight, let alone the district government."

Teacher Huang said: "It's possible that the Personnel Section Chief XXX of your bureau mistook someone else for you. I want to investigate again."
I agreed.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_23 13:08:33编辑

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

7.1 调查核实 Verification - Adam_Luyan (15559 bytes) 04/05/24
7.2 刘健君 Eve Liu - Adam_Luyan (15638 bytes) 04/05/24
7.3 相亲 Blind Date - Adam_Luyan (14470 bytes) 04/05/24
7.4 刘健君给我的印象 My Impression of Eve Liu - Adam_Luyan (6225 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5 超渡 Transcendently Ferry - Adam_Luyan (10074 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.1 治疗恩怨情仇病 Healing the Mental Illness - Adam_Luyan (12276 bytes) 04/21/24
7.5.2 无所得 No Objective Gain - Adam_Luyan (6474 bytes) 04/18/24
7.5.3 慧伤痴 Gnosis Harms Ignorance - Adam_Luyan (6769 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.4 觉悟的特质 Trait of Conscientiousness - Adam_Luyan (5129 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.5 给舅舅送终 - Adam_Luyan (4327 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.6 圆满 - Adam_Luyan (4082 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.7 想去哪儿去哪儿 - Adam_Luyan (6232 bytes) 04/05/24
7.5.8 神通正等明 - Adam_Luyan (11040 bytes) 04/05/24
7.6 她的影响力强大 - Adam_Luyan (4603 bytes) 04/05/24
7.7 无事生非 - Adam_Luyan (4082 bytes) 04/05/24
7.8 你是谁? - Adam_Luyan (5906 bytes) 04/05/24
7.9 第三次核实 - Adam_Luyan (4722 bytes) 04/05/24
7.10 父母和她吵 - Adam_Luyan (6534 bytes) 04/05/24
7.11 性格互补 - Adam_Luyan (6459 bytes) 04/05/24
7.12 百变神通 - Adam_Luyan (4080 bytes) 04/05/24

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