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15.2.1 世界之脐 Navel of the World

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-06-30 22:11 已读 835 次 2赞  


本文目录 Content of the Section:序言 Preface;15.2.1 世界之脐 Navel of the World;15.2.2 潘多拉的魔盒 Pandora's Box;15.2.3 相亲 Blind Date; 15.2.4 处女怀孕 Virgin Pregnancy;15.2.5欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha;15.2.6 四沙门果 Four Shamanic Fruits.

Combining Greek, Chinese (as in Figures 15.2-4), and Mexican (as in Figures 3 and 5) legends, the Deer Vehicle Religion (as in Figure 1) was created by Zeus. Illustration 3 shows the legend in Chinese culture that the Seven-Color Deer Buddha (Gold Boy, Apollo) is commonwealth-ing “Spiritual Know” to the “North Pole Godfather in Law (Zues)”. So how did Zeus capture the Seven-Color Deer Buddha?

Illustration 3 is a painting by Mexico (Gold Boy, Adam, and Tlaloc) of himself and Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl, Eve) on their wedding night (c. 1325 CE). Mexico is shown with a deer hat indicating that he is the reincarnation of the Seven-Color Deer Buddha. Figure 5 shows that the reason he married Chalchiuhtlicue is because he was shot by the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. Being shot by a goddess, the wound would not heal, leaving Mexico with only two choices, death or surrender; so, Mexico surrendered to Huitzilopochtli (Sun God, father of Chalchiuhtlicue) and married Chalchiuhtlicue. This explains how Zeus became the father-in-law of the Seven-Color Deer Buddha; it was his daughter Artemis (Jade Girl, Eve) who shot the Seven-Color Deer, Actaeon (Gold Boy, Adam), so the two deer pulling the sleigh for Zeus in Figure 1 are his daughter Artemis and son-in-law Actaeon. The three of them form the Trinity of God and, Deer Vehicle Religion.

15.2.1 世界之脐 Navel of the World

在赫西俄德的《神谱》(公元前 730-700 年左右)中,宇宙的最高统治者,克洛诺斯与妹妹瑞亚结婚,生下三个女儿和三个儿子,最小是“智慧的”宙斯。克洛诺斯在孩子出生后立即吞下每个孩子,因为他从父母盖亚和乌拉诺斯那里得到了一个预言,即他自己的一个孩子注定有一天会推翻他,就像他推翻父亲一样。这让瑞亚“悲痛不已” ,怀上第六个孩子宙斯后,瑞亚找到父母盖亚和乌拉诺斯,寻求拯救孩子和报复克洛诺斯的计划。按照父母的指示,瑞亚前往克里特岛的吕克托斯,在那里生下了宙斯,把新生儿交给盖亚抚养,盖亚把他带到埃盖翁山的一个山洞里。瑞亚随后把一块裹在襁褓里的石头当作孩子交给克洛诺斯,克洛诺斯迅速吞下了。
In Hesiod's Theogony (c. 730 – 700 BC), the supreme ruler of the cosmos, Cronus, weds his sister Rhea, by whom he begets three daughters and three sons: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and the youngest, "wise" Zeus. He swallows each child as soon as they are born, having received a prophecy from his parents, Gaia and Uranus, that one of his own children is destined to one day overthrow him as he overthrew his father. This causes Rhea "unceasing grief", and upon becoming pregnant with her sixth child, Zeus, she approaches her parents, Gaia and Uranus, seeking a plan to save her child and bring retribution to Cronus. Following her parents' instructions, she travels to Lyctus in Crete, where she gives birth to Zeus, handing the newborn child over to Gaia for her to raise, and Gaia takes him to a cave on Mount Aegaeon. Rhea then gives to Cronus, in the place of a child, a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he promptly swallows.

根据阿波罗多洛斯的说法,她们用母山羊阿玛尔忒亚的奶喂养宙斯,而库瑞特斯则守卫着山洞,用长矛敲打盾牌,这样克洛诺斯就听不到婴儿的哭声。据说山羊阿玛尔忒亚死后,宙斯还用她的皮做成宙斯盾,那这只山羊是什么?笔者我认为雷音的女儿磨牙(参见15.3人天果)就是一只山羊,而且她的皮就是女人皮,又名 “五百威仪十万八千魅力”,黄金甲(参见16.2节),和宙斯盾是类似的道理。也就是说宙斯的教母阿玛尔忒亚交给了宙斯做神和上帝造人的道理。
According to Apollodorus, they feed Zeus on the milk of a she-goat Amalthea, while the Kouretes guard the cave and beat their spears on their shields so that Cronus cannot hear the infant's crying. It is said that after the death of the goat Amalthea, Zeus used her skin to make the shield of Aegis, so what is this goat? Author, I think that the daughter of Thor, Tanngrisnir (see 15.3) is a goat, and her skin is woman's skin, also known as the "500 Majesties 108,000 Charms”, golden armor (see section 16.2), and the Aegis is similar theories. That is to say that Amalthea, the godmother of Zeus, handed Zeus the rationale for being a god and for God making man.

根据希腊传说,宙斯再也无法忍受头痛,于是让赫菲斯托斯(又名金童、亚当、阿克泰恩、大黑天、七色鹿佛、希腊人)用斧头劈开了他的脑袋,以消除疼痛的根源。宙斯的头颅被劈开后,已经成年的雅典娜(又名玉女、夏娃、阿耳忒弥斯、阿佛洛狄忒)从宙斯的额头上诞生了。读者当知此时的宙斯已经完成了造鹿乘教的设计。古希腊人用 “赫菲斯托斯用斧子劈开了宙斯的头和雅典娜从宙斯的头出生” 来表示宙斯清醒地意识到了制造鹿乘教自己会被雅典娜和赫菲斯托斯这两只拉车的畜生(鹿)杀死。
According to Greek legend, Zeus couldn't stand his headaches any longer and had Hephaestus (aka Gold Boy, Adam, Actaeon, Great Black Sky, Seven-Color Deer Buddha, Greek) split his head open with an axe to remove the source of the pain. When Zeus' skull was cut open, the already adult Athena (aka Jade Girl, Eve, Artemis, Aphrodite) was born from Zeus' forehead. Readers should know that Zeus had already completed the design of the deer vehicle religion at this time. The ancient Greeks used "Hephaestus split Zeus' head with an axe and Athena was born from Zeus' head" to express that Zeus was clearly aware that he would be killed by Athena and Hephaestus, the two beasts (deer) pulling the vehicle, if he made the deer vehicle religion.

Athena is a jade girl, which means that to reincarnate her, it takes jade equal to her weight. Hephaestus is a gold boy, which means that to create him, it takes gold equal to his weight. And the creator must have high political power and religious influence, so Zeus wanted to seek help from his father, Kronos.

根据《神谱》,宙斯成年后,克洛诺斯被迫吐出五个孩子和石头,“这是盖亚的诡计,也是宙斯的本领和力量”,大概是按相反的顺序,先吐出那块被称作 “世界之脐(如图15.2.1-2)”的石头,然后以与吞咽相反的顺序吐出五个孩子。宙斯随后将石头立在德尔斐,以便它可以作为“从此以后的标志和凡人的奇迹”。
According to the Theogony, after Zeus reaches manhood, Cronus is made to disgorge the five children and the stone "by the stratagems of Gaia, but also by the skills and strength of Zeus", presumably in reverse order, first vomiting out the stone (omphalos, see fig. 15.2.1-2), known as the "navel of the world,", then each of the five children in the opposite order to swallowing. Zeus then sets up the stone at Delphi, so that it may act as "a sign thenceforth and a marvel to mortal men".

那块石头象征着什么?石头上刻着许多表示 “金刚杵” 的图案。金刚杵象征着 “法的四分(参见11.1节)”,据说可以击碎任何事物。法的四分也可以折合成为两分,称作名色,名是四无色蕴(即受蕴,想蕴,行蕴,识蕴,参见第11章的五蕴),色是色蕴,所以名色能生一切法,即是一切法,是鹿乘教的法门,也是佛教的第一法门和四胜解之一(参见16.9节)。另外,金刚杵亦作 “金钢降魔杵”,欧洲人称作 “雷霆之杖”,是说如果雅典娜(即玉女,夏娃)和赫菲斯托斯(即金童,亚当)不遵循宙斯的愿望,“金钢降魔杵”会向他们俩射出雷电,杀死他们俩。
What does the stone symbolize? There are many patterns on the stone that represent the "Philosopher-Stone Pestle". The "Pestle" symbolizes the "juristic quadrants” (see Section 11.1), which is said to be able to smash anything. The four quadrants of law can also be folded into two quadrants, called “name and color”. Name is the four colorless nodes (i.e., acceptance node, think node, migration node, and sense node, see the five nodes in chapter 11), and color is the color node. Therefore, “name and color” can generate all laws, that is, all laws. It is the juristic door of the Deer Vehicle Religion, is also the first juristic door of Buddhism and one of the four victorious interpretations (see section 16.9). In addition, the "Philosopher-Stone Pestle" is also called the "Philosopher-Stone Taming-Demon Pestle" and the Europeans call it the "Staff of Thunder". It means that if Athena (the Jade Girl, Eve) and Hephaestus (the Gold Boy, Adam) do not follow Zeus' wishes, the "Pestle" will shoot lightning at them to kill them.

Then begins the Titanomachy, a heated debate between the Olympians, led by Zeus, and the Titans, led by Cronus, over the Deer Vehicle teachings, the selection and cultivation of the Gold Boys and Jade Girls. The debate lasted for several years, Zeus gradually won and gained the honor of God; and Cronus surrendered his scepter, fell into hell. Why did Cronus fall into hell? Well, he'd been grooming his son, Zeus! Yeah! Cronus succeeded in raising his son Zeus to be God; but God, also known as the Sun God, is like the sun, burning, sacrificing himself, 100% to illuminate and benefit others. Can it not be hard for Cronus to watch his son sacrificing himself without reservation!

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