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谢童心兄, 但惹恼他的不是我语言不委婉, 而是友人的善意评论,

送交者: 牟山雁[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-27 16:38 已读 296 次 1赞  



回答: 本来不想发言的,但我不希望误会在两个版蔓延造成不良影响,特此把我 由 熠熠童心 于 2024-04-27 15:52

特贴于此供大家参考, 看到底是我惹事还是他小肚鸡肠:
To me, it comes down to the question of what is prioritized in a translation: meaning or parallelism. In the translation of the Jia Dao poem, the final line's addition--"tell me a clue"--just for the sake of rhyme, distorts the original by adding words not in the original (which simply asks a question there). Forcing parallelism just to match the meter and/or rhyme of the original, risks changing meaning; to me, we owe the author an obligation to try to be as accurate as possible in transmitting the original writer's words, while expressing them in an accessible version of the translator's target language.
本来他拿我的诗撞韵说事,我告诉他我不在乎, 他以为他赢了, 开始说风凉话,极尽挖苦. 我一质问他, 他就把我的话删了, 并拉黑我, 而且与时间晚根本无关, 因为第二天他还是拉黑我,拒绝对话. 我唯一说过的"过分"的话是"他小肚鸡肠满口野狐禅英文还以为自己是根葱", 很快就被荒山兄删了. 就像我对你说过的,我没有进一步揭他英语底根的打算,他毕竟跟我一样是大学教授,需要威望,除非他继续攻击我.
喜欢牟山雁朋友的这个贴子的话, 请点这里投票,“赞”助支持!


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