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送交者: yanziaz[♀★★★★声望勋衔18★★★★♀] 于 2022-09-23 14:20 已读 2879 次  



回答: 🐛中国芹菜上迷惑你的绿虫子&黑色燕尾蝶 由 jmz666 于 2022-09-23 11:21


The greater angle-wing (Microcentrum rhombifolium) is a leaf mimic katydid.

Katydids are a large group of insects in the order Orthoptera, related to grasshoppers and crickets. Some katydids have been called long-horned grasshoppers because of their long and slender shape, but actually katydids are more closely related to crickets than to any type of grasshopper. There are about 6,400 species worldwide, with the greatest diversity in the tropics. Their classification is not well established, with taxonomists differing in their classification schemes. Most North American species are placed in the family Tettigoniidae and divided among seven to ten subfamilies. The main groups of commonly encountered katydids include the true katydids (Pseudophyllinae), false katydids (Phaneropterinae), shield-backed katydids (Tettigoniinae – but sometimes divided into three subfamilies), meadow katydids (Conocephalinae) and coneheaded katydids (Copiphorinae, but sometimes these are included with the meadow katydids). There are about 255 species in North American and 20 species in the Midwest.
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