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再欣赏Sinéad O'Connor (RIP) 演唱的一个传统爱尔兰情歌

送交者: 学习不是很好[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2023-08-04 8:42 已读 1459 次 3赞  


He moved through the fair - 他走过集市。爱尔兰民歌和我国的西北民歌在曲调风格及所表达的情感上均有些可比之处。

Sinéad O'Connor (RIP) : He moved through the fair

My own love said to me
"My mother won't mind.
And my daughters won't slight you
For your lack of kind".
He went away from me
And this he did say
"It will not be long, Love,
Till our wedding day"
He went away from me
And he moved through the fair
And slowly I watched him
Move here and move there
He went his way homeward
With one star awake
As this swan in the evening
Moves over the lake
I dreamed last night
That my own love came in
He came in so sweetly
His feet made no din
He came close beside me
And this he did say
"It will not be long Love
Till our wedding day"
It will not be long love
Long love
Long love
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