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送交者: 大号蚂蚁[☆★★我佛慈悲★★☆] 于 2024-04-08 20:56 已读 5542 次  


今天有幸目睹了日全蚀(solar eclipse)的过程,当日全蚀发生的一分钟左右时间,室内暗如夜晚,窗外亮如满月,真有日夜颠倒、世界末日的感觉。



JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon revealed that geopolitical events might be creating an economic environment that 'may very well be creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.'


US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen concluded four days of negotiations in China with a warning to the country's banks and exporters. If they help strengthen Russia's military potential, Washington will come after them, according to Bloomberg.

“I stressed that companies, including those in the PRC, must not provide material support for Russia’s war, and that they will face significant consequences if they do,” said Yellen's statement prepared for a press conference at the US ambassador's residence in Beijing.
贴主:大号蚂蚁于2024_04_13 8:23:04编辑
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