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送交者: 野山鹿鳴[♂☆★★星辰大海遠方★★☆♂] 于 2024-10-16 12:34 已读 425 次 12赞  





美國樂壇著名女歌手, 羅伯塔·佛萊克,(Roberta Flack)是一位在美國樂壇,极具影响力的歌手、钢琴家和歌的词曲作者,她以其深情的声音,和情感丰富的演绎风格,闻名於世。


她在美國首都华盛顿特区的Howard University学习音乐,之后在公立学校當老師, 教授音乐。她在教书的同时,晚上会到当地的夜总会演出。

她的职业生涯转折点,就发生在一次演出中,当时音乐制作人 Joel Dorn ,听了她的演唱,對她的音樂才華非常欣賞, 最终导致她与Atlantic Records 公司签约。

上個世紀七十年代初期,佛萊克在音樂事業上,获得了極大成功。她的突破性专辑【First Take】(1969年发布)包含了经典流行歌曲【The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face】。 这首歌在1972年,获得了格莱美年度歌曲奖。

之后,她又与歌手Donny Hathaway合作,推出了一系列深受欢迎的歌曲,如【Where Is the Love】和【The Closer I Get to You】。

歌曲“ 用他的歌,溫柔地殺死我 ”【Killing Me Softly With His Song】,是佛萊克最著名的作品之一,也是她的成名曲。 這首歌於1973年发行,该曲為她赢得了1974年的格莱美【年度最佳记录】大獎,是她音樂生涯中的代表作。

除了她的音乐成就,佛萊克還以其積極參與慈善事業,和对音乐教育的深入投入而闻名。她活跃于音乐界多年,对R&B、灵魂音乐和流行音乐, 都产生了深远影响。


在她的职业生涯中,佛萊克赢得過多个格莱美奖,并且她的音乐受到新一代歌手,和音乐制作人的尊敬与模仿。她的歌聲不仅影响了她的同辈,还影响了后来的艺术家,如Lauryn Hill和Alicia Keys等。



對於這樣一位為我們帶來快樂和音樂享受的藝術家前輩, 我們只能在心裡, 默默地祝她健康長壽。


這篇文章原本計畫遲一些發表, 因為網友金色加州希望介紹一下,【Killing Me Softly With His Song】這首歌, 而且提供了一個鏈接視頻,是由另一位美國音樂界傳奇, 布朗克 辛納特拉演唱的。 所以就把這篇文章, 提前發表。

據我的膚淺了解, 布朗克 辛納特拉沒有因為商業目的, 錄製過這首歌, 但是在其它場合, 唱這首歌, 被人錄製下來, 流傳於世, 在美國音樂界, 也是經常發生的, 不知這個解釋是否正確。

在這個視頻中, 布朗克對這首歌的歌詞,進行了響應的改動, 更加適合他的身分, 也是一個非常經典的演唱作品

正因為如此, 網友金色加州提供的這個視頻, 就更加珍貴, 豐富了 布朗克的音樂寶庫, 所以今天也把金色加州網友提供的視頻, 並列於下, 供大家欣賞。

如果觀看視頻有困難, 按 Watch on YouTube 就可正常觀看, 謝謝,

金色加州朋友提供的視頻, 謝謝,


Killing me softly with his song  歌詞

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

This is Wyclef, Refugee Camp (L-Boogie up in here)
Praswell (Praswell up in here, haha)
Lil' Base sittin' up here on the bass (Refugees up in here)
While I'm on this, I got my girl L (ah, ah)
One time (one time), one time (one time)
Ayo, L, you know you got the lyrics

I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him, and listen for a while
And there he was, this young boy, stranger to my eyes

Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time)
Singing my life with his words (two times, two times)
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he'd found my letters and read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish, but he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time)
Singing my life with his words (two times, two times)
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

Yo, L-Boog, take me to the bridge

Woah-oah-ah-ah-ah uh, uh
La-la-la, la, la, la
Whoa, la
Whoa, la (ha, ha, ha, ha)

Strumming my pain with his fingers (yes, he was singing my life)
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words (whole life, with his words)
Killing me softly with his song

Yo, put your hands together for L-Boogie (strumming my pain)
From the Refugee Camp (yeah, yeah)
(Singing my life) up in here, you know how we do, L-Boogie up in here
Wyclef, Praswell, said L-Boogie up in here
Wyclef up in here
My man Lil' Base (Praswell up in here)
Jerry one time
T Rocks up in here, we got Warren up in here
This is how we (Warren up, up in here, Outsiders up here)
We got Fallon up in here, Mulaney, Mulaney's up in here
(Refugee Camp, Refugee Camp, yeah)

Everybody got a breakin' point kid
And they'll rat on you
The family niggas will rat on you
That's why we gotta be prepared to take whoever out we need to

感謝您的收看, 野山鹿鳴致敬禮,

贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 12:41:52编辑

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贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 12:46:51编辑

贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 12:55:01编辑

贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 13:03:48编辑

贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 13:24:20编辑
贴主:野山鹿鳴于2024_10_16 13:26:04编辑
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