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📖8 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-27 9:26 已读 230 次  



回答: 📓卢岩回忆录 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:24

第8章 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open: 8.1 说我是他儿子 Saying I'm His Son; 8.2 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open; 8.3 刘团长的计划 Troupe Leader Liu’s plan; 8.4 大惊失色 I was Shocked; 8.5 室友帮我分析 Roommate Helps Me Analyze; 8.6 郑重的告别 Solemn Farewell; 8.7 出故事的人 The Person Who Produces Stories; 8.8 闹鬼了 It’s Haunted; 8.9 给色狼戴上墨镜 To Put Sunglasses on the Pervert; 8.10 科学家的特质 Traits of a Scientist

8.1 说我是他儿子Said I was His Son.

One day, I met Teacher Huang in the park of Northeastern University, and we talked about Eve Liu. Teacher Huang said that since I broke up with her, their family has been fighting because of me. When Eve Liu has a boyfriend, the fight is suspended; when she doesn't have a boyfriend, her parents take turns fighting with her.

I felt strange and asked: "Why do they take turns fighting with their daughter?"
Teacher Huang said: "She is alone in the United States, and her parents are afraid of upsetting their precious daughter. If she is alone abroad, her parents will fight with her, and she will be even more helpless."

I asked: “That's what happened! Why do they always talk about me when they fight?”
Teacher Huang said: "Her parents like you. Her father said that you are his son. I have heard him say that several times."

I felt it didn't make sense and asked: "We only have this little relationship; how come I became his son?"
Teacher Huang replied: "You don't know that her parents always talk to me on the phone. No matter what happens, we chat on the phone. In the past six months, we have spent most of the time chatting about you. Let's put it this way, this half year twice a week, we chat about you until two o’clock midnight.”

黄老师说:“唉!老头子老太太就在家想,什么时候想起什么来了,就给我打电话。而且,每次我们通话,他们就问,卢岩忙什么呢? 你又遇见他没?像这我今天遇见你。那老头子就问,他在看见你之前在干什么,你们说过什么话,说话时是什么表情。说完话之后他又去干什么了,什么表情。”
I felt ridiculous, so I said: "We don't have much contact, how can you come up with so many topics?"
Teacher Huang said: "Oh! The old man and the old lady were just thinking at home. Whenever they remembered something, they called me. Moreover, every time we talked, they asked, what is Luyan busy with? Have you met him again? Like this, I met you today. The old man will ask, what was he doing before he saw you, what words you said, and what was his expression when he said it. What did he do after he said that, and what was his expression."

黄老师说:“啊!你没见过他们;他们见过你。他们特意来这儿看过你;我安排的。我知道你的活动规律。我们等在一边看你。看见你的时候,那个开心呐!她爸指着你对我说, ‘你看!这就是我儿子!’ 这老两口笑得,都直不起腰来了!”
I felt incredible and said: "It's so detailed! That's not right! We have never met; how could he imagine me! There is no specific target image!"
Teacher Huang said: "Ah! You haven't seen them; they have seen you. They came here specially to see you; I arranged it. I know your activity pattern. We waited there to see you. When he saw you, so happy! Her dad pointed at you and said to me, 'Look! This is my son!' The old couple laughed so hard that they couldn't even straighten their backs!"

I asked: "When?"
Teacher Huang said: "You don't know! These old couple were so happy when they saw you! They couldn't stop looking at you, and they couldn't stop laughing. The old man said, "That's my son (cf. section 7.12 “Hundred Godly Transformations”)."

I said: "Oops! This old man is sick from looking forward to his son-in-law."
Teacher Huang said: "Certainly I understood! But the old man is not sick, he just likes you! I could tell at the time that the old man was happy from the bottom of his heart. What say you? Eve Liu took TOEFL and GRE exams, got full scholarship to the United States to study for her PHD, is this laughable affair or not?"

I replied: "That's ‘turquoise smoke rises from ancestral grave (see fig. 8.1; cf. section 2.7 Nude Wedding)’ to everyone! It's not just a matter of money, it's an honor in life!"
Teacher Huang said: "Exactly! I have been with her father for more than 20 years, as if he were my biological father. I can tell: the old man is also happy about Eve Liu’s achievement, but he is not happy from the bottom of his heart.”

I asked: "How! Then what's the reason?"
Teacher Huang said: "I also pondered over it, but I didn't get it! Since Eve Liu twenty more years old began to look for boyfriend to fall in love, the old man has been like this, always as if there is something on his mind. He does not tell me; I can not ask."

黄老师低着头想了想说:“应该是,但我说不准。” 他沉默了一会儿又说:“那时,老公姆俩看着你笑,我也跟着笑哇,但是我心里可难受了。”
I asked: "Is it because Eve Liu has been unsuccessful in finding a boyfriend?"
Teacher Huang lowered his head and thought for a moment: "It should be, but I can't say." He was silent for a while and said, "At that time, the old couple looked at you and was laughing, I also followed the laugh, but my heart was difficult."

I asked: “How is that?”
Teacher Huang replied: "That's me! These years have been introduced boyfriends to Eve Liu; besides, why does the old man like you?"

I asked: "Why?"
Teacher Huang said: "Whatever the old man knows about you, he heard them from me! It is me who likes you!”
Afterwards, I thought about this conversation many times, and every time I was very sad: They say that parents in the world are pitiful, and I have really seen it; Eve Liu has a good father!

2 婚姻撮合 Marriage Matchmaking

One day, I met Teacher Huang and several others in the corridor at the door of the dormitory. He learned that I didn't have a girlfriend yet and said: "In the United States, Eve Liu has two weeks of free time in her course schedule. She is going back to China to visit relatives and she doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Are you willing to talk to her?"
I asked: "How long does it take for her to study for a PhD?"

Teacher Huang replied: "I am not sure; it usually takes two or three years."
I thought, if I fall in love with her, I don’t know what she is doing in the United States, but at Northeastern University, Teacher Huang and others helped her watch me for two or three years; if the marriage failed, I was delayed, and I suffered a big loss. I said: "It's only two weeks, and if we have a half-baked relationship, we are far apart. Then it will take at least two or three years for me and her to fall in love, and the possibility of success is low. People in the United States are well-informed. Look at me, a local." Can she get used to seeing roe deer? I don’t think it’s suitable.”

Teacher Huang said: "Finding a good partner requires a lot of effort."
I said: "I heard that it usually takes five or six months from falling in love to getting married. I'm already 27 years old, so I'm very average. I just want to be like that, without high expectations."

Teacher Huang and the assistant teacher said something to each other, and then said to me: "If not, if you meet her in the name of a class reunion, it will also be an opportunity to find a girlfriend."
I remembered the first time Eve Liu and I met, and I felt uncomfortable all over. If met with Eve Liu and her classmates again, I would be embarrassed, so I said, "No, we don't need to meet."

Teacher Huang said: "It's hard to find a suitable partner. Think again."
I said: "I can't think of any use. I'm an older young man; the purpose of falling in love is to get married."

3 黄老师的哀伤 Teacher Huang's Mourning

One day, Teacher Huang and I were chatting in front of the building and talked about Eve Liu; he complained to me about her as if I were her husband. He also said that he used to be a conscript from the countryside, and that Troupe Leader Liu had nurtured and promoted him to the present day and had never asked him for anything other than to introduce Eve Liu boyfriend (annotation 3). He was at a loss for words, saying that I was the only one who could help him.

I felt incredulous at his words and said: "How can you beg me for this? I'm marrying her to help a person, that's what's going on!"
He said hopelessly: "I know, I know very well that I ought not to have said that to you; I am really at my wit's end!"

Annotation 8.1-3. At that time, Teacher Huang himself already knew: He, me, and Eve Liu, all three of us would be cursed by Troupe Leader Liu with the curse of “Die with Eyes Open” (cf. the next section 8.2). I estimate that he passed away around 2004, around the age of 50. Now, when I recall this incident, I feel confused and at a loss what to do.

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贴主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_04 13:35:17编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_04 13:55:16编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_06 9:49:21编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_27 10:27:23编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_27 20:32:26编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_28 16:24:01编辑

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所有跟帖:   ( 主贴楼主有权删除不文明回复,拉黑不受欢迎的用户 )

8.2 死不瞑目 - Adam_Luyan (6712 bytes) 04/28/24
8.3 刘团长的计划 - Adam_Luyan (13657 bytes) 04/28/24
8.4 大惊失色 - Adam_Luyan (7750 bytes) 04/28/24
8.5 室友帮我分析 - Adam_Luyan (7317 bytes) 04/28/24
8.6 免死金牌 - Adam_Luyan (5026 bytes) 04/28/24
8.7 出故事的人 - Adam_Luyan (9749 bytes) 04/28/24
8.8 闹鬼了 - Adam_Luyan (4362 bytes) 04/28/24
8.9 给色狼戴上墨镜 - Adam_Luyan (4790 bytes) 04/28/24
8.10 科学家的特质 - Adam_Luyan (20204 bytes) 04/28/24

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