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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-04-03 12:03 已读 1359 次 2赞  



中国有着长达五千年的悠久文明史。 最早的中华文明出现于公元前3000年左右的黄河流域,此后,中国经历了无数个朝代和统一与分裂的时期。 纵观其悠久的历史,中国在哲学、科学、技术、艺术、文学等许多领域都做出了重大贡献。 今天,中国仍然是世界上最古老的文明之一,拥有丰富的文化遗产和不断创新和发展的遗产。

前 1500 年没有物证?
诚然,被称为“夏商周纪年”的中华文明头1500年的物证有限。 这一时期以统治这段时间的三个连续王朝命名,涵盖公元前 2100 年左右至公元前 771 年的时期。

缺乏这一时期的物证是多种因素综合造成的,包括所使用的许多材料的易腐烂性,在某些地区进行的考古工作有限,以及该时期的许多历史记录遭到破坏 战争和政治动荡。

尽管如此,仍有一些证据表明夏商周确实存在,包括甲骨文、青铜器和其他文物,以及晚得多的汉唐时期的历史记录 .

近年来,考古学家取得了一些重大发现,为这一时期提供了新的思路,包括在河南省二里头遗址的发现,据信这里是夏朝的首都,在 河南省安阳地区。








China has a very long civilization history that spans over 5,000 years. The earliest Chinese civilization emerged in the Yellow River basin around 3000 BC, and since then, China has experienced numerous dynasties and periods of unification and division. Throughout its long history, China has made significant contributions to fields such as philosophy, science, technology, art, literature, and many others. Today, China remains one of the world's oldest civilizations, with a rich cultural heritage and a continued legacy of innovation and development.

no material evidence for the first 1500 years?

It is true that there is limited material evidence for the first 1500 years of Chinese civilization, which is known as the "Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology" period. This period is named after the three successive dynasties that ruled during this time, and it covers the period from around 2100 BCE to 771 BCE.

The lack of material evidence from this period is due to a combination of factors, including the perishable nature of many of the materials that were used, the limited archaeological work that has been conducted in some regions, and the destruction of many historical records during periods of war and political upheaval.

Despite this, there is some evidence that suggests that the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties did exist, including inscriptions on oracle bones, bronze vessels, and other artifacts, as well as historical records that were written much later during the Han and Tang dynasties.

In recent years, archaeologists have made significant discoveries that shed new light on this period, including the discovery of the Erlitou site in Henan Province, which is believed to be the capital of the Xia Dynasty, and the uncovering of numerous Shang Dynasty tombs in the Anyang region of Henan Province.

贴主:nowhere1于2023_04_05 10:11:12编辑
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