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英雄辈出的国土 --- 川普2020(中英对照) 北美保守

送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2020-05-23 17:37 已读 404 次  


评论  2 days ago

( 翻译:Joanne )

美国是英雄辈出的国土, 伟大在这里诞生,命运在这里创造,传奇在这里实现。

America is the land of heroes,a place where greatness is born,destinys are forged,and where legends come to life.

这里是托马斯. 爱迪生和特底.罗斯福的家乡。是很多包括华盛顿、潘兴(译者注:John Pershing 1860年9月13日-1948年6月15日,第一次世界大战时任美国远征军总司令、军事家、陆军特级上将)、巴顿和麦克阿瑟在内伟大的将军的家乡。

This is the home of Thomas Edison and Teddy Roosevelt ,of many great generals including Washington, Pershing, Patton and MacArthur.

这里是亚伯拉罕. 林肯、弗里德里希. 道格拉斯、阿梅里亚.玛丽.艾尔哈特(译者注:1897年7月24日-1937年7月2日,一位美国女性飞行员和女权运动者)、塔布曼和莱特兄弟、尼尔. 阿姆斯特朗和很多伟人的家乡。

This is the home of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Tubman and the Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong and so many more.

在这个国家,孩子们知道了如下伟人的故事: 怀亚特·厄普(译者注:1848年3月19日至1929年1月13日作为西方的律师,枪手和拳击裁判而闻名)、戴维·克罗基特(译者注:1786年3月17日-1836年3月6日,美国政治家和战斗英雄。他曾当选代表田纳西州西部的众议员,因参与德克萨斯独立运动中的阿拉莫战役而战死)和安妮·奥克利(译者注:1860年8月13日-1926年11月3日)是十九世纪闻名美国西部的女神枪手);这里是天路客登陆的地方;这里是德克萨斯爱国者最后在阿拉莫坚守阵地的地方。

This is the country where our children learn the names like Wyatt Earp, Davy Crockett and Annie Oakley. This is the place where pilgrims landed at Plymouth and where Taxes Patriots made their last stand at Alamo.


The American nation is carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest, strongest, fiercest and the most determined men and women ever to walk on the face of the Earth.


Our ancestors braved the unknown, tamed the wilderness, settled the Wild West,lifted millions from poverty, disease and hunger, vanquished tyranny and Fascism, and shoot the world to the new highs of science and medicine, laid down the railroads, dug out the canals, raised up the skyscrapers.


Our ancestors built the most exceptional Republic ever to exist in all of human history, and we are making it greater than ever before.


This is our glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the path finders. We settled the new world. We built up a modern world, and we change history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of our almighty God.


America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. At here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true. This nation is our canvas,and this country is our masterpiece. We look at it tomorrow, and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored.


Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most shrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made.


The American age, the American epics, the American adventure has only just begun.


Our spirit is still young. The sun is still rising. God’s grace is still shining. And my fellow Americans the best yet to come
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