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📘17 佛经翻译 Buddhist Scripture Translation

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-17 12:13 已读 598 次  



回答: 📓卢岩回忆录 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-04 9:24

17 佛经翻译 Buddhist Scripture Translation:  17.1 心经 Heart Sutra

17.2-17.2.5 金刚经 Diamond Sutra; 17.2.6-17.2.9 正信希有 Faith to Have; 17.2.10-17.2.13 庄严净土 To Make Immaculate Soil Majestic; 17.2.14 二问 Second Ask; 17.2.15-17.2.16 持经功德 Virtuous Merits of Holding the Sutra; 7.2.17-17.2.19 三问 Third Ask; 17.2.20-17.2.25 法界通分 One Same Juristic Boundary; 17.2.26-17.2.32 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena

17.3 佛遗教经 Buddha’s Will

📖17.1 心经 Heart Sutra

When a View-Sufficient Bodhisattva was practicing advanced Gnostic Arrival Ark, illuminated five nodes all empty, transcendingly ferried (see illustration 171.1) over all bitter annoyances. Godson! Color isn’t different from empty; empty isn’t different from color. Color is a kind of empty; empty is a kind of color. Acceptance, think, migration, and sense are also like this.

Annotation 1, Bodhisattva in Sanskrit means Real Human. The Sanskrit word Prajnaparamita means Gnosis to another shore; this book translates it as Gnostic Arrival Ark, Gnostic Ark, or Arrival Ark. Prajna in Sanskrit means Gnosis. The word Arrival’s French root, a-river, means to cross a river, to another shore, therefore, English word Arrival matches Sanskrit word paramita.

Annotation 2, The five nodes are color node, acceptance node, think node, migration node, and sense node, see section 11.4 Five Nodes. Buddhist word Color means Transformation and Hindrance.

Godson! All laws are empty phenomena, weren’t born, so won’t die, neither maculate nor immaculate, neither increase nor decrease; therefore, there isn’t color in empty, there aren’t acceptance think migration and sense, aren’t eye-sense ear-sense, nose-sense tongue-sense body-sense and intent (intent represents preconsciousness in Buddhism), aren’t color sound smell taste touch and law, aren’t eye-boundary, up to unconscious-boundary, neither non-light (i.e., ignorance) nor end of non-light, up to neither old-death nor end of old death. There isn’t bitter crux, aggregate crux, salvation crux, and path crux (3), neither intelligence nor gain. Because of not objectively gain, because enlightened sentient-being depends on Gnostic Arrival Ark, heart without hindrances. Because of no hindrances, no fear, leaving upside-down pipedreams afar, he or she finalizes nirvana.

Annotation 3, bitter crux, aggregate crux, salvation crux, and path crux, see chapter 13 to 16.

Past present and future all Buddhas, because of depending on Gnostic Arrival Ark, gain “Non-upper Correct-equality Correct-enlightenment”! Therefore, one knows, Gnostic Arrival Ark is great god spell, is great enlightenment spell, is non-upper spell, is non-equality equality spell, is capable to remove all bitter, real facts, nothing fraud; therefore, the Gnostic Arrival Ark spell is spoken!
Immediately said the spells: Discovered truth discovered truth! Arrival discovered truth! Enlightened monk and nun discovered truth! Enlightened layman and laywoman discovered truth!

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_30 20:26:26编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_30 20:37:01编辑

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17.2 金刚经 Diamond Sutra - Adam_Luyan (9558 bytes) 04/27/24
17.2.6-17.2.9 正信希有 Faith to Have - Adam_Luyan (16450 bytes) 04/27/24
17.2.14 二问 Second Ask - Adam_Luyan (13441 bytes) 04/27/24
17.2.17-17.2.19 三问 Third Ask - Adam_Luyan (16559 bytes) 04/27/24
17.2.26-32 法身非相 Juristic Body isn’t Phenomena - Adam_Luyan (12481 bytes) 04/27/24
17.3 佛遗教经 Buddha’s Will - Adam_Luyan (28168 bytes) 04/27/24

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