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Rule, Britannia

送交者: 万灵[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2022-09-08 21:13 已读 848 次  



When Britain fi-i-irst, at heaven's command,Aro-o-o-ose from out the a-a-a-zure main,Arose, arose, arose from out the a-azure main,This was the charter, the charter of the land,And guardian A-a-angels sang this strain:[Rule Britannia!Britannia rule the wavesBritons never, never, never shall be slaves.]

The nations, no-o-o-o-ot so blest as thee,Must i-i-i-i-in their turn, to ty-y--yrants fall,Must in, must in, must in their turn, to ty-y-rants fall,While thou shalt flourish, shalt flourish great and free,The dread and e-e-e-e-nvy of them all.[Rule Britannia!Britannia rule the waves.Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.]

Still more maje-e-estic shalt thou rise,More dre-e-e-e-eadful from each foreign stroke,More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke,As the loud blast, loud blast that tears the skiesServes but to ro-o-o-ot thy native oak.[Rule, Britannia!Britannia, rule the waves.Britons never, never, never will be slaves.]

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